What To Do When Neighbor Is Fumigating

Seeing your neighbor’s house covered in tarps with the fumigation trucks parked nearby will cause worry. Your brain may start to hurt overthinking many aspects like whether the termite tenting gases might be harmful for you or even whether the termites will escape and find refuge in your house. Here is everything you need to know to clear your doubts about termite tenting.

Are We Safe When the Neighbors Are Fumigating Their Houses?

This is one of the most common questions that people have about fumigation. The gases used during fumigation are meant to eradicate termites but can cause adverse effects in humans when we are exposed to a high concentration of these gases.

But when your neighbors are fumigating their houses, there is very little to no chance of you getting exposed to these gases. Usually, the termite control company uses huge tarpaulins made from specific materials to cover and seal the house that is to be treated so that the gases do not escape outside. The fumigants used also are mixed with a type of tear gas which will drive away people in the vicinity.

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After the fumigation, the tent is not removed immediately. The experts will wait until the concentration of gases declines to an undetectable level. Only when the gases are of a concentration that is not harmful to humans will they lift the tent and allow the occupants to enter the house.

Hence, if the fumigation is properly done by an experienced termite control provider, you need not worry about staying in your home when your neighbor is fumigating his house. Even when the house is being aerated after fumigation, you need not be concerned since the level of gases will be well below the permissible limits.

If you still feel uneasy or anxious, then you may take a break and have a picnic with your family for the day. Return once the process is over and this will save you unnecessary anxiety.

Also Read: What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Termites?

Will the Termites Migrate to My Home After the Fumigation?

Apart from the safety of yourself and your family, the next thing to be concerned about is the safety of your house. What if the termites driven out by fumigation migrate to your home and build nests? But this is a major misconception and chances of it happening are phenomenally low.

The fumigation tent that is raised around the house will trap not only the gases but also the pests. And once the fumigation is over, the termites would be dead and thus there is no chance to migrate.

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But your neighbors detecting termites in their homes is like an alarm for you since you might also have termites already. Hence, we would recommend you immediately contact a professional termite control company and have your house inspected. If there is a termite infestation found, you should make sure to follow up with the appropriate termite treatment method that the termite control expert suggests.

What Is a Fumigation Notice?

It is a type of notification that informs the neighbors about a scheduled fumigation treatment. It may be in the form of cards or fliers sent from the termite control company and addressed to the neighbors of the house being fumigated.

In most parts of the United States, it is not mandatory to provide the fumigation notice but California has neighbor notification laws. The notice should be signed by the owner of the house being fumigated and should include details like the date of fumigation, the pests to be eradicated, the chemicals or gases used for the process, and more.

If you receive any such notice, then read it thoroughly, especially the part about the chemicals or gases used in fumigation. Also, check out the authenticity and experience of the company hired to do the fumigation. Make sure that you and your family stay away from the premises where the fumigation is to be carried out. Better be cautious than sorry!

Also Read: What to Do Before and After a Fumigation Termite Treatment?

HiTech Termite Control

Fumigation is a safe process when carried out by expert termite control professionals. We at HiTech Termite Control value your safety and hence offer a highly safe fumigation process done by industry experts. For more information, visit our website here.

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