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What Makes You A Good Sugar Baby

When considering the qualities that make for an ideal sugar baby, most sugar daddies would probably focus primarily on the physical aspects. A pretty face, a great figure… these are typically the first things that come to mind when men consider the relative merits of a sugar baby.

But those aren’t the only qualities that make for an ideal partner. Even given the nature of the sugar dating relationship that tends to focus on the physical attributes of the women, we may think that there is more to the feasibility of the sugar baby than that.

What makes a good sugar baby? the qualities make you stand out ,What are good sugar baby qualities?

So what does make a sugar baby appeal to a sugar daddy? What are good sugar baby qualities? A good sugar baby possesses qualities such as effective communication, pay attention to your appearance, respect, show your sugar daddy attention and appreciation, discretion, to be fun and splendid, adaptability, and flexibility. Here are some qualities that may contribute to being considered a good sugar baby.

1. Be attracted to you in real life.

Before any daddy gives up his hard earned cash on his baby, you will have to be attracted to you in real life. Pictures, where you are dressed up, with hair, nails, and makeup did, are good for attracting men. Spend some time and money dolling yourself up. If you spend money on yourself, he will want to spend money on you. This doesn’t include buying designer clothes.

Your personal appearance should be important to you. Paying attention to your appearance will make you feel fabulous and this will make him think the same way about you! It doesn’t mean you have to comply with other people’s perception of perfection.

honesty and trustworthiness, sugar baby, quality

2. Honesty and trustworthiness

As desirable as all those other qualities are, honesty and trustworthiness probably trump them all. Ask any sugar daddy around, and he will likely mention the importance of having a sugar baby he can trust.

Good conversationalist, what makes a great sugar baby

Be upfront with him. Sugar Daddies are older men, they don’t gave time for games, that’s disrespectful. For example, Being honest about everything. Marital status and kids. You better tell sugar daddies because they will find out sooner or later. Honest sugar babies will not misrepresent herself or pretend she is someone other than who she really is.

Show him that he can trust you by being consistent and as open as you can. Sure there will be aspects of your life you won’t want to share with him, but be honest about what you want and what you can offer.

Honest and trustworthiness are so often intrinsically tied in with a person’s character and integrity. For someone who is a good person at heart, these qualities will just naturally show without the person having to work at it. In contrast, someone with a less meritorious nature might struggle with being honest and forthright.

3. Show your sugar daddy attention and appreciation

What makes a good sugar baby? The qualities make you stand out

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Be genuinely interested in your Sugar Daddy and not just his wallet. You will also have to show your partner some affection. Not the false affection and make him feel good about himself, and also supporting him.

What does keep men around? Emotional connection. Friendship. Comfortable rapport. You can do this simply by paying attention to your sugar daddy. Find out about his life, listen to him vent about his frustrations or wax poetic about his passions – your job is to discover as much as you can about your sugar daddy in a way that shows him that you’re interested in him as a person.

What makes him laugh and feel good about himself? What are his values? What are the most important things in his life?

4. Good conversationalist

Holding a conversation seems to be a disappearing art (on all sides of the spectrum, both SD and SB), yet without being able to communicate with each other, you will find that both of you will quickly lose interest in your sugar relationship.

What makes a good sugar baby? The qualities make you stand out

A lot of sugar babies seem to be concerned with the best conversation starter to have – as if there is some magical ‘topic’ book that will allow the person across the table to find you charming/funny/interesting. There is no such book…and that is the best part. You can say literally anything to each other. It really doesn’t matter.

Here are a few tips about the topics.

  • People love talking about themselves.
  • Ask about them, and be interested in the answer.
  • Ask open ended questions that give the other person an opportunity to talk. Don’t monopolize the conversation.
  • Follow the journalistic method of the 5Ws and H.

We always had actual conversations so there was never a dull moment. I think we talked just about everyday and I asked him how his day was and how was his family etc… Because I actually cared. I we shared a lot of common interest which made it so much easier for us to get along. Things were very professional when it needed to bei and other times very fun.

5. Shows up on time

If you can’t be on time, the least you can do is be early lol. Punctuality is more of a courtesy/respect trait. You should be able to quickly reply to his messages and show up when you say you will – nobody likes a time waster and this is more important on your end since he is supposed to be the busy businessman who doesn’t have time for a normal relationship, so make allowances.

6. Good sense of humor

Most sugar daddies like a sense of humor, and you need to be casual to convey genuine laughter. Sugar daddies love being entertained. If you think about it, most of their days are spent in very serious atmospheres.

Most sugar daddies are professionals so they barely get a lot of time to interact with people on a social level. Being able to entertain them with an appropriate sense of humor will not only keep them grounded, but also it will impress him that you’re able to lighten up his day on or off cue.

7. To be fun and splendid

There are a huge amount of delightful women out there sitting tight for a rich man to ruin. Other than being a pretty woman, you ought to in like manner be fun, interesting and sagacious.

Altogether men need to stay with a debilitating and dull woman paying little heed to whether she is flawless. Sugar daddies love to stay with fun and splendid sugar babies, since they can feel cheery and significantly more energetic. Being a sugar tyke is a nice chance to enhance you a man and empowers you to go ahead with an indulgence life and get viewed as a princess.

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8. Sexual compatibility

Yes, your sugar daddy will want sex and if you’re a somewhat normal person you will too. The most important thing here is a desire to please: show him that you’re willing to bend a little for him (metaphorically and physically,) and do it like you mean it! Hopefully you should be enjoying it too, so it shouldn’t be too hard.

9. Be good company

See your time together as a little escapade, relax, have fun and forget about your problems, don’t use it as an occasion to whine or vent. This is the reason he chooses to see you: you’re his escape, so make it special!

