HomeWHATWhat Size Crate For Goldendoodle

What Size Crate For Goldendoodle

Goldendoodle - Fun Facts and Crate Size


Quick Facts

  • Not AKC Recognized
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  • Size: medium (but can be small to large)
  • Energy: high
  • Recommended Crate Size: 42” dog crate*

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Breed
  • Appearance
  • Nutrition
  • Grooming
  • Exercise
  • Pet Crate Size
  • More Information


When you mix two of the best dog breeds on the planet, you’re sure to get something simply golden. Such is the case with the Poodle and Golden Retriever union commonly referred to as the “Goldendoodle”. And, golden he is!

This loving, adaptable, and friendly designer dog is the perfect addition to most families. He’s great with kids and other household pets too. Goldendoodles get a gold star in the classroom as well because he’s super smart.

The best of the best of the beloved Golden Retriever and the Poodle comes shining through with this crossbreed.

If you are thinking of rushing right down to get a Goldendoodle, be sure to read up on this affectionate guy. There are a few things you’ll want to know first.


Goldendoodles are a designer dog, a product of a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. The brainstorm to mix the two popular pure breeds came about in 1969 by English author and animal enthusiast, Monica Dickens, who happens to be the great-granddaughter of the famous writer, Charles Dickens.

It was in the 1990s when the concept of blending two full-blooded breeds came to be a hot trend. Breeders from North America and Australia completed Dickison’s dream when they took over the work. This breed is known as the Groodle in Australia.

They had higher aspirations too. They wanted to develop a dog that was capable of being a seeing-eye guide dog as well as one who’s coat did not she and was hypoallergenic. This breed also makes an excellent therapy dog.

The Poodle, being intelligent and friendly, was one of the most common breeds to mix with another. Goldendoodles have been a favorite breed for years.

So, it was that the two were united, in hopes that the optimal traits of the two parents would prevail. Although with mix-breeding, there are no guarantees and anything could happen, overall, the results were amazing.

Goldendoodles ace the challenge of bringing the best of both breeds into existence. And he’s so cute!

Generally, the mix is with a Standard Poodle and a Golden Retriever. There are some Goldendoodles that have Miniature or Toy Poodle mix, however.

Since no hybrid dogs are recognized with the American Kennel Club or any of the other prominent all-breed purebred registries like the Canadian Kennel Club.

In order to get a good glimpse into Goldendoodles, it’s important to take a look at his parents so you will better understand the nuts and bolts that have formed his appearance and his personality.

The Poodle is one of the oldest breeds on record. He hails from Germany where he was bred to fetch waterfowl that had fallen during a hunt.

This curly headed dog is quite intelligent and has become a favorite housedog. He comes in a variety of sizes including Standard, Miniature, and Toy. He is appreciated for his hypoallergenic coat as well as his endearing personality.

Although Poodles are pampered these days, it hasn’t always been that way. When he was a hunting dog, he had a tough job to do. Fetching birds that had been shot, especially in bodies of water, could be quite grueling.

Just imagine the tenacity it took the Poodle to endure the harsh winter climate that is common in Germany and to go out for hunts, day after day as was customary in those days of old.

The water was often freezing cold or rough and choppy from high winds. If you picture the Poodle taking a leisurely swim to fetch a rubber duckie, think again.

Furthermore, even though the Poodle might have been starving, he wasn’t allowed to eat the fowl or even bite into it. That took willpower.

Poodles can be independent and even stubborn at times. It’s not their fault in a bad way. Those things were necessary traits for the job he had to do. You may see a bit of the Poodle traits in your Goldendoodle, both awesome and not so awesome ones.

Remembering from whence the characteristics came from is sure to give you a bit more patience. That is not to say he won’t need correction but realizing his roots is important.

The Golden Retriever is a hunting dog who originated in Scotland as a gundog in the mid-19th century. He is a beauty though a serious worker too. In fact, he loves to work.

Initially, retrieving type dogs were reserved for the wealthy because they were mainly used to retrieve game that had been downed on land or in the water.

It was important that a dog be able to service both land and water because the area consisted muchly of marshes.

For this reason, only the best of the best Retrieving dogs made the cut and were bred. The result was the Golden Retriever we know and love today.

As guns became more accurate, the need for more efficient gun dogs came to pass. The Golden was right on target, fetching from land or water with great speed and incredible accuracy.

His work became more difficult, no longer just for the rich man’s pleasure but for survival too. But the Golden Retriever stepped up to the challenge and aced his calling.

The Golden Retriever is a hunting dog who originated in Scotland as a gundog. He is a beauty though a serious worker too.

