What Happens When Two Narcs Get Together

Imagine two narcissists in a relationship. It’s a pairing that is often doomed to fail but can be fascinating to watch. Narcissists are drawn to each other like magnets, and their relationship is typically one of power and control. In this blog post, we will explore what happens when two narcissists get together, and how it affects both of them. We will also look at experts’ opinions on this type of relationship, as well as case studies and movies/books that depict narcissistic relationships. Finally, we will give our opinion on the likely outcome of such a relationship.

Pairing Narcissists In a Relationship

There is something about the dynamic of two narcissists in a relationship that is fascinating to watch. It’s like a tug of war, with each person trying to outdo the other. This type of relationship can be very intense, and it’s usually marked by a lot of drama and fighting.

Types of Narcissist-Narcissist Relationship

There are different types of narcissist-narcissist relationships. What draws them together is usually the need for power or control over each other, and this can manifest itself in several ways.

A Toxic Relationship: Where both partners are abusive to one another but keep coming back because they enjoy playing the “game.” This type of relationship is often very destructive.

The Perfect Match: Where both partners are narcissistic and share the same values and interests. This type of relationship can be quite toxic, but it can also be very fulfilling for both parties involved.

The Rescue Relationship: Where one partner is a narcissist who rescues the other from a bad or abusive relationship. This type of relationship is often unhealthy and one-sided.

The Manipulative Relationship: Where one partner is a narcissist who uses the other for their gain. This type of relationship is usually very manipulative and can be quite damaging.

Imagining Two Narcissists In a Relationship


The relationship between two narcissists is typically one of power and control. There is a lot of drama and fighting, as each person tries to dominate the other. This type of relationship can be very intense but it’s also often quite toxic.

What Will Draw Them Towards Each Other

There is a theory called “assortative mating” which suggests that people are attracted to those who share the same characteristics. This can be seen in many different areas of life, including relationships. So it’s not surprising that two narcissists would be drawn to each other.

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Thus, a narcissist will often be attracted to another narcissist. They are drawn together like magnets because there is something about their dynamic that attracts them both. The relationship can feel very exciting at first, as they share common interests and values.

But there is still an intense rivalry between them, as each person tries to outdo the other to gain control. As a result, that can lead to arguments over trivial things like who gets credit for doing something or which way the toilet paper roll should go.

How The Relationship Will Play Out

In a narcissist-narcissist relationship, the two people are usually very similar in terms of their personalities and needs. They both have a strong need for admiration and respect, and they can be quite manipulative when it comes to getting what they want.

In most cases, the relationship between two narcissists is doomed from the start. This is because neither person has any interest in giving up their power or control over one another. It’s a tug of war where each partner tries to outdo the other, and this can lead to some very destructive patterns such as:

  • Abusive Behavior: One partner may become abusive towards the other if they feel like they are losing control.
  • Victim-Perpetrator Role: The relationship often becomes one where one person is the victim and the other is the perpetrator.
  • Manipulation: One partner may try to manipulate the other into doing what they want.

Can They Fall In Love With Each Other

Two narcissists can fall in love with each other, but it’s not common. Most of the time, they are more interested in having a power struggle than anything else. However, there is always the potential for them to develop feelings for each other.

For two narcissists to fall in love with each other, they would need to be able to let go of some of their control and power. This is not something that comes easy to them, so it’s usually a challenge for them to develop feelings for each other.

Predicting Relationship Dynamics


Relationships between two narcissists are often very intense, but they also tend to be quite volatile. There’s always this underlying tension between the partners because each person feels threatened by what he sees as his competitor’s strength or intelligence.

It creates an atmosphere of constant competitiveness and jealousy, which can lead to fighting between them if one partner feels threatened by what seems like a better match for his needs than himself (examples include being smarter/more successful).

Some common characteristics of such a relationship:

Unhealthy and Destructive

A relationship between two narcissists is usually very unhealthy and destructive. They are both focused on themselves and their own needs, and neither person is interested in meeting the other’s needs. This can lead to a lot of fighting and drama.

Relationship Is Unfulfilling

A relationship between two narcissists is often unfulfilling for both parties involved. They are both so focused on themselves and their own needs that they don’t have time to focus on the other person’s needs.

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This leads to a relationship where neither person is truly happy or fulfilled, which can cause them even more distress in the long run. It often ends up being an unhealthy situation for everyone involved.

Relationship Is Unstable

A relationship between two narcissists is often unstable. This is because neither person is interested in compromising or working together. They are both focused on themselves and their own needs, which can lead to a lot of conflicts.

