What Is The Purple Heart Trail

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The purpose of the Purple Heart Trail is to create a symbolic and honorary system of roads, highways, bridges, and other monuments that give tribute to the men and women who have been awarded the Purple Heart medal.

The Purple Heart Trail accomplishes this honorary goal by creating a visual reminder to those who use the road system that others have paid a high price for their freedom to travel and live in a free society. Signs placed at various locations annotate those roads and highways where legislation has been passed to designate parts of the national road system as The Purple Heart Trail. The actual format and design of the signs varies from state to state. There are currently designated sections in 45 states as well as Guam

Please contact Department Commander 651-227-4456 and leave a message for help.

Department will provide 2 free welcome to our purple heart community road signs for any city or county in Minnesota until December 2019, extra signs will cost $40 each

We just ask you work with your county veteran service officer, to have them send out invites to the ceremony to every purple heart veteran in the community and, also include our free membership form.

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After please send us a copy of the proclamation to [email protected] and [email protected]


Here are some tips and suggestions on establishing a Purple Heart City or County. This is just a guide to assist in your efforts, and does not proclaim to be the “End-All” in the procedure.

I use a County Board of Supervisors (BOS) in the below outline, however, you can use the same information for a City Council or Board of Commissioners, etc. First, find out who on your BOS is the Veteran’s contact person. If there is no Supervisor assigned to this, contact the Board Chairperson or County person known to you, and ask for a face-to-face meeting.

Have with you a copy of the example Proclamation (click for two examples), and suggest they can use it as a guide in making their own. Be prepared to explain what your intent is ie, honoring all those who have sacrificed for their country .. those killed or wounded in combat ….

Make sure you advise him/her that it’s cost neutral; that it will not cost the County any money … any incurred cost will be absorbed by your chapter – such as plaques, highway signs, etc. This is an important point, as knowing that there is no cost involved will resolve any fiscal issue that might inhibit action.

You will probably be referred to the County Clerk to work up the Proclamation. Be sure she/he sends you a draft copy for your review and approval – before it’s finalized. It’s important you agree with the verbiage.

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Once the Proclamation is firmed up, ask that the BOS presentation be placed on the agenda at least two weeks in advance. This gives you time to contact other Veterans organizations to attend the meeting, and for you to contact the newspaper / radio to publicize the event. Invite as many veterans you can – Ladies, other vets, all your members, etc.

If your BOS meetings are televised, ask the cameraman for copies on DVD – they may charge you, but some may honor our non-profit status and waive any charge. If they won’t waive the cost, pay the money – it’s well worth it to have a DVD of the presentation. If no filming is available, assign someone to video it.

Be prepared to give a short acceptance speech (if given the opportunity). They are honoring Purple Heart veterans, and they should receive recognition for doing so. If you can, bring enough of your Department coins / pins, etc. to present to all the Supervisors – don’t forget the County / City Attorney, Clerk of the Board, Chief Administrative Officer, City Manager etc. Everyone who sits facing the audience should get one.

After the awards, Chapters gater outside and take lot of still pictures – some are submitted to, and were published in, the Purple Heart Magazine, others can feature in the Purple Hat Press.

Please keep your Department and Regional Commander appraised of your progress. As the National Coordinator of the program, I will need legislative confirmation (a copy of the resolution or proclamation) alongwith an address, specifically a zipcode. Once confirmed, I will post it on the National web-site.

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It is suggested you send the Proclamation / Resolution to your Department Commander, who will send it to your Regional Commander, who will send it to me (scanned copy in email). It is very important your chain-of-command be kept in the ‘loop.

The above can also be used as an outline for a Purple Heart State, by contacting a State Legislator who would be willing to introduce a Bill or Resolution.

Call or email me anytime if I can be of further assistance.

Yours in Patriotism,

Daniel M. Eddinger Maj, USA, (Ret) Purple Heart Legacy and Trail Coordinator National Coordinator Purple Heart Trail Phone: 828 707-5131 Email: [email protected]

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