HomeWHENWhat It Mean When A Bird Fly In Your House

What It Mean When A Bird Fly In Your House

A bird flying into your house can be an unnerving experience. Even if you don’t usually suffer from ornithophobia. – or a fear of birds – being near a bird in a confined space can be a little scary, particularly if it’s flying and flapping about desperately trying to escape.

However, for many people, a bird flying into their house can bring additional worry, as the phenomenon has several spiritual meanings and superstitions associated with it, and not all of them are good.

One of the most common superstitions around a bird flying into your house is that it is a sign of bad fortune or even a warning of an impending death. In Celtic cultures in particular, black birds, such as crows and ravens, are often associated with sickness and death, so one of these entering your home is likely to cause the most concern, not least due to their sheer size and potential to break things.

A very specific superstition says that if the bird enters a house, circles a room and lands on the back of a chair, whoever usually sits in that chair is up next to face the grim reaper, while in Ireland, a wild bird inside the home signifies the death or illness of a woman in the family. Despite extensive searching of the internet, we can find no statistics to back up those claims.

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For some, the bird doesn’t even need to enter a house to be a sign of impending doom. Simply trying to get in, tapping at, or accidentally hitting a window means an imminent death in the family. If you count the unfortunate bird that smashes into your window as family, then regrettably the foretelling may be proved right in this case.

Because of these superstition about birds in homes and death, some people will refuse to keep a pet bird or allow feathers, particularly peacock feathers, in the house. Some will even avoid hanging paintings or allowing ornaments of birds in their home, and they wouldn’t bring a sick or injured bird inside either.

It also means you should never kill a bird that enters your house. This of course would be against the law and if caught could result in a hefty fine, which would be bad luck brought entirely upon yourself.

The actress Lucille Ball was so frightened of birds in the house that she refused to stay in hotels that displayed pictures of birds and allegedly tore down some very expensive Japanese silk wallpaper from her Beverly Hills home when it became apparent that birds were incorporated into the design. She dates her fear of birds to the day her father died when she was just 3 years old, and shortly after a bird flew into the family home and became trapped.


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