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How To Lose Weight When You Can’t Walk

We’ve all wondered whether it’s possible to lose weight without exercise and the good news is, yes it actually is.

Let’s preface this by saying that regular exercise assists in promoting general well-being, increasing muscle mass and enhancing cardiovascular health. And, it’s also helpful in one’s weight loss journey.

But, in some cases, such as injury or illness, exercise simply isn’t possible. So, how can you approach weight loss when exercise is off the table? Here’s what you need to know.

Can you lose weight without exercising or walking?

Your body burns calories through daily activities like standing up and walking around as well as more vigorous exercise, so how can you still burn calories if you can’t walk?

Well, while exercise can help you lose weight, what you eat is key and you can still lose weight by consuming fewer calories than your body burns through daily activities and metabolic processes.

This is known as a calorie deficit, which can be accomplished through a combination of diet and lifestyle changes such as reducing portion sizes, cutting out high-calorie foods and drinks, and keeping track of your daily calorie intake.

However, it is important to note that regular exercise and physical activity can help support weight loss goals, improve overall health, and increase muscle mass which in turn helps boost metabolism [1].

How can I lose weight when I am injured or can’t exercise?

Losing weight while injured or being unable to walk is challenging, but weight gain can also impact your overall health and confidence in several ways.

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Thankfully, there are a few ways you can lose weight without exercise. Here’s how to do it.

Know how many calories you can eat

To lose weight, it’s important to reduce your caloric intake by eating fewer calories than you burn.

Basically, the more calories you consume, the more weight you gain. However, we need a certain amount of calories per day for our bodies to function optimally and we tend to gain weight when we consume excess calories.

The exact number of calories needed to create a deficit will vary for each person depending on your current weight, age, sex, and activity level.

In general, a deficit of about 500-1000 calories per day is recommended for weight loss. A combination of physical activity and a reduced calorie intake is usually the best way to achieve this; however, it can be done without exercise.

While trying to eat fewer calories can help you lose weight, it’s important to ensure you’re still getting all of the important nutrients your body needs. The best way to do this is to avoid processed foods, sugary snacks and refined carbs and opt for whole foods instead [1].

Eat healthy foods

Eating a healthy diet full of fruits and veggies, lean proteins and whole grains can help with weight loss as these foods are typically nutrient-dense and lower in calories. And, adding in healthy fats can help with satiety and reduce cravings.

Some of the best foods groups for weight loss are:

  • Fruits and vegetables: These are low in calories and high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, they can aid in satiety, which makes it simpler to consume fewer calories overall.
  • Whole grains: Oats, quinoa, and brown rice are examples of whole grains that are high in fibre and can aid in satiety.
  • Lean protein: Chicken, fish, and tofu can help with muscle maintenance while a person is trying to lose weight.
  • Healthy fats: Nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil are excellent sources of healthy fats, which can aid in weight loss and are also packed full of other health benefits.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are high in protein, fibre, and complex carbs [2].
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Swap high-calorie beverages for water

What you drink can be just as important as what you eat when it comes to calorie consumption. Liquids like soft drinks, juice and alcohol often contain more calories than they do nutritional value.

And, consuming these in large quantities can increase calorie intake, which can cause weight gain. Ever heard of the term beer belly? Well, it’s a thing.

While these liquids are fine in moderation, try to ensure that water is what you consume the most on a day-to-day basis. Drinking water can help maintain your weight in a number of ways. These include:

  • Increasing feelings of fullness: Drinking water before eating can help make you feel more satisfied, which can cause you to consume less food and burn off calories.
  • Increasing the metabolism: Drinking water can speed up your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories all day long.
  • Breaking down fat: Water helps the body break down fat and eliminate it through sweat and urine, which aids in weight loss.
  • Aiding digestion: Drinking water can help with digestion and prevents you from becoming constipated.

Keep an eye on portions

Portion control is a simple solution to weight gain as it means you can still have some yummy meals, just in smaller quantities.

People often hear portion control and assume it means eating tiny meals. In actuality, it means ensuring the amount of food you eat at one time and ensuring it’s in line with your energy needs.

Here are some strategies for practising portion control:

  • Use smaller plates: By using smaller plates, you’ll automatically eat less food, as the plate will appear full even if there is less food on it.
  • Measure your food: Use measuring cups or a food scale to measure out appropriate portions of food.
  • Slow down when eating: Eating more slowly can help you feel full faster, as it takes your brain some time to register that you’re full.
  • Plate up: Avoid eating straight from the package. Instead, portion out a serving of food onto a plate or into a container before you eat.
  • Keep track of your food intake: Use a food diary or an app to keep track of your food intake and make sure you’re staying within your calorie goals.
  • Practice mindful eating: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues and stop eating when you’re satisfied, not stuffed.
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Try a holistic weight loss program

Another way to lose weight without solely focusing on exercise is with holistic weight loss treatment. Enter: Pilot’s Metabolic Reset Program.

This treatment includes a breakthrough medication that works to regulate your appetite, overhauls your hunger hormones and safely lowers your set point, which is the weight your body fights to maintain, according to your biology.

This prescription medication is coupled with personalised health coaching, which includes one-on-one goal setting with an Aussie practitioner as well as round-the-clock community support from our medical team, health coaches, and like-minded men that keep you accountable.

And, there’s also a weekly check-in with your medical practitioner to track your physical, mental, and biometric progress and make adjustments to your program.

Pilot’s Metabolic Reset Program takes a multipronged approach to weight loss and it doesn’t rely solely on exercise to make it happen. Our experts teach you how to make lifestyle changes that will help you lead a healthier and happier life.

Prioritise sleep

Sleep can play an important role in weight loss, so it’s imperative that you prioritise quality sleep each night.

In fact, adequate sleep is important for maintaining a healthy weight, as it can help regulate hormones that control hunger and fullness. Additionally, a lack of sleep can increase the stress hormone cortisol, which can cause weight gain, particularly belly fat.

How much sleep do you need to average each night? Try to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep [3].

Try meal replacement shakes

A meal replacement shake is designed to be consumed in place of a traditional food-based meal and is lower in calories, so if you were to replace 1-2 meals per day with a high-quality shake, you could experience some serious shredding benefits.

However, not all meal replacement shakes are created equal and it’s important to find one that is formulated to meet your nutritional needs. That’s where Pilot’s Weight Reset Shakes come in.

Our meal replacement shakes include high-quality whey protein, fibre, pre and probiotics and 20 vitamins and minerals to keep you feeling satisfied and energised while losing weight.

Photo credit: Getty Images


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