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What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Monday

The days of the week all carry their own special vibration. Of course, the specific vibration of the day will be influenced by the planets (astrology) , your own life circumstances and your own personal vibration, however each day has its own vibe that runs like an undercurrent for 24 hours.

In Ancient times, the days of the week were named in accordance to the planets. Each day was special and signified a time to utilise the energy of each planetary god.

It is interesting when you look back at the energetic meaning of the days of the week as they still organically ring true today. It is no coincidence that Saturday and Sunday are rest days, whereas the other days are considered part of the working week.

Here is the energetic tone to each day of the week and how you can use this energy to to flow through life-


Monday is the day of the Moon, a day for stepping into our true potential, intuition and emotions.

Monday truly sets the emotional tone for the week ahead because the Moon asks us to get clear about our emotions and what we want to achieve in the coming days.

Monday often gets a bad wrap and many dread the day or find it challenging. This is because emotions can be stirred on the day of the Moon, causing us to feel moody and sluggish.

If you are not a fan of Monday, there may be some underlying emotional energy that you are struggling to deal with.

Monday can also bring about a positive wave of motivation and energy. If we feel positive about our lives and emotionally healthy, Monday can help us to launch forward and be in a positive frame of mind for the week ahead.

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In order to prepare for the energy of Monday, ensure that you get a good nights rest the night before and drink plenty of water.


Tuesday is ruled by the planet of action and energy, Mars and is a great day for getting things done.

If Monday is all about setting the emotional tone, Tuesday is all about putting that tone into action.

Tuesday is the perfect day to launch forward with projects, make decisions and get ahead, especially when it comes to your career. The energy of the day will also help you to start making progress in all areas of your life and is excellent for getting intune with your passions.

In order to best use the energy of Tuesday, get clear about what you want and then go out there and make it happen. Mars energy gives us the drive and passion to follow through on our goals, dreams and desires.


Wednesday is ruled by the planet of communication and expression, Mercury. This makes Wednesday the perfect time to get clear about what you want and where you are heading.

Wednesday is also the perfect time to schedule meetings, networking events and any important calls. It is also the perfect day to express yourself to a loved one and to catch up on any correspondence.

Mercury rules the higher mind, so brainstorming and ideas usually flourish on Wednesday. Save this day to workshop ideas and come up with creative projects. It is also the perfect time to get clear about any difficult life decisions.

Being the midpoint of the week, the energy of the Wednesday also provides us with a clue as to whether or not we are paying attention to our needs and what energy we are expressing out into the Universe.

In order to best use the energy of Wednesday, take the opportunity to express yourself and contemplate on whether the energy you are sending out into the Universe is aligned with what you want for yourself.

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Thursday is the day of Jupiter, the planet of positivity and expansion, making it the perfect time to learn new things and expand your consciousness.

As we wind down the working week, the energy of Thursday allows us to be productive and helps us to take care of matters that may have been lingering the last few days.

Thursday is also a day of positivity and has a lightness to it that helps us to get things done and be more open to learning things. Thursday also serves as an excellent reminder to pay gratitude for the days passed and all that you have learnt and achieved.

The energy of Thursday also supports all things that allow us to expand, whether it is spiritually or mentally. This makes it the perfect time to start a new spiritual practice or a new hobby. It is also a good time to wrap up financial matters or manage your money.

In order to use the energy of Thursday effectively, make a point to feel gratitude and positivity from the moment you wake up, as this is going to help you leap forward throughout the day.


Friday is the day of Venus, the planet of love and creativity, which makes it the perfect day to connect with others and relax.

The romantic energy of Venus puts us in a social mood on Friday and gets us thinking about those that we love. This makes Friday a perfect day for a date night and intimate connections.

The energy of Friday also allows us to get creative and can bring a fresh new inspiration to any projects we are working on.

Expanding or pitching any creative projects is also definitely favourable on Friday.

Friday is also a good time to wrap up any loose ends and to shelve any ideas that are bubbling for another time. It is also the perfect time to indulge, pamper yourself and update your beauty routine.

In order to use the energy of Friday effectively, schedule time with your loved ones and work on any creative projects that you may have in the pipeline. Try not to schedule anything too strenuous on Friday, as it is a day for relaxing and having fun.

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Saturday is the day of Saturn, the day of taking responsibility and getting organised.

For most of us, Saturday is spent catching up on housework, homework and matters in our personal lives and this may be because Saturn helps us to get balanced and grounded.

Saturday is the perfect day to organise yourself for the week ahead and from the week just passed. The energy of the day provides us with the drive to catch up and get ahead.

Saturday’s energy is also perfect for getting things done around the house and being proactive when it comes to things that need addressing or fixing in your personal life as well.

In order to use the energy of Saturday effectively, tackle some big projects that need doing and take time out of your day to get organised for the week ahead.


Sunday is the day of the Sun, a perfect day for relaxing, unwinding and connecting with your inner self.

Sunday is the perfect day for going within and tapping into your inner sunshine and radiance. The energy of the day really supports self-reflection, spiritual growth and giving yourself the time you need to restore and replenish your soul.

Sunday carries with it a beautiful vibe for unwinding and getting centered and refocused for the week ahead. Sunday is also the perfect time to focus on matters surrounding your health and well-being.

Social gatherings are also likely to be harmonious and easy-flowing on Sunday and emotions will often feel softer and gentler.

In order to use the energy of Sunday effectively, make it a day for rest and relaxation. Try not to schedule anything too demanding or high energy on Sunday and instead, take the time to connect to your inner radiance.

Every day carries it’s own unique vibration and when you can tune in to its energy, you will start to notice how it will shape and guide your week.


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