HomeWHENHow Old Was Anakin When He Became Vader

How Old Was Anakin When He Became Vader

The vast Star Wars universe encompasses an array of films, television series, and an assortment of other media, all stretching across millennia of storytelling.

Have you ever pondered the intricate chronology of pivotal moments within this expansive narrative? In particular, have you considered the precise juncture at which Anakin Skywalker’s transformation into Darth Vader unfolded?

Anakin’s descent into the abyss of the dark side and his subsequent metamorphosis into the infamous Darth Vader transpired when he had reached the tender age of 22.

However, it is imperative to acknowledge that this profound plunge into darkness was not a sudden occurrence; it unfolded gradually, shaped by a myriad of events throughout his life that could have inevitably steered him toward his ultimate downfall.

The Commencement of Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi Journey

In a galaxy far, far away, the destiny of a young boy named Anakin Skywalker was set into motion. The fateful encounter occurred on the desert planet of Tatooine, in the year 32 BBY. Anakin, a child slave, eked out a meager existence alongside his mother, Shmi, in the harsh sands of Tatooine.

Key Points:

  • Discovery on Tatooine: Anakin’s path to becoming a Jedi began when he was discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. This discovery would change the course of galactic history;
  • The Chosen One: Qui-Gon Jinn’s keen Jedi instincts detected something extraordinary within young Anakin. When his blood was tested, it revealed the highest midi-chlorian count ever recorded. This discovery led Qui-Gon to believe that Anakin was the prophesied “Chosen One,” destined to bring balance to the Force;
  • Jedi Council’s Hesitation: The Jedi Council, the governing body of the Jedi Order, held reservations about training Anakin. They argued that he was too old to initiate Jedi training, citing his existing attachments and the fear he harbored, particularly for his mother;
  • Despite the Council’s reluctance, Qui-Gon was determined to take Anakin under his wing as his Padawan. This decision would shape the destiny of the galaxy.
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The Battle of Naboo: Anakin’s Unintended Heroics

The wheels of fate turned swiftly for Anakin Skywalker, and they turned even faster during the pivotal Battle of Naboo. Anakin, at the tender age of nine, was thrust into a galactic conflict that would have profound consequences.

Key Points:

  • Accidental Heroism: During the Battle of Naboo, an unforeseen turn of events occurred when Anakin accidentally destroyed the control ship of the battle droids, securing a victory for the people of Naboo. His extraordinary piloting skills played a pivotal role in this triumph;
  • Duel of Destiny: As the battle raged on, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi found themselves locked in a fierce duel with the menacing Sith Lord, Darth Maul. Tragically, Qui-Gon fell in combat, leaving Obi-Wan to carry on his legacy;
  • Anakin’s Destiny Takes Shape: Obi-Wan, now a Jedi Knight, was left with a profound responsibility. He had pledged to Qui-Gon to train Anakin, with or without the Council’s approval. This commitment reflected the unwavering belief in Anakin’s potential.

The Council’s Reluctant Consent: A Turning Point

The Jedi Council’s initial reluctance to train Anakin Skywalker eventually gave way to a significant decision that would forever alter the course of Jedi history.

Key Points:

  • Shifting Perspectives: Although the Council had originally opposed Anakin’s training, Obi-Wan’s determination and Qui-Gon’s final words convinced them otherwise. The Council, while reluctant, granted permission for Anakin to become Obi-Wan’s Padawan;
  • A Nine-Year-Old Apprentice: It’s crucial to note that Anakin’s formal Jedi training began at the remarkably young age of nine. This departure from the norm would have far-reaching consequences, shaping the future of the Jedi Order and the galaxy itself.

In the scorching deserts of Tatooine, a destiny was set in motion, one that would lead to the rise and fall of empires, the Jedi Order’s transformation, and the ultimate legacy of Anakin Skywalker, who would become Darth Vader. The story of Anakin’s journey from a young slave to a Jedi Knight is a testament to the power of belief, destiny, and the enduring struggle between light and dark in the Star Wars universe.

The Enigmatic Love Story: Anakin and Padmé’s Journey to Marriage

Anakin Skywalker’s life on the desert planet Tatooine was forever altered when he encountered the radiant presence of Queen Padmé Amidala. At the tender age of 14, Padmé was already a young monarch ruling over the planet Naboo. Her visit to Tatooine, escorted by the Jedi knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, was a pivotal moment that would change the course of history.

During this encounter, Anakin not only encountered Jedi for the first time but also met Padmé. Despite the five-year age difference, a profound bond began to form between the young Jedi-to-be and the regal queen. Anakin’s craftsmanship and sentimentality shone through when he gifted Padmé a meticulously crafted necklace, symbolizing the first spark of their friendship.

A Decade of Separation and Growth

After the tumultuous events of “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” Anakin and Padmé went their separate ways, not crossing paths for a decade. Anakin continued his training under the wise guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, while Padmé carried on her duties as the Queen of Naboo before transitioning to a role in the Galactic Senate.

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In the vast expanse of the galaxy, the two matured and honed their skills, each rising to prominence in their own right. Anakin’s Jedi training led him towards the path of a powerful Jedi Knight, while Padmé’s political acumen and dedication elevated her as a respected senator in the Galactic Senate. Their destinies were seemingly charted on parallel courses, destined to intersect once more.

Reunion Amidst Turmoil

The fateful reunion of Anakin and Padmé occurred in the turbulent year of 22 BBY. Anakin, now 19, and Padmé, 24, were brought back together when a sinister plot threatened Padmé’s life. Assigned as her protectors, Anakin and Obi-Wan were entrusted with ensuring her safety.

