HomeWHENWhat To Give Your Child When They Lose First Tooth

What To Give Your Child When They Lose First Tooth

We’ve all been there: Your little one’s tooth is wiggly and they’ve got their fingers in their mouth trying to tug it out to collect that sweet, sweet tooth fairy money.

A visit from the tooth fairy is a rite-of-passage for young kids, and you want to make those visits super special. After all, kids are only going to get a certain number of them.

So, what can you do to make it more magical? We scoured the internet and found 10 fun tooth fairy ideas for you to try.

Light the tooth fairy’s way

Is your child worried the tooth fairy won’t know to stop at your house? HollySimoni.typepad.com suggests you sprinkle a little bit of glitter on your child’s window or in your front yard (just make sure it’s non-toxic for the critters that live there). Show your child that it illuminates when headlights drive by so they know there’s no way she’ll miss your house.

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Illuminate the dark

Are you worried the tooth fairy is going to step on a Lego in your child’s dark room? Invest in a small wax warmer, decorate it how you like and light it with a battery-operated candle. Not enough time to make one? Buy one from Owl Sleep Later. Then, place the tooth on the top and viola: easy tooth-trading access.

Make it professional

Craft a cushy box for your child’s tooth to live in. Use an old dental floss container and follow the instructions by Little Red Window. Pop the tooth in and place it under your child’s pillow. This will make things a bit more professional when the tooth fairy comes by — and make it easier for her to find the tooth under the pillow.

Keep it convincing

No kid is going to turn down tooth fairy cash, but how can you prove that the bill left under your kid’s pillow is legit? Spritz it with a little glitter hairspray (you can find it at just about any party goods store) and your kid can’t deny that his Abe Lincoln was dusted by magic.

Fairy footprints for added magic

Does your child need a bit more convincing? Bitty footprints are definitely confirmation the tooth fairy has been around. Grab some glitter paper – or Elmer’s Glue and some loose glitter – and make some footprints to leave around your child’s room.

Get fancy with your folding

Not feeling all the glitter? Try folding your child’s tooth fairy money in cool ways. These origami ideas from The Dating Divas are pretty rad and way less messy.

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Leave a fairy-sized note

The tooth fairy is tiny, so her notes should be tiny, too. Get out a piece of paper, cut it small and, in your smallest writing, make a cute note to leave behind with the dough. Want to really pour on the magic? Fold up a teeny envelope to put it in. You can also buy some from leafcutterdesigns.com, if you prefer.

Get it tooth fairy certified

Your child can’t won’t question where the money came from if he or she gets a receipt from the tooth fairy herself. Print out one from vancecountyfair.com or create one yourself. Include your child’s name, number of teeth, quality of tooth, date of collection and payment. Pro tip: Leave more money for a healthier tooth to keep kids motivated about their oral hygiene.

Leave more than money

Want to ensure your child takes care of their big-kid chompers? Ask the tooth fairy for a tooth care kit instead of cash. Gift your child one or two dollars along with a small tube of their own toothpaste, a new toothbrush and some floss — you can even throw in some care instructions from the tooth fairy herself! Need more inspiration? Check out our roundup of tooth fairy gift ideas to leave.

And if the tooth fairy forgets …

There could be a number of reasons the tooth fairy is delayed. Syrup in the wings, a super windy, snowy or rainy night or the timing of when the tooth was lost all could play a role. Need a reason she didn’t come? Try one of these clever excuses by Somewhat Simple.

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