What Happens When You Lose Your Virginity Spiritually

The Virginity (V-card)

Women, we’ve all had it and some still do. Most persons value it and protect it while others freely give it to the first person to ask. What is the v-card? It is your virginity – a woman’s most prized possession. Society has held virgins in high regard and the bible treasures a woman who is holding on until marriage. God Himself made sure to select a virgin for His son’s grand entrance to earth. If your v-card was stolen or sold for little or nothing at an early age, hearing about the wonders of the virginity will have you feeling low in spirit.

The Loss

I too sold mine pre-maturely and definitely to the wrong buyer. Many days I wish I could stage an armed robbery to recapture my jewel. Too bad it doesn’t work like that. I know many women can attest to this complex feeling. You gave it away but you want it back. I know for many women, theirs were tricked away or taken against their will. I sympathize and pray for complete healing of your loss. Permit me to focus on the women who – due to naivety – gave theirs away freely. Help me to encourage those who are virgins holding on to theirs and waiting for the Godly King they so desire.

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According to the world’s standards, losing your virginity is a rite of passage. You are a total woman when you are deflowered. In American pop culture, your virginity has to go on senior prom night. In the Jamaican context, something must be wrong with you if you’re over eighteen with your hymen still intact. Unfortunately, these standards are the reality of many young girls not knowing that their standards are hidden in Christ.

I wish I knew who I was in God before I gave it all away…

My Reality

My reality was that I didn’t know Christ or have Godly principles instilled in my life. No one told me the importance of remaining a virgin until marriage. I didn’t understand the spiritual, the psychological and emotional implications of being so close to someone at such a young age. Yes, parents warn about getting pregnant early but that was it. How come no one told me that I would become emotionally scarred from giving away my innocence? Statistics show that the average female loses her virginity before the age of consent. How did no one share the spiritual implications of being a statistic? Man, I feel cheated. Not that I would have listened. But seriously, I am sharing the top 5 reasons I THINK your virginity is important.

Top 5 Reasons Why your Virginity is Important

The regret isn’t worth it

Even if you think you won’t regret it, you WILL regret it. I was with the love of my life (what a joke) when I decided that it was a perfect time. I saw it as a gift that I would give to someone special and he would treasure it forever. In my mind, this relationship was going to last forever and I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I was wrong. The truth is he didn’t love me like Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25). He didn’t know Christ nor the church so how could he follow suit?

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Virginity Helps to Protect your Spiritual Gates

A gate or gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised. Whoever controls your life’s different gateways exercises authority, dominion & control over you. I don’t think that many individuals understand the gates that open when we engage in sexual activity. Let me speak to the non-virgins who are reading this post. Can you recall how your breath leaves your body at that initial point of contact? Nothing can convince me that a spiritual exchange doesn’t happen at that moment. Two bodies connect physically but also spiritually. Both your worlds become intertwined and a bond – that is not easily broken – has been created (see reason 3). When you give away your virginity, you become spiritually vulnerable. It is important to ensure that God approves your marriage so that when you consummate it you are spiritually covered and protected. Sex before marriages leaves you open to sexual demons.

Your Virginity Prevents Ungodly Soul Ties

Soul ties occur when two spirits are joined together in the spiritual realm. Sex is designed for two individuals to become one in marriage (Mark 10:7-9). When sex occurs between two individuals, a signal is sent in the spirit realm that they have had sex and are now joined together as one (1 Corinthians 6:16). Soul ties are healthy and unhealthy. Healthy soul ties are more likely to occur when sex happens in marriage while unhealthy soul ties are oftentimes a result of fornication.

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Virginity and Godly Intimacy

Most women lose their virginity to the first man they love and trust. Relationships that result in sex before marriage aren’t built on a biblical foundation. When ungodly relationships end, negative emotions develop. In the pursuit of a Godly intimate relationship, these emotions pose a threat. Women have to rid themselves of negative emotions to learn how to be open and trusting in their new relationship. The process is tedious and causes unnecessary frustration.

Virginity is a Godly Gift

A woman’s virginity is a gift created by God for her husband. I cannot relate but, I believe that when preserved, this gift fosters an unpenetrable bond between husband and wife (Mark 10:9). The virginity is meant to be preserved for marriage; cherish it.

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