HomeWHENHow To Tell If Someone's Phone Is Off When Texting

How To Tell If Someone’s Phone Is Off When Texting

It’s handy to know how to tell if someone’s phone is off or dead, so you can find other ways to contact them.

In this article, we’ll discuss why someone’s phone is out of reach and how you know it.

There are several reasons why you can’t contact someone. One possibility is their phone is turned off.

If this is the case, try calling later or see if you can reach them on another device. Another possibility is the phone has no signal.

If you call someone and their phone is off or dead, you will be redirected to voicemail. If you send them a text, they won’t be able to receive your message until they turn on their device. However, this could also indicate that your number has been blocked. The best way to know for sure is to use another phone to call.

Before we can help you determine whether someone’s phone is off or dead, let us discuss why.

Reasons Why Someone’s Phone is Off or Dead

There are many reasons you can’t reach someone on their mobile number.

If you’re unsure whether a certain someone is ignoring your calls or their phone is off, below we made a list of things that will indicate their phone is off or dead.

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1. Blocked Your Number

When someone blocks your number, your call won’t get through, and your text messages won’t be delivered. But, you can reach them using another’s phone number.

2. No Service

You can’t contact someone if their phone has no signal. See their latest activity on social media and how long since they’ve been active to find out.

3. The Phone Is Turned Off

If the phone is turned off or has no batteries, your call will also go straight to voicemail.

4. Do Not Disturb Mode

If someone you know often puts their phone on Do Not Disturb mode, that’s another reason you can’t contact them. It may be possible they’re not available at the moment.

5. The Number Is Disconnected

When a number is disconnected from the service provider or no longer active, you will get an automated message that says the number you’ve dialed is no longer in service.

These are some of the reasons you can’t contact someone. If you are concerned you can’t reach anyone, it may be because of one of these.

Now, let’s see what you can do.

How Do You Know if Someone’s Phone is Dead?

tell if someone's phone is off or dead

It’s easy to worry when your friend or family isn’t answering your call or the call isn’t connecting.

You need to know how to tell if someone’s phone is off or dead to keep yourself from panicking.

Step #1: Call and Check If You’re Redirected to Voicemail

If someone’s phone is dead will it still ring? Try to call the person. If their phone is off or dead, they won’t be able to receive the call.

So, NO, it’s not going to ring. Instead, you’ll hear a message saying the call can’t be completed as dialed.

Here’s how to make a call:

  1. Open your phone’s Phone app.
  2. Dial the number you want to call.
  3. You can also search your contact list.
  4. Tap Call.
  5. When done, tap End Call.
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Tip: If you’re trying to reach someone and it goes directly to voicemail, then their phone is off or dead. If it rings before going to voicemail, it’s a good indication that their phone is not dead.

Step #2: Call From a Different Phone and Number

call using different number

If you’re not sure if the person you call is actually out of reach or simply blocked your number, try calling from a different phone and number.

If the call goes through, you’ll know for sure that you’ve been blocked. If it doesn’t, their phone is turned off or dead.

Follow the steps above on making a call using a different phone or number.

For example, use:

  • A friend’s phone
  • A family member’s phone
  • Public phone

Tip: Sometimes, there can be issues with your own phone. Try this if all other methods do not work.

Step #3: Send a Regular SMS to See How Long it Takes to Send

Unless the phone is off or out of the coverage area, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to send a regular SMS to someone.

If you know how long it takes to send, you can use it to tell if a person’s phone is dead.

Here’s how to send a regular text message:

  1. Tap the Message icon.
  2. Tap the Compose button to start a new conversation.
  3. Enter the Recipient.
  4. Enter your Message.
  5. Tap Send.

Note: If you text someone and it takes longer than usual for the SMS to send, there’s a good chance their phone is not receiving any service.

Step #4: Send an iMessage and Wait for Delivery Receipts

send imessage

If you are using an iPhone and the person you are trying to reach is also an iPhone user, you can use the iMessage feature to check if their phone is off or dead.

If the message is successfully delivered, it will display ‘Delivered.’

Here’s how to send an iMessage:

  1. Launch the Message app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the Compose button in the top-left corner.
  3. Enter the contact name you’d like to send a message to.
  4. Type your message and tap the send arrow.
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Note: Apple’s built-in Messages app can send both the carrier-based SMS and the data-based iMessage.

Apple color codes all messages to make it easier to tell them apart. Blue is for iMessage, and regular text is green.

Step #5: Check Their Activity on WhatsApp and Other Social Media

check whatsapp

Another way to tell if someone’s phone or dead is off is by checking their activity on WhatsApp and other social media.

If that certain person is a frequent WhatsApp user and hasn’t been active for hours, chances are their phone is off.

Here’s how to find out if they’ve been active on social media platforms:

Facebook and Instagram

  1. You will see a green dot next to their username and photo.
  2. You will also see their most recent Active Status.


  1. Open your WhatsApp app.
  2. Find the person you want to check in your chat list.
  3. You should see their status beneath their chat name.

Note: If they’re online, it should read ‘Online.’ If not, it should read ‘Last seen [date/time].’

Step #6: Use a Number Blocking Feature Like *67

use call blocking feature

If you want to know if someone’s phone blocked your number, try calling with a masked number.

Doing this will prevent your number from being displayed. Some carriers, however, do not have this feature.

Here’s how to use a number blocking feature like *67:

  1. Open your phone’s Phone app.
  2. Dial *67 before the ten-digit number of the person you’re calling.
  3. Press the Call button.

Note: If the phone rings more than once, you may have been blocked. No Called ID will be displayed on the receiving end, so they won’t know it’s you.

There is really no definitive way to know if someone’s phone if off or dead. However, you will have an idea if their phone is turned off or not.

If you’re unable to connect to their number consistently, there’s a good chance that their phone or number is inactive.

Bottom Line

Now, you know how to tell if someone’s phone is off or dead.

Use these methods to determine if the person you are trying to reach is out of reach or blocking your call. These simple solutions do not need technical knowledge.

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