Of medium build with a strong and sturdy body, this dog is a real looker and is quite athletic and strong. It is in his blood to perform tasks just as his ancestors did.

When he has too much energy pent up or feels inadequate, the Golden is likely to not only retrieve things, like your slippers or the baby’s toys but to chew them to shreds too.

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In modern days, he has service jobs like being a guide for the blind and is also a beloved family pet. He is one of America’s most popular breeds. He’s smart and is a lover of people and quite tolerant of other pets as well.

That is why he was a hands-down choice when considering what breed would parent a breed designed to be a loveable family dog with a social, happy, and playful personality.

Some Goldendoodles favor the Golden Retriever parent most. Those that do will need to have a purpose whether it is fetching the morning paper or guarding the house (which is a joke because if he’s anything like his Golden Retriever parent, he makes a lousy guard because he’s just too friendly).

The naughty chewing habit may shine through too. Don’t fret. Goldendoodles, like Golden Retrievers, are very trainable so the bad behavior can be nipped in the bud.

With a little insight into his Golden side though, you’ll be more aware of where that behavior stemmed from. He needs to work or at least to think he is.

Goldendoodles are a well-loved hybrid dog. He is ever-growing in popularity and it’s not a wonder why. He is “all that” in a dog!


Goldendoodles, like many designer breeds, come in multiple sizes: small, medium, and large. The Miniature Goldendoodles stand about 13 to 24 inches while the Medium stand 17-20 inches.

The Large Standard Goldendoodle is about 20-24 inches high. The average weight for the Large is 50-90 pounds.

The Miniature ones weigh in around 15-35 pounds and Mediums tip the scale at around 40 to 50 pounds. Females run in the lesser weight and height. The Standard size is the most common of this designer group.

The look of a Goldendoodle can vary as much as his size does. If he has his Poodle heritage dominating, he is likely to have tight curls that spring up on his slender body but if he tales after the Golden’s side, he’s apt to have a stocky and blocky build with straight to slightly wavy hair.

When a Goldendoodle is bred with a Poodle or any other variance other than a Poodle and Golden Retriever as parents, there is a tendency for the puppy to take on more of the Golden’s side as being dominant.

They will have curly and wavy coats that lay in loose ringlets and will usually have very expressive, almost mischievous expressions.

First generation Goldendoodles are likely to have Poodle eyes which are dark and intelligent looking and a roundish skull if they have Poodle blood running thicker through them where those taking after the Golden Retriever side may have the Retriever will have eyes that are a bit lighter and are friendly and kind looking, more slanted than the round-eye Poodle look. Retriever faces are larger and more elongated than Poodles are.

The coat of Goldendoodles can be a number of colors. Cream, gold, red, apricot, brown, chocolate, and gray are among the most popular colors. Color combinations can range in any combination of the colors which resembles patchwork and is called “particolors”.


It is vital that you feed your Goldendoodle a healthy diet that is specialized for his specific needs. You should consult with his veterinarian to find out what his nutritional needs are exactly and how often and how much food to give him.

Goldendoodles are active so he’ll be busy burning off calories, especially when he is young. That’s not to say that he cannot become obese because…he can. Be sure to limit treats and provide great quality food for him.

He very well may need to eat three times a day until he’s six months old. Then, he may taper off and eat once or twice per day.

His energy will need to be fueled so keep that in mind when choosing his feed. Also be certain to have lots of fresh water available to him at all times.


Goldendoodles don’t require much in the way of grooming. Those with more Retriever will most likely require the least. Those who have the Poodle coat might need a trip to the groomer every now and then.

In general, they do not have a shedding coat, but they do need to be brushed on a regular basis, like once or twice a week, in order to keep dead hair off and to prevent tangles and mats.

You’ll want to bathe him every two to three months so he doesn’t begin to smell bad and to keep his hair and skin clean and in tip-top condition. Use a gentle shampoo and you may want to have his hair that grows over this eyes trimmed up too.

Pay close attention to his ears. Keep them clean and dry. Toenails will need to be trimmed. If he spends much time outside, he’ll naturally wear them down some but will still need touching up in order to keep them from chipping, cracking, or splitting.

It is a good idea to trim the hair that grows over their eyes. Toenails should be trimmed as in any other dog breed. Professional groomers are available to perform any of these tasks that owners are not comfortable doing or just don’t want to do.


Goldendoodles are high energy dogs. They can definitely be calm and love snuggling or laying by the fireplace too but they do require getting their energy out to be a really good, laid back, dog.

Goldendoodles have strong working dog roots. He needs a purpose so be sure to give him one. He will need at least two thirty minute walks each day and some active time in between.

