What Did Santa Need When He Sprained His Ankle

When Christmas time rolls around, everything turns merry and bright! Of course, this can be done with twinkling Christmas lights, Christmas tree displays, and the sound of cheerful Christmas songs everywhere you go—but that lively feeling also comes from time spent with the special people in your life as you gather to celebrate the season.

If you’re planning a dinner or Christmas party to do just that, you’ve probably already thought of the basics: a delectable Christmas menu for a festive feast and the most charming Christmas decorations for decking the halls. Now you just need fun Christmas activities for everyone to enjoy. Along with plenty of Christmas puzzles and Christmas movies, you can also garner lots of laughter with the best Christmas riddles! We’re seeing a delightful new Christmas Eve tradition in your future.

So, we’ve come up with 100 ho ho ho-larious options (with answers) for the whole family to figure out together. Share these riddles and brain teasers aloud with the group, write them down to pass around the kids’ table, or use them to add some humor to your Christmas card wishes. You might even use these solvable, funny Christmas quotes to come up with a Christmas game—whoever answers the most riddles gets a seasonal surprise! Maybe an extra slice of pie? Either way, the riddles, Christmas jokes, and Christmas puns found here are sure to spread some cheer!

  • How do kids always know when Santa Claus is around? They sense his presents.
  • What did the Christmas tree say to the ornament? “Aren’t you tired of hanging around?”
  • Why didn’t the stocking want to eat Christmas dinner? He was stuffed!
  • Where do Santa and his elves go for a swim? The North Pool.
  • What did Santa need when he sprained his ankle? A candy cane.
  • Why was the Christmas tree so bad at knitting? He was always dropping his needles!
  • How was the snow globe feeling? A little shaken!
  • What kind of pictures do elves take? Elfies.
  • What’s white, red, and blue at Christmas time? A sad candy cane!
  • Where do snowmen go to dance? The snowball.
  • Why do mummies like Christmas so much? Because of all the wrapping!
  • What do you call a disrespectful reindeer? Rude-olph.
  • Where do the three wise men go to get their robes tailored? Bethle-hem.
  • Who delivers presents to cats? Santa Claws!
  • Who delivers presents to dogs? Santa Paws!
  • How did Santa get lost on Christmas Eve? He got mis-sled.
  • What did the gingerbread man put on his bed? Cookie sheets!
  • What is a snowman’s favorite breakfast? Frosted Flakes.
  • What’s Santa’s favorite candy? Jolly Ranchers.
  • Why did Frosty cross the road? To melt on the other side.
  • Who says “Oh, oh, oh”? Santa walking backwards.
  • What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? The Christmas alphabet has NOEL!
  • What happens when you mix an apple with a Christmas tree? You get a pine-apple!
  • What did the salt say to the pepper on Christmas? Seasonings Greetings!
  • How do Christmas trees get ready for a party? They spruce up!
  • What’s an elf’s favorite dog breed? Toy poodle.
  • How does Santa feel when he’s stuck in a chimney? Claus-trophobic.
  • What kind of motorcycle does Santa like to ride? A Holly Davidson.
  • What do you call a reindeer with three eyes? A reiiindeer.
  • What did the snowman do when he got upset? He had a meltdown.
  • Why is Santa so good at karate? Because he has a black belt.
  • What did Adam say the day before Christmas? It’s Christmas, Eve!
  • What kind of bug hates Christmas? A humbug.
  • How do snowmen eat their cupcakes? With extra frosting.
  • What did Mrs. Claus say to her husband when she looked up at the sky? It looks like rain, dear.
  • Why does Santa prefer to travel down the chimney on Christmas? It soots him.
  • What are two different snacks, but also one Christmas decoration? Nutcrackers.
  • What do you call an elf wearing earmuffs? Whatever you want. He can’t hear you, anyway!
  • What did the Christmas tree wear to keep it warm? A fir coat!
  • Why did the snowman buy a bag of carrots? He wanted to pick his nose.
  • Which one of Santa’s reindeer is the fastest? Dasher.
  • I come with a lot of colors, so lovely and bright. I turn so many houses into a beautiful sight. What am I? Christmas lights.
  • Open me every day for something that can’t be beat. Behind each of the doors, you will discover a tasty treat. What am I? Advent calendar.
  • Although it might look like I belong on your toes, I’m actually hung up for gifts, as every child knows. What am I? Christmas stocking.
  • Santa Claus rides on it as he gives out gifts, and to it nine reindeer are hitched. What is it? Sleigh.
  • These are what Santa likes to eat. At every house he stops, he’s looking for this treat. What are these? Milk and cookies.
  • All day I sit on a shelf, but come alive and move during the nights. I tell Santa who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. Who am I? The Elf on the Shelf.
