HomeWHENEssential Tips for Transferring Utilities When Moving

Essential Tips for Transferring Utilities When Moving

Moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it’s crucial not to forget about transferring your utilities. You don’t want to spend your first night without hot water, electricity, or internet. To ensure a smooth transition, follow these simple tips for transferring your utilities when moving.

Get Organized

Before you start packing, make a list of all your current utility service providers. This includes cable and internet, water and sewer, gas, electricity, satellite, security system, trash, and phone. Write down their contact information and note any new providers if you plan to switch.

Research New Providers

If you’re moving to a different city or area, you may have to switch utility companies. Research the options available in your new location. Check with local government websites, city agencies, and ask for recommendations from Realtors or locals. If you’re staying in the same city or state, you’ll likely be able to keep the same providers.

Notify Utilities in Advance

Contact each utility provider at least two to three weeks before your move to notify them of the transfer. For services like cable, internet, and security systems that require installation appointments, call a month in advance. Consider scheduling gas and electric disconnect dates for a day after moving or closing day to ensure you have power when needed. If possible, arrange for gas and electric connection before your move to ensure comfort in extreme weather.

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Arrange Water and Sewer Service

Water and sewer services are usually handled by the city. Contact your new city’s public utilities office a few weeks before moving to arrange for service to begin on closing or moving day. Ask for an estimate of the costs if you’re moving to a new city with different rates.

Check HOA Coverage

If you’re moving to a community with a homeowners’ association (HOA), check if the HOA fees cover basic utilities like water, sewer, gas, and trash pickup. Consolidating your bills into one monthly payment can simplify the process.

Update Address and Pay Bills

Provide your new address to utility service providers to ensure you receive bills at your new home. Also, don’t forget to change your mailing address with USPS. Before moving, be sure to pay any overdue utility bills to avoid potential credit score issues.

Final Meter Reading

Arrange for utility service providers to conduct a final meter reading before moving. Keep a copy of the reading reports in case of any unexpected bills.

Confirm Start and Stop Dates

Double-check your stop/start dates with both current and new utility providers. Confirm that all contact and billing information is correct to avoid any issues.

Conduct a Home Energy Audit

Consider scheduling a home energy audit after moving into your new home. This will help identify any areas where energy efficiency can be improved, such as insulation, ductwork, or furnace. It’s an excellent way to optimize your home’s energy usage.

By following these tips and staying organized, you can ensure a hassle-free transfer of your utilities when moving. Remember to compare rates and package options to save money and make the most of your new home.

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Woman moving into a new house

Saving Money on Utilities

To save money on internet, cable, and security monitoring services, review your current plans and consider downsizing or bundling services. Contact your providers to compare rates and explore package options tailored to your needs.

The U.S. Department of Energy suggests several low-cost ways to save on utilities, including air drying dishes, installing a programmable thermostat, turning off power strips and lights when not in use, lowering the thermostat on water heaters, and using energy-efficient products like Energy Star appliances and light bulbs.

Other Important Tasks to Complete Before Moving

In addition to transferring utilities, there are other essential tasks to complete before moving:

  • Schedule movers a few months in advance
  • Sell or donate belongings to lighten your load
  • Gather moving boxes and supplies
  • Pack non-essentials first and essentials last
  • Don’t forget an overnight bag for your first night in the new home

Moving boxes

FAQs About Transferring Utilities When Moving

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about transferring utilities when moving:

How much does it cost to switch utilities over? Costs vary depending on the utility companies. Some may charge transfer fees, so it’s best to ask upfront.

Does the title company transfer utilities? The title company may discover outstanding utility balances during a municipal lien search, which could delay the transfer of title.

What are the average annual utility costs in the U.S.? According to EnergyStar.gov, the average annual energy bill for a single-family home is $2,060. Bills vary based on factors like household size, location, and climate.

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Does the buyer or seller transfer utilities? Typically, the seller will pay for utilities until the closing day, and then the buyer takes over. Both parties should coordinate the transfer to avoid service interruptions.

Can I have electricity in two houses when moving? Yes, it is possible to have utility services in multiple homes.

How do I transfer utilities when renting? Check your lease to see which utilities you are responsible for. Contact your provider to transfer service within the same city or set up new service with a different provider.

I forgot to transfer my utilities. What should I do? Contact utility companies as soon as possible to schedule reconnection. Be prepared for potential installation and start-up fees.

Woman packing boxes

Ready to Move?

Moving.com provides a network of licensed and insured movers to make your move easier. Use the Moving Cost Calculator to get an estimate and find the best moving company for your needs. Good luck and happy moving!

Note: This article provides helpful guidance, but it is always recommended to consult with utility service providers for specific instructions and requirements.


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