What To Say When Someone Passes Away In Islam

Lastjourney Blog

What to say when someone dies, condolences in Islam

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When a person loses a beloved family member he/she goes through unbearable pain and feels a void in life. In this situation, the close ones or friends sympathize with him/her through condolence messages.

But sometimes we have to express our grief and condolences to a person whose religion is different from ours. If you want to express your grief to a friend or colleague who follows the Islam Funeral religion, this article will help you in choosing the right words that can console the grieving person.

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Condolence Messages in Islam

There are several quotations used by people in the Islamic religion to express grief and support for the mourning person. Many of these quotations belong to Hadith ( a traditional record of Prophet Mohammad’s sayings).

Some of them are given below that you can use while a grieving Muslim friend or colleague.

  • Indeed we belong to Allah and indeed to him, we will return.

Meaning – People use this Islamic quote at the time of tragedy or while they console someone on anyone’s passing. It implies that almighty Allah bestows us with everything that he has and in the end, we all return to him. You can also use the Arabic version of this quote which is, ” Inna lillahi Wa Inna ilayhi raji’un.”

  • May Allah give place to him/her in Jannatul Firdaus.

Meaning – This Islamic condolence quotation says that Allah will dwell the departed soul in paradise. Here Jannatul Firdaus implies that it is a place in beautiful heaven.

  • May Allah shroud you with immense love and care in this difficult phase of life and help you heal with each passing moment.

Meaning – You can use these simple pair of words that mean losing a loved one is difficult but Allah will make it easy for your gradually.

  • May Almighty Allah bestow you comfort and patience.

Meaning – Choosing the right words for consoling is not that easy and when the person belongs to another religion it becomes more difficult. If you are in doubt, pick this simple line to express your support.

  • Do not lose heart and grieve, you will be superior if you are a believer.

Meaning – This quote was said to Umm Salma who was the wife of the Prophet Mohammad. If you are going to visit a lady who has just lost his husband, select this quote to console her.

  • May the departed soul complete a pleasant journey and may Allah shower his blessings on his/her grave.

Meaning – You can spread positivity in times of despair and grief through these words. This quote helps the grieving person in realizing that the end of a life journey can also be beautiful.

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You can also recite Dua for the deceased person and pray to Allah for accepting him/her after forgiving his/her unacceptable deeds. But your pronunciation and words will be clear while reciting it otherwise it can hurt the sentiments of bereaved family members.

Ways to Express Grief and Support the Grieving Person

In the Islamic religion, close family members mourn over their loss for three days. During this period, you can pay condolences to the departed soul and sympathize with them through your kind words.

There are many ways that you can choose for expressing condolence. Some of the most popular ways are mentioned below that you can follow.

  • Use a card for expressing the sorrow

In the Islamic religion sympathy notes and cards are acceptable so you can choose one in which an Islamic condolence message is written or you can also write the sympathizing words by yourself on the card. Your effort will heal their aching heart to some extent and the person will understand that you genuinely care for him/ her. If you are residing at a place that is far from your Muslim friend or colleague, use notes and cards. This will be the best way of expressing condolences.

  • Add some flowers to your condolence message

Flowers always show the feeling of offering peace, love and warmth toward the departed soul. If you are visiting a person who has lost a close person, bring some fresh flowers or you can send them along with a card that is carrying a positive message in a time of deep sorrow. You can also choose the favorite flowers of the departed person. This small act will show your sincerity and affection toward the grieving family.

  • Make a personal visit

Establishing a personal connection with the grieving person through one visit or multiple visits will be highly applicable to the grieving person or his/her entire family. If the person who has lost a beloved family member is residing in your local area, you must visit his/her home and convey your feelings of the heart. While visiting you can bring some memorable pictures of that person or a story related to his life also. Telling or showing your grief through these methods will help in healing the mourner.

  • Ask for a donation drive on the behalf of the departed person

A good deed like charity, donation or help on the behalf of the deceased person will also be a praiseworthy step. But you must ask for the permission of the family or that particular person who has lost a loved one. If they deny accepting any such gesture you should not impose it on them.

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What are the points that one should keep in mind while conveying a sympathy message or condolence to the grieving person?

After knowing the condolence messages of the Islam religion and ways to convey them, you should also be aware of some points that you must avoid while visiting a mourner’s home.

  1. Respecting his/her silence is very important. You should not force the person to open up and talk to you. You can simply convey your grief and support and spend some quiet moments with the person.
  2. Give some place to the positive things also. You should not talk about grief all the time.

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