When An Orisha Chooses You

Yoruba tradition explains that each person has a personal Orisha who guides and protects them throughout their life. It’s possible that you already have an Orisha that you identify with, but how do you know when an Orisha has chosen you? We’ll explore some of the signs that an Orisha may have chosen you as their devotee, and then help you figure out what that means and how you can respond to their call.

Signs of Orisha’s Call

Dreams and Visions

Dreams and visions are considered one of the most common signs that an Orisha has chosen you. Many people who have been chosen by an Orisha report having vivid, powerful dreams or visions of the deity.

These dreams may be accompanied by a sense of peace or a feeling of being called to serve the Orisha. They may be in the form of vivid images, or in some cases, the Orisha may appear to the person in the dream and speak to them directly. Some people report that the Orisha may appear in the dream multiple times, which is considered a sign that they are trying to communicate something important to you.

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Dreams and visions are considered powerful forms of communication between Orishas and their faithful. They are believed to provide guidance, insight, and wisdom to those who are chosen by the Orisha. They can also be a sign that the Orisha is calling the person to serve them in some way, whether it be through becoming a priest or priestess, or by participating in rituals and ceremonies in honor of the Orisha.


Another potential sign that an Orisha has chosen you is the presence of synchronicities in your life. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem to be connected in a significant way, and they are often seen as messages from them. The Orisha may use synchronicities to guide and communicate with their devotees.

One example of a synchronicity that may indicate an Orisha has chosen you is seeing the same animal or symbol repeatedly. For example, if you keep seeing a particular bird or animal it may be a sign that the Orisha associated with that animal has chosen you.

For example, if you keep seeing dogs or roosters, it may mean that Elegua or Ogun is trying to connect with you as these are animals associated with these Orishas. Or if you keep seeing a certain symbol or number it may be a sign that the Orisha associated with that symbol has chosen you. Seeing the number three everywhere could be an indication of being chosen by Yemaya.

Physical Sensations

Physical sensations, such as shivers or goosebumps, are often considered to be signs that an Orisha has chosen you. These sensations are believed to be a direct response to the presence of the deity and can be seen as a sign of the Orisha’s favor or recognition.

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Some people who are chosen by an Orisha report experiencing physical sensations such as shivers, goosebumps, or a tingling feeling in their body when they are near the deity’s shrine or altar. These sensations are often accompanied by a sense of awe or reverence and can be seen as a sign that the Orisha is present and actively communicating with them.

Additionally, some people might feel warmth or a sense of heat in their body, which is associated with the Orisha’s energy and presence. Some might even feel a sense of weightlessness as if they are being lifted off the ground.

Emotional Responses

If you feel a strong emotional connection to an Orisha, or if you feel a sense of longing when you think about them, this may be a sign that they have chosen you as their devotee. This emotional connection can manifest in many different ways, such as feeling a sense of peace or calm when you think about the Orisha, or feeling a sense of excitement or joy when you hear their name.

This emotional connection can also manifest as a sense of familiarity or belonging when you think about the Orisha. You may feel as if you have known them for a long time, even if you have never met them before. This sense of familiarity can be a sign that this Orisha has chosen you as their devotee and that they are trying to establish a personal relationship with you.

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