For this reason, he’s not at his best when cooped up in an apartment but he’s fine with just a backyard and some walks and fun activities.

Fetch is a favorite game for this designer dog. He’s good at Frisbee too. He will eat it up when you play along with him in interactive games, especially when toys are involved.

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Metal stimulation is imperative. Brain game-based exercises are challenging for him but he’ll end up acing them all.

You’ll probably find that your Goldendoodle loves to swim. If you have a spot where he can take a dip, let him.

He’ll get some energy out and will also love showing off his amazing water skills. If he’s young, keep a good eye on him because, in the water, he knows no bounds.

You’ll probably find that your Goldendoodle loves to swim. He also likes to hike and to run alongside you. If you are active and athletic, you couldn’t find a better dog to accompany you when you go out for your activities.

You might also consider putting a little doggie backpack on him when you take him for a walk.

This will give him the illusion that he is working and serving a purpose which is especially important with the Goldendoodle since he gets the working genes from both parents.

If you slip a water bottle or something of significance in his backpack, all the better.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends a 42” dog crate* for most adult Goldendoodles but due to variances in lineage, a slightly smaller size may be sufficient.

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The Goldendoodle is packed with personality. His is loveable and friendly. He falls in love with everyone and vice versa. He’s adaptable – fitting right into most any situation.

He can help lead a blind individual and attend a party too. He is at home on the range as well. He’ll go shopping with you or take a run up the mountainside. If you’re doing it, he’s all in!

This loving and loyal pup makes a wonderful family dog. He is tolerant when things are not ideal like when there’s a house full of loud kids or energetic dogs.

He loves to play and is funny to watch in action. He finds it humorous to be a clown or to be on the mischievous side at times.

To get a better feel for what a pup might be like if you are ordering one, you can take a look at his parents, not only in physical appearance but find out about their personalities too.

Chances are the little mates will have characteristics of both parents in their own unique blends. It’s best to go with the puppy who is a nice middle blend, not the aggressor of the siblings but not the shy guy in the corner either.

Goldendoodles are sharp. They get their intelligence from both parents and that was in the plan when the two purebred parents were united.

The Goldendoodles may have more of a playful side though so be sure they have plenty of stimulation, both physically and mentally lest they find trouble to get into. They are not exempt from that by any stretch of the imagination.

If there is any trait that stands head and shoulders above the rest, it’s the fact that Goldendoodles love people and love to please them.

From performing their comical acts to guiding the handicapped, they are eager and willing to do just about anything for their humans.

As far as negative traits go, there are only a few and they are quite minor. They tend to love a little too much.

They can’t stand to be left alone and when they are, anxiety kicks into high gear. Because of their separation anxiety, they tend to get into trouble when left alone.

You may return to find the sofa in sheds or your best pair of shoes devoured. If the problem is severe enough, you may consider crating him when no one is home with him.

Some Goldendoodles take after their Golden Retriever parent and chew. If you don’t designate him some chew toys of his own, he very well may decide to chomp on your belongings.

Remember, it’s all in his genes but some gentle guidance and instruction will surely stomp out that bad habit.

You may also encounter some Poodle presence. If your Goldendoodle is a bit stubborn or independent at times, it’s because he has strong genetic traits influencing him.

The fact that he is so eager to please and smart will help you breeze right through that obstacle too. He just needs to know what is acceptable and what is not.


The Goldendoodle puppy is pretty simple to train. He loves to please his people and is smart too so it will probably go very well, even for a first-time pet parent.

Potty training is first up. Be consistent and loving and he’ll probably catch right on.

Then, obedience is next. Chewing might be a favorite pastime so, you’ll need for him to understand what is and isn’t alright to chew on.

You will want to get the basic commands down too like “sit” and “stay”. Obedience training is for his safety, in part, and for your sanity as well.

If he tries to do his own things, well, blame his Poodle parent. With a little loving correction and some calm assertion, he’ll quickly get the hang of following you rather than trying to lead.

Socialization is important in training. He’s a very friendly dog so that should not be difficult at all. When he is young, expose him to a number of different dogs and humans and even a few cats too.

Take him to various surroundings – some which are busy and loud and others that are quiet. Be sure to include children and the elderly in his conditioning.

Treats, praise, and positive tones are what motivates this dog in training. Remember that he is such a good student, he is a treasured service dog such as leading the blind.

If there’s a problem with training, it could possibly lay with your training tactics so be sure you are being loving, kind, and encouraging at all times. He will most likely be happy to cooperate.

Tricks are on the class schedule too. You can teach him to roll over and possibly to play dead as well. This dog is lots of fun to train, especially when you get him on board and eager to learn more. He’s quite the little showoff too.

