HomeWHATWhat's Leo's Birthstone

What’s Leo’s Birthstone

Leo is the sign of the roaring lion. These brave, strong and majestic beings are a fire sign, their obvious fiery nature shines through in their passion and energy for life. If you are born between July 23rd and August 23rd then you fall under the Leo zodiac sign.

Leo’s have strong and sometimes very intense personalities, opinions and viewpoints. They are usually unwavering in their morals and ethics and like to stand up for what is right. Injustice makes them angry. They are a fiery bunch that spend much of their energy finding balance between warmth and passion.

Leo’s tend to be an “all or nothing” type of person. They are either showering you in their sunny affection or contemplating how to change the world in the depths of their fiery shadow.

Just like their animal representative, Leo’s are simple and uncomplicated, like lions. They are usually incredibly confident and know their worth. The flip side of this is that their confidence can often turn into arrogance. When Leo’s are challenged, they can be very quick to anger and defend themselves, even when they are in the wrong. The pride of a Leo is easily shaken and they spend a lot of time and energy keeping it safe from harm.

Leo’s are incredibly generous and have hearts of gold. They are kind and loyal and often make wonderful leaders.

What Are The Leo Birthstones?

The most recognised and popular Leo birthstone is the Peridot. There are many other crystals for Leo, these are:

  • Amber
  • Black Onyx
  • Carnelian
  • Citrine
  • Danburite
  • Dumortierite
  • Emerald
  • Garnet
  • Golden Topaz
  • Heliodor
  • Jasper
  • Kunzite
  • Labradorite
  • Larimar
  • Muscovite
  • Petalite
  • Pietersite
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Ruby
  • Rutilated Quartz
  • Sardonyx
  • Sunstones
  • Yellow Sapphire
  • Zircon

It is wonderful to have a wide variety of choices when looking to purchase a birth stone or two, as one might suit you better than another.

We have condensed this long list for you into the 6 most popular and easy to find Leo birthstones. Keep reading to learn about the details and healing benefits of these Leo gemstones.

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What Colors Are Associated With Leo Birthstones?

Leo is associated with the golden hue of the sun and a lion’s mane. You will find that most of the Leo birthstones fall on the spectrum of the yellow, oranges and golds. These beautiful stones allow the naturally occurring warmth of the Leo’s personality to blossom and grow ever larger.

The various shades of gold represented by these Leo stones really represents the prestige and class that the Leo’s usually possess. The bright sunny colours of Leo birthstones help the Leo stand out and demand the attention he/she most often so desperately craves.

Where To Buy Leo Birthstones?

There are plenty of places to buy Leo Birthstones online. From specialty online shops to online giants like Amazon.

Our recommendation is to browse Amazon first to get a sense of prices, variety and quality. Then do a detailed comparison online. Below are a few examples to give you some starting ideas.

Peridot Healing Crystal Wands Infinity Love Heart Pendant Necklace peridot stoneAmber in sun with inclusions

What Are The Key Traits Of The Leo Birthstones?

Leo’s are known as the leaders of the zodiac world. They are the confident ones who know how to rally everyone together, the fighters and the whistleblowers. They are the influencers and the ones who take action. Finding stones that help find the balance between confidence and humility is important for the Leo.

Leo’s are tenacious and determined, they like to be in charge and in the driving seat of their own life, and sometimes others too. They find it easy to overstep the line between helping someone and controlling them. They are mostly very stubborn and will not easily admit to their stubbornness.

Leo’s are wildly adventurous and gain great pleasure from spontaneous holidays and exploring. They often have a brilliant sense of humour and love to share their hilarity with others. They are social beings who enjoy being around friends and family, whilst at the same time often desperately craving solitude. They are very practical beings too and sometimes need a burst of creativity to ground themselves.

The birthstones of a Leo will bring balance to their impulsiveness and cautiousness. Crystals for Leo’s can open them up to more compassion and empathy for all kinds of weakness, steering them away from the judgement of themselves and others. The right birthstone for a Leo will allow the kindness and compassion they have buried inside them to burst out and shine for the whole world to see.

Here is the refined list of the Leo crystals and stones we think are the most useful and easiest to find.