  • When going around the world, my red nose leads the way. I go to every country with my team as we pull Santa’s sleigh. Who am I? Rudolph.
  • I drop from the sky far more beautiful than rain. There are no two pieces that’ll ever look the same. What am I? Snow.
  • I’m grumpy and green and stole Christmas one night. But then my heart grew, and I set it all right. Who am I? The Grinch.
  • You place a skirt around my bottom after I’ve been chopped. On the other end, a star or angel is how I am topped. What am I? Christmas tree.
  • Rip this off quickly so I can no longer hide, your precious gift that awaits inside. What am I? Wrapping paper.
  • Known for having pointy ears and making Christmas toys, which Santa then delivers to all the good girls and boys. Who are we? Santa’s elves.
  • When going around the world, I can find the way. I go to every country while helping pull Santa’s sleigh. What am I? Reindeer.
  • I have needles all over me but cannot sew a thing. What am I? A Christmas tree.
  • I’m a Christmas treat that can be made into many things. I can be a cake, a cookie, or an edible cottage with icing. What am I? Gingerbread.
  • I’m a plant seen at Christmas that people hang above. And then they stand beneath me, and kiss someone they love. What am I? Mistletoe.
  • We traveled from the East, following a big, bright star, bringing gifts to the newborn King. Who were we? The Three Wise Men.
  • If you hear me at night, you better get to sleep because I’m attached to Santa’s sleigh and he has all your treats. What am I? Jingle bells.
  • I am a shape. I am a sea animal. I am part of the sky. I am always on the top of a Christmas tree. What am I? A star.
  • I am a ball that does not bounce. What am I? A snowball.
  • What do you call an old snowman? Water.
  • What is something that travels all around the world like Santa Claus, but never leaves its corner? A stamp.
  • When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary.
  • How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? Nothing, it was on the house!
  • If December 31st is the end of the year, then what is the end of Christmas? The letter “S.”
  • Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary.
  • What laundry detergent do people in the North Pole use? Yule Tide.
  • Where do you find Santa’s reindeer? It depends on where you left them.
  • What did the kids’ mother say after they were done opening presents? Oh! What a Christmess!
  • I’m a bank, but I don’t have any money. What am I? Snowbank.
  • Why did Santa get a ticket on Christmas Eve? He left his sled in a s(no)w parking zone.
  • Why do reindeer always fly over the mountain? Because they can’t go under it.
  • If eleven elves were in the workshop and another joined them, what would he be? The twelf.
  • Which year would Christmas and New Year come in the same year? Every year.
  • You can catch me but not throw. I’m most popular in December. What am I? A cold.
  • What did the snow woman do to the snowman when she was upset with him? She gave him the cold shoulder.
  • What did the bald man say when someone gave him a comb for Christmas? Thanks, I’ll never part with it.
  • What is always right in front of you but you can’t see it? Next Christmas.
  • What do Santa’s beard and a Christmas tree have in common? They both need trimming.
  • What happened to the girl who stole the advent calendar? She got 25 days.
  • What is the best Christmas gift you can give someone? A broken drum because it cannot be beaten!
  • What’s the hardest thing about learning to skate? The ice.
  • What’s Santa’s tax status? Elf-employed.
  • How do you scare a snowman? You get a hairdryer!
  • Why do you go to bed on Christmas Eve? Because the bed won’t come to you.
  • Which two letters describe Santa’s sack after Christmas? M-T.
  • What Christmas carol does a dog like to sing? Deck the Howls.
  • What is a parent’s favorite Christmas carol? Silent Night!
  • What do fish sing at Christmas time? Christmas corals.
  • What’s every elf’s favorite type of music? Wrap.
  • I’m a catchy carol and a tune that likes to rhyme. I contain 12 magnificent gifts that come around Christmas time. What am I? The Twelve Days of Christmas song.
  • What is Frosty the Snowman’s favorite song? Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow.
  • What’s a farmer’s favorite Christmas carol? I’m Dreaming of a Wheat Christmas.
  • What does a snake sing at Christmas? SSSsssssssssssilver Bells.
  • What do grapes sing at Christmas? ‘Tis the season to be jelly.
  • If a lion wrote a Christmas album, what would it be called? Jungle Bells.
  • What is a sheep’s favorite Christmas tune? Fleece Navidad.
  • What song do skunks sing at Christmas? Jingle Smells.
  • Who makes toy guitars and sings Blue Christmas? Elf-is Presley.
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