When Are Grapefruits In Season


Utah Local Fresh Season: January thru April

Availability: Grapefruits are available year-round but their peak season is during the winter months. Grapefruits are grown in Florida, Texas, California and Arizona. The best tasting grapefruits come from Florida and Texas during the winter.

Eating: Grapefruits have a lovely tangy-sweet flavor and are great eaten plain or with a light sprinkle of salt or sugar. Grapefruit can also be baked or broiled.

Selecting: For best quality select grapefruits that are heavy for their size and are free of squishy brown spots or dull wrinkled skin. Make sure that the poles (sides of the grapefruit containing the holes) are flat. Citrus fruits, like grapefruits, are in season during the winter months. Purchase grapefruits then for the best taste.

White, Pink/Red and Star Ruby/Rio Red are the three major varieties of grapefruits. All of these varieties are similar in taste, but the pink and red grapefruits contain the highest vitamin amounts.

Cleaning and Preparing: Thoroughly wash the outside of the grapefruit and pat dry. Peel off skin and eat like an orange or slice in half and use a spoon to scoop out individual sections of the fruit.

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GrapefruitStoring: Grapefruits can be stored for 1 week at room temperature or for 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Cooking: Believe it or not eating grapefruit raw is not the only way to enjoy it. Grapefruits can be baked or broiled.

Baking: Cut grapefruit in half and separate the flesh from the peel by cutting around the outside. Top with a small amount of butter and brown sugar. Place on a cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Let cool for about 3 minutes. Finish up the process by broiling for a few minutes until the sugar on top is bubbly. Remove from oven and enjoy!

Broiling: Cut grapefruit in half making zig zag cuts. Sprinkle a dusting of cinnamon, and brown sugar on top. Place under broiler for 3 minutes or just until the tips of the grapefruit peel become browned. Remove and enjoy! Top with a maraschino cherry to make a fancy dish that will amaze your guests!

Nutrition Highlight: Grapefruits are high in vitamins A and C, folate and fiber. Eating them regularly can help fight against infectious and chronic diseases.

Point of Concern: Grapefruit is a nutrient dense food and a great option with your meals and snacks. However, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that grapefruits and grapefruit juice can affect the way some medications work. The FDA website states “he severity of the interaction can be different depending on the person, the drug, and the amount of grapefruit juice you drink.” The FDA recommends to consult your health care provider to find out if the medications you take may be affected by the consumption of grapefruit. For more information on the food and drug interaction go to https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/grapefruit-juice-and-some-drugs-dont-mix.

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Preserving Grapefruit: Grapefruit can be frozen. For instructions go to https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze/citrus.html

Grapefruit can be home canned with oranges. For instructions go to https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/can_02/grapefruit_orange.html


  1. https://fruitsandveggies.org/
  2. http://www.thenutritionprogram.org/
  3. https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze/citrus.html
  4. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/grapefruit-juice-and-some-drugs-dont-mix
  5. Tripoli, E., La Guardia, M., Giammanco, S., Di Majo, D., Giammanco, M. (2007). Citrus flavonoids: Molecular structure, biological activity and nutritional properties: A review. Food Chemistry. 104, 2 (466-479). doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2006.11.054
  6. Xu, G., Liu, D., Chen, J., Ye, X., Ma, Y, & Shi, J. (2007). Juice components and antioxidant capacity of citrus varieties cultivated in China. Food 106, 2, (545-551). doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.06.046


Marie Stosich, RD

Guide Editors: Heidi LeBlanc and Debra Christofferson

Additional Editors: Gayla M. Johnson, Eileen Milligan, and Jenna Dyckman

*This publication is a part of a series created by Create Better Health and Utah State Extension Employees. It has been reviewed and updated to include current evidence-based research and recommendations.

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