Relationship Is Toxic

A relationship between two narcissists is usually very toxic. There is a lot of fighting and drama, as each person tries to dominate the other. This type of relationship can be very intense but it’s also often quite toxic.

Relationship Ends in a Breakup

In most cases, the relationship between two narcissists ends in a breakup. This is because neither person can compromise or work together. They are both focused on themselves and their own needs, and this can lead to a lot of fights.

Expecting End of Such Relationships

The narcissist-narcissist relationship often does not last long because both partners are always looking for a better deal. They are never satisfied with what they have and constantly crave more admiration, respect, and control.

As a result, the relationship is always in a state of flux, and it’s only a matter of time before one or both partners decides to call it quits. This is because neither person has an interest in compromising or working together. They are both focused on themselves and their own needs, which can lead to a lot of fights.

Who Comes Out on Top

In most cases, the narcissist who is in the more powerful position comes out on top. This is because they can use their power and control over the other person. However, this does not always happen as sometimes one partner may be more powerful than the other.

The narcissist who feels like they have lost control of their partner will usually end up coming out on top. They may also try to manipulate them into doing what they want, or they may be abusive towards them. This can often lead to a lot of fights and drama in the relationship.

Impact of That Relationship On Each Other

In the long run, a relationship between two narcissists can be quite damaging to each person’s life. They are both care only about their own needs, which leads to a lot of fighting and drama. Neither person is truly happy or fulfilled in this type of relationship. It often ends up being an unhealthy situation for everyone in the picture. Such as:

Can’t Move Forward in Their Lives

Narcissistic relationships are often very intense but they are also quite unstable. This is because neither person is willing to compromise or work together. They both want what’s best for themselves and their needs come first, which can lead to a lot of fighting and drama between them if one partner feels threatened by what seems like a better match for his needs than himself (examples include being smarter/more successful).

Can’t Find Happiness in Any Other Relationship

Narcissists can never truly be happy with anyone else. They will always try to dominate the other person and make them feel inferior because they believe that only through this can they find happiness. This is why relationships between two narcissists are often so destructive and unhealthy. It’s also why they usually end in a breakup.

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Experts’ Opinion About Such Relationships

There is a lot of debate over whether or not relationships between two narcissists can work. Some experts believe that the couple can have a healthy relationship if both people are willing to compromise and meet each other’s needs. However, most experts agree that this type of relationship is usually very unhealthy and is often set to fail.

The Alternative Opinion

The narcissist-narcissist relationship comes with a lot of drama and fighting, but there are also some positive aspects to it. For instance, both partners might be extremely passionate about something like politics or art; they’ll spend hours discussing these topics with each other and debating finer points. The fact that they have so much in common makes them feel close to one another, which can lead them into a long-term relationship or marriage.

Case Study

There are a few case studies out there that look at relationships between two narcissists. And they suggest different viewpoints on the sustainability of a relationship where both parties are narcissistic.

Case Example 1

One such study is by Dr. Vijayeta Sinha, who looked at the dynamics of a relationship between a narcissistic husband and wife.

The study found that the couple was constantly trying to one-up each other. They would manipulate and deceive each other as well as engage in abusive behavior towards the other person if they felt like they were losing control. The couple eventually broke up because they couldn’t compromise or work together, which led to a lot of fighting and drama between them.

Case Example 2

A recent study has shown that narcissists are more likely to stay in relationships with other narcissists than any other type of person. This is because they tend to have similar values and beliefs, which makes them feel closer together. In addition, narcissists also enjoy the thrill of being able to control someone else’s behavior. Now, this can make for an exciting relationship dynamic.

Movies And Books

Some books look at relationships between two narcissists.

“The Narcissist Next Door: Understanding the Monster in Your Family, in Your Office, and Yourself”- It is by Martha Stout. This book explores how narcissism affects relationships between partners as well as within families.

“Fatal Attraction”- Here we see how a relationship can go from passionate to destructive very quickly. The movie is a good example of how the two narcissists will often try to one-up each other and how things can quickly spiral out of control.


In conclusion, two narcissists in a relationship are rarely healthy. They are constantly trying to one-up each other and they engage in abusive behavior towards each other if they feel like they’re losing control.

The relationship ends when either person gets tired of the constant manipulation and deception or decides that it’s not worth fighting anymore because there’s no way to make things work.

This is why experts agree that relationships between two narcissists are usually doomed to fail, and it’s best for both people involved if they break up before things get too serious.

A Word From Therapy Mantra

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