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Incorporating things he loves helps too. Throwing a stick in the water for him to fetch or having him figure out where a ball thrown far has landed, brings him back to his inherited roots when physical activity, his intelligence, and his keen ability to problem solve were all part of a day’s work.

When you embrace those things that are bred into him, you’ll end up with a happy, healthy, well-rounded dog that is what makes a pet parent’s world go round.


Goldendoodles typically enjoy a life of between 10-15 years. They were bred in hopes of getting all the healthy genes from both parents and as little as possible of the inherited health issues.

That is not always the case with designer dogs though. They are actually at risk for certain hereditary health problems from both sides, but at a lesser intensity than they are if they are purebred.

You can seek to get a health clearance that he has been checked for prevalent problems which are helpful but still doesn’t ensure a completely clean bill of health. You can ask for a hip and joint checkup and also for other health issues such as eye conditions.

The best thing is prevention but if your dog already has a problem, the sooner you get him seen, the more likely it is that he will be alright. Here are some conditions to keep an eye out for:

Hip Dysplasia is not uncommon in this hybrid. That is a condition where the hip joint is deformed or else can be attributed to environmental issues. The hip slips out of the socket and can be very painful, inhibiting or preventing him from walking.

Vulnerable to have Elbow Dysplasia too which is the same thing but is with the elbow rather than the hip. If your Goldendoodle shows signs of this, please take him to see his veterinarian right away.

Patellar Luxation is a condition in which the hind leg can slide in and out of its socket. It can be very painful and debilitating. There is surgical help for severe cases.

If you note your Goldendoodle limping, favoring a leg, or seeming to be in pain, have him checked out immediately. This disease can be crippling.

Von Willebrand’s Disease is a disease that is acquired through the genes. It is where the blood does not clot properly. Humans can have this ailment too. It can be very dangerous when your dog is cut so if you think your dog doesn’t stop bleeding fast enough, seek medical attention.

Ear infection plague this dog breed. Be sure to keep his ears clean and dry and if he is pulling at them, have him checked. Serious ear infections may require surgery and can lead to deafness.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a disease that involves the deterioration of the retina and tends to take place gradually. Night blindness comes first usually or he may lose sight on and off and more so as the disease progresses.

Allergies are not uncommon in Goldendoodles. He may have a sensitivity to food, the environment, or even to things he inhales. Narrowing down the source of the allergy is helpful and then solutions can be sought.

Gastric Dilation-Volvulus is a condition that is also called “Bloat”. It is serious and can be life-threatening. It is seen mostly in deep-chested dogs who are large in size.

If they eat one large meal a day, their chances of getting this condition are increased. What happens is the dog is not able to belch when air is caught and that causes the stomach to twist.

His stomach contains the extra air and his blood pressure begins to drop and continues to do so, sometimes sending him into shock. If you think your dog has this condition, call your vet immediately. There is no time to waste as this may be fatal.

Hypothyroidism is a thyroid gland disorder. It is found in humans and in dogs too. The Goldendoodle has a tendency to have thyroid issues. It can be so severe it causes epilepsy. If your Goldendoodle seems quite tired and has hair loss, have him checked right away.

Anytime your dog isn’t acting right or seems to not be feeling well, have him checked. There could be an underlying condition such as one of those above.

Is a Goldendoodle Right for Me?

Do you still think a Goldendoodle might be the dog for you, even after finding out more about him? If so, let’s see if you’re a good match for him.

Do you live in an apartment or small space dwelling? If so, he may not be all that content in a place he can’t move around much in.

He is best in a home with a backyard or some stomping ground. If you have a backyard though, your home doesn’t have to be all that large, just not real small.

But if he gets enough exercise outside of a small-quarters living space, he’s flexible enough to fit in most anywhere.

It is imperative that someone be home with this type of dog much of the time or that you be willing to take him with you. He’ll be absolutely miserable left at home by himself.

Are you willing to exercise him an hour or more each day? Will you challenge him mentally and physically as well? If so, especially if you have an active lifestyle you intend to involve him in, this could very well be your dog.

If you are interested in training him, that’s a big plus too. This dog is easy to train and when he isn’t trained, it’s a loss. Even if it’s your first time around as a pet parent, the Goldendoodle can be a good fit for those who want to help him reach his full potential in all areas.

The Goldendoodle is a package of all things good, just waiting to be unwrapped. He s fun and friendly, smart, and is adaptable too. If you are sure this is the dog you’d like to bring into your life, congratulations.

The best of the best of two beloved breeds have been lovingly brought together in order to bring you this fine designer dog. You’re welcome!

* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.

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