Many girls suggest that you should read up in detail on the field he works/is interested in. But if he doesn’t particularly interest YOU, then you shouldn’t try to fake it. Having knowledge of current events is vital, but knowing what the latest developments in Alaskan crab fishing are is not.

Also, a good way to learn more about the things he is good at is to ask him! Then you’ll get first hand information and he, like most men, will feel flattered to be able to teach you something they know well.

10. Be the object of his dreams

It means paying attention to the things your sugar daddy desires and doing your utmost to fulfil them. Maybe it’s a new sex fantasy, abundant intellectual conversations or gentle ego boosting. Maybe he needs someone to vent to (without having to listen to YOUR problems) or just run his thoughts by. Whatever it is, you might find that it’s a fun ‘task’ that will become second nature once you get started.

12. Display low emotional maintenance

This is the prerequisite of such a relationship, but many people seem to miss it: never nag, complain or call too much, since those are the main reasons a SD chooses not to have a traditional relationship.If possible, it’s best not to contact him at all unless he does so.

13. Be wise about money

The best advice when it comes to this is to keep living your normal lifestyle, using the money from your sugar daddies to fill in the gaps without overindulging on everything. Sure, it’s OK to treat yourself to a nice new dress that you wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise, but consistently buying $ 1,000 bags, going to expensive restaurants and only taking taxis everywhere will make it very hard for you to go back to your old lifestyle once the arrangement is over.

Be smart, have a list of goals (laptop, books, new car etc.) and save up! A big mistake many sugar babies making is living in a flat they wouldn’t be able to afford without the help of their sugar daddy. When the arrangement ends, they find themselves in a very tricky situation. Create your own secure lifestyle that sugar daddies can help you improve, but not maintain.

What are good sugar baby qualities?

What are good sugar baby qualities? If you want to be a successful sugar baby, you may know what sugar daddies love and what wealthy men want. You may know the importance of confidence, maintaining eye contact, and remembering small details. It is important to know the value of being a smooth talker, not oversharing personal drama, allowing the man to order for you, and adding excitement and spice to their life.

  1. Sugar daddies love confident women who walk into a room with self-assurance.
  2. Maintaining eye contact during conversations shows interest and captivates the man.
  3. Remembering small details shared by the man demonstrates good listening skills.
  4. Being a smooth talker and using eloquent language can impress and intrigue a man.
  5. Avoid oversharing personal drama and keep the focus on positive and exciting aspects.
  6. Allowing the man to order for you can show trust and add a touch of romance.
  7. Adding spice and excitement to the man’s life makes you stand out and creates memorable experiences.

What to attract a sugar daddy: Advice from sugar daddies

Really a woman needs to show the man attention and appreciation. I’m busy so really a woman does need to work to keep me engaged.

I’ll preface this with saying maybe this is misogynistic but sleeping with beautiful women is really not that hard for a man with means. Finding someone that has a connection and chemistry is really hard.

I believe a SD/SR relationship should be a combination of looks, brain and personality. SB shows up on time, is well spoken, shows interest in the SD and his life. She understand SDs priorities (mostly for married dudes) and his life demands and can fit in.

What seals the deal:

  1. SD is actively looking and able to support an sugar relationship.
  2. The SB has significant “looks power” over him. Meaning he knows he will be dating someone above his league.
  3. SB shows up on time, is well spoken, shows interest in the SD and his life. She understand SDs priorities (mostly for married dudes) and his life demands and can fit in.
  4. SB knows that sugar is not vanilla where there are endless platonic dates before intimacy. That things move super fast in the bowl.
  5. SB knows her negotiating power. If she asks for too much, she stands no chance. If she asks for too little, she will be unhappy! So what is her best number and why! She has to know that well.
  6. Lies, bullshit, fake previous allowance stories are all easily readable by SDs, so keep them out or to yourself.Unfortunately in the bowl your personality won’t make up for your looks. But it will significantly enhance your odds if you are good looking and personable. Will hurt you if you are not personable even if you are good looking.
  7. Don’t forget the basics of having fun and maintaining safety and excellent hygine. The hygine part will knock you down even if you are the hottest woman in the world.
  8. Be safe! Don’t let the SD perceive you as a risk to his life or reputation.
  • Chemistry first and foremost
  • Looks
  • Personality
  • Similar taste in certain things
  • Kindness
  • Motivation (e.g. working towards a degree, trying to move up in their career field, etc). If I’m giving them $, I’d rather it go towards them learning to fish rather than just handing them fish while they sit on their ass.

As a newer SD who is learning everyday more about what I’m looking for and what I should expect, I realize what I thought I wanted (damsel in distress) was absolutely toxic for me. With that said, I know now I want:

  • Someone with their act together.
  • Someone with goals.
  • Intelligence. We don’t need to be knowledgeable in the same things—but carrying on an intelligent conversation is necessary.
  • Good sense of humor.
  • Quality time together.
  • Attention. As others have stated, that text out of the blue could mean everything to me.
  • Needless to say chemistry.
  • Work on the potential relationship. I want to hear about your dreams and goals. I want to hear about you. If you can carry on a conversation and invest in the potential, I sure as hell will. Looks, body type, location. Those are variables I can work with. If a SB is worth it for me to go to her or to fly her to me, I would in a heartbeat.
  • Common interests
  • Reliable – very important
  • Strategically located
  • Good conversationalist

Marketing yourself as a sugar baby

For some cities, the sugar babies outnumber daddies 10 to 1. It’s a competitive world out there. You need to outshine others. You may try to sign up more sugar daddy websites. The more sugar daddy sites you sign up, the better chance you will win. If you keep this in mind, you will be a step ahead of your competitors.

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honesty and trustworthiness, sugar baby, quality


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