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bracelets made of carnelian crystals

Peridot is a type of olivine crystal. It is full of magnesium and iron, the iron is what gives the stone its gorgeous green colour. The different colours of Peridot are usually yellow-green, olive green and sometimes dark green. This gorgeous green stone is known to bring calm and quiet into a Leo’s life, when they are overbearing or being stubborn, Peridot can bring them back down to earth with its grounding energy.

Meaning & Benefits of Peridot for Leo: Peridot for Leo’s brings about a sense of focus, calm and safety. It can help dispel feelings of ownership or possessiveness which Leo’s often struggle with. It is a healer of the heart chakra and of any negative love experiences they may be experiencing. Peridot will also help its user to manifest positive things into life, and financial abundance too.


Red semi-precious natural jasper stone

Amber is a golden ray of sunshine in anyone’s life, not just for a Leo. This beautiful golden stone started out as tree sap that solidified and fossilised and then formed into Amber gemstone. Any Amber crystal you find could be anything from 30 – 90 million years old, spending its lifespan until now fossilising itself in a tree. This ancient stone is full of deep wisdom and demands well-deserved respect, much like the Lion. For Leo’s, Amber is wonderful at assisting to alleviate the symptoms of depression and bringing balance and healing to the root and sacral chakra.

Meaning & Benefits of Amber for Leo: Amber can assist Leo’s in addictions or impulse control, it is a wise stone full of creativity and knowledge to share. Amber brings harmony and goodness to the Leo’s life and all their decisions. While Leo’s can be sometimes impulsive and hard-headed, Amber comes in to bring a healthy viewpoint to all the Leo’s decisions.


Carnelian gets its gorgeous reddish-brown colour from Iron Oxide and is formed from the mineral silica. This stone is cleansing like the sun and can relight a Leo’s fire for life, if it’s gone out. It’s a very feminine stone and is known to help with female fertility issues. Carnelian is used to bring fire and passion back into the life of the person who uses it and can bring healing to all kinds of physical diseases.

Meaning & Benefits of Carnelian for Leo: Carnelian will enhance a Leo’s innate ability to be adventurous and experience joy. This fiery stone will ignite Leo’s sense of creativity and help him/her bring their awareness back to their sense of pride if it has been extinguished.

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Jasper is an opaque form of quartz. It comes in shades of green, yellow, black, orange, yellow, blue, and brown. Red Jasper has a deep red colour variation, ranging from bright red to brownish red. This grounding stone can really help bring a Leo back down to Earth if he/she has been stuck in a negative cycle of ego and pride.

Meaning & Benefits of Jaspe for Leo: Jasper has many healing properties and is a very nurturing stone. It carries a divine feminine and masculine balance of wisdom and seeks to bring balance wherever it can. Jasper can bring protection to Leo’s and keep them out of harm’s way. It can also bring clarity and a deep sense of understanding to those who use it.

Physically, it brings a powerful detox and clearing of any lower vibrations in your body and clears the blood of any environmental pollutants. This is a very healing stone for a Leo, but comes with great power and therefore, great responsibility.


This bright and beautiful stone of sunshine is wonderful for awakening a Leo from a state of depression or sadness. It brings a unique reminder of summer and sunshine, igniting the warmth that the Leo already has inside him/her. Citrine is a mineral class of quartz. Its colours range from pale yellow to bright shades of orange/amber. It is known to bring about joy and happiness to those who use it.

Meaning & Benefits of Citrine for Leo: Citrine brings a positive outlook to any Leo who is in need. It can be a reassuring stone, shining its light into the dark emotions that the Leo may not want to face. Citrine is also a magnificent aid in abundance and prosperity, should you be lacking either of these then get yourself a Citrine today.


Funnily enough, this stone is a combination of Sard and Onyx, creating this gentle and loving form of agate. Its parallel lines of orange and white bring about a sense of relaxation and deep calm. It is a highly protective stone and is known to boost a Leo’s self-confidence if they are struggling with it.

Meaning & Benefits of Sardonyx: Sardonyx is a stone of communication, if a Leo is struggling to voice their opinion or speak up on injustice then this is a wonderful stone to use. It is also a stone to assist in listening, sometimes Leo’s want to be heard but not to listen in equal measure, Sardonyx can help its user find balance in talking and listening. It also helps in bringing balance to the moods of a Leo.

Fascinating and fiery, Leo’s birthstones highlight their best characteristics in every way.


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