HomeWHENWhat Does It Mean When A Cat Twitches Its Tail

What Does It Mean When A Cat Twitches Its Tail

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They use this cat tail language to signal to you or other cats that they’re ready for interaction and will usually purr, rub their face on you and sometimes might also meow happily.

Sometimes cats wag their tail to show their love: the wrapping tail

Occasionally when your cat wants to show you affection, they may wrap their tail around your hand, arm or even neck. However, this is less common as most cats tend to display their love for you in the form of head butts instead.

Cats can wag their tail when in danger: fluffed up tail

When your cat’s tail gets really fluffed up, it’s because they feel as though they’re in danger. They generally do this during a confrontation, whether with another dog, cat or maybe with your super scary hoover. According to The Nest, they fluff up to try and make themselves look larger and scarier to their foe, which is why they’ll arch their back too.

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Some cats wag their tail while sleeping: the sleep twitch

Sometimes when your cat’s sleeping and you pet or talk to them, they might twitch their tail. This cat tail language is their way of saying, “I know you’re there, but I feel safe enough to carry on snoozing anyway.”

Cat tail wagging as a sign of pain: waving tail while lying down

Dr. Ernie Ward also suggests that sometimes cat tail wagging may indicate that they’re in pain or feeling unwell. If your cat’s lying down and waving their tail whilst also behaving out of sorts – such as going off their food or spending a lot of time in hiding – they may be feeling under the weather. If you’re concerned about your cat’s health, take them to the vet as soon as possible for a diagnosis.

Now you know all the reasons why cats wag their tails! Don’t forget to pay attention to your cat’s tail language the next time you go in for a cuddle – it’ll help to avoid surprise whacks or nips!

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