As they spent time together, their bond deepened, and emotions grew stronger. Padmé, torn between her duty as a senator and the blossoming affection she felt for Anakin, initially hesitated to pursue a romantic relationship. However, the undeniable connection between them eventually led her to confess her love.

The Crucible of Geonosis

Their love was tested amidst the fires of war on the barren planet of Geonosis. Both Anakin and Padmé courageously took part in the Battle of Geonosis, a pivotal conflict that marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. Following their valiant efforts, Anakin achieved a significant milestone in his Jedi journey, rising from a Padawan to a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

The Secret Union

Amidst the chaos of war and the looming shadow of the dark side, Anakin and Padmé made a life-altering decision. In secret, they pledged their love to each other, sealed in a clandestine marriage in 22 BBY, when Anakin was just 19 years old. This union, concealed from the eyes of the galaxy, would have profound consequences for the fate of the Jedi, the Republic, and the future of the Skywalker lineage.

The Transformation of Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader: A Tale of Tragedy and Manipulation

Over the span of three turbulent years, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, two star-crossed lovers, fervently guarded their clandestine marriage while simultaneously battling on multiple fronts during the chaotic Clone Wars. Yet, it was during this tumultuous period that ominous clouds began to gather over Anakin’s destiny, foreboding his inevitable descent into the abyss of the dark side.

Foreshadowing the Fall to Darkness: Palpatine’s Sinister Influence

As the Clone Wars raged on, astute fans speculated that Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, cunningly maneuvered young Anakin toward embracing the malevolent powers of the dark side from the very inception of their partnership. This insidious influence cast a looming shadow over the Jedi Knight’s future.

A Heart-Wrenching Loss at Age 19: The Turning Point

However, an event far more poignant and profound than political machinations marked a significant turning point in Anakin’s life. At the tender age of 19, he suffered the unbearable tragedy of losing his beloved mother. Powerless to save her from a cruel fate, this heart-wrenching experience shattered Anakin’s spirit and forged a solemn vow within him: never to let another person slip through his grasp.

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The Premonitions of Doom: Anakin’s Desperate Dilemma

Three years later, in the year 19 BBY, Padmé shared a momentous revelation with Anakin: she was expecting a child. This joyous news, however, was swiftly overshadowed by a series of harrowing nightmares that haunted Anakin’s nights. These haunting visions foretold a grim fate for Padmé, one in which she perished during childbirth. It was in this moment of vulnerability that Palpatine, ever the puppet master, whispered seductive promises to Anakin, tantalizing him with the prospect of saving his beloved wife through the power of the Sith.

The Tragic Fall: Anakin Becomes Darth Vader

Unable to resist the lure of these dark promises, Anakin succumbed to the sinister call of the dark side, forging a macabre pact with Palpatine. With this dreadful decision, Anakin cast aside his Jedi identity and assumed the menacing mantle of Darth Vader. In a harrowing twist of fate, he became the instrument of death for many of his former Jedi comrades during the notorious Order 66. Astonishingly, merely three years after his anointment as a Jedi Knight and his clandestine union with Padmé, Anakin stood as Darth Vader, a mere 22 years old.

Darth Vader

In a cruel twist of fate, Padmé’s demise, not directly from childbirth complications, but through the malevolent life-draining actions of Palpatine, punctuated the tragic transformation of Anakin Skywalker into the ominous Darth Vader.

Ahsoka Tano: A Jedi in Her Formative Years Amidst Turmoil

As the Clone Wars roared on, Ahsoka Tano, a spirited and headstrong young Jedi, entered the fray. At the tender age of 14, she became the Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, forging a unique bond as teacher and student.

Kindred Spirits: Recklessness and Devotion

Ahsoka’s spirited nature mirrored her mentor’s recklessness, and their loyalty to each other was unwavering. They were a dynamic duo on the battlefield, not always adhering strictly to the Jedi Code but guided by their fierce dedication to each other and the Republic.

A Shocking Departure: Accusations of Treason

Yet, Ahsoka’s path diverged from Anakin’s when she faced accusations of treason within the Jedi Order. After a harrowing trial, she was ultimately acquitted, but the scars of suspicion remained.

A Return and a Siege: Ahsoka’s Resilience

Ahsoka’s journey took another unexpected turn as she returned to the Jedi Order. She found herself thrust into the heart of the Siege of Mandalore, a pivotal conflict in the Clone Wars. It was during this time that she and her forces were making their way back from Mandalore when the infamous Order 66 was executed.

Surviving the Chaos: Ahsoka’s Escape

In the midst of the ensuing chaos, Ahsoka and her loyal ally, Captain Rex, managed to elude the treacherous grip of the Order. At this crucial juncture, Ahsoka was a mere 17 years old, a survivor thrust into a galaxy radically transformed by the dark machinations of the Sith.

The Heartbreaking Search for Truth: Ahsoka’s Uncertain Fate

Yet, the most agonizing chapter in Ahsoka’s life lay ahead, as she embarked on a quest to uncover the fate of her former Master, Anakin Skywalker, now the infamous Darth Vader. This pursuit of truth would lead her down a path fraught with danger and despair, revealing the full extent of the tragedy that had befallen her once-loyal mentor.


At nine, Anakin Skywalker began training under Obi-Wan Kenobi. By 19, he became a Jedi Knight and married Padmé Amidala. However, by 22, he transformed into Darth Vader. Similarly, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin’s trainee, started her Jedi path at 14. Yet, within three years, she saw her mentor become the fearsome Darth Vader, changing both their fates.


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