HomeWHENWhen Are Mini Goldendoodles Full Grown

When Are Mini Goldendoodles Full Grown

The Mini Goldendoodle may not be a dog everyone has heard of, but they sure are adorable. This designer breed is an unbelievably cute addition to every family. Like many other designer mixed breeds, they can have quite a range in size but are smaller versions of the beloved Goldendoodle. This lively little mix is a cross between the fluffy-coated Golden Retriever and the spunky Miniature Poodle.

Designer canine breeds have grown in popularity over the years, and the Doodle breed group is a hugely popular one. The Mini Goldendoodle is one of those pups that makes everyone smile and might just be the perfect fit for your family. One frequent question owners have, is, how big will my Mini Goldendoodle get? This is more complex with this breed than some others because they are a mix of two different breeds, so there is a level of unpredictability. There are three different sizes of Goldendoodle, the standard, toy, and mini. In this size chart, we will be discussing the Mini Goldendoodle. There is another size, often referred to as the Medium Goldendoodle, which is a bit larger but not as large as the standard. These two sizes are sometimes grouped together.

Learning about a dog breed is a big part of being an excellent pet parent. It helps to know what to expect and what developmental milestones to look for. We developed this Mini Goldendoodle size chart to help owners understand what to expect and milestones to look out for in their dog’s growth and development. We discuss what owners can expect, growth milestones, and more. This comprehensive guide will walk owners through expected growth from puppy to adult. We focus on the first year, discuss normal development, and take a quick look at how big adult dogs will be.

What To Expect

A puppy’s first year is the most pivotal period of development. In this short span of time, they grow from tiny, helpless little peanuts to full-sized dogs who will be in for life for many years to come. Puppyhood is incredibly intense in the earlier months when rapid growth is happening. Owners should take the time before bringing any kind of puppy home to learn about them, what to expect for growth, and any special needs a breed might have.


Our guide discusses the expected growth patterns and milestones of a typical healthy Mini Goldendoodle. It is important to remember that your puppy might develop on a different timeline than we present. Keep in mind that this is a mixed-breed canine, and mixed breeds always carry a level of unpredictability when it comes to both size and appearance. It is important to keep in mind that size charts and growth guides like this one are tools owners can use to monitor their dog’s development, but they are not exact predictions of growth or size. If you are concerned about your puppy’s growth rate or size, it is important to speak with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues and make sure your pet is right on track.

One thing to remember about the Mini Goldendoodle is that the mother will always be a Golden Retriever, and the father, a Miniature Poodle. Because these Doodles are hybrids, there is no way to predict what genetic traits they will inherit from each parent. Goldendoodles and Poodles sometimes get confused with each other if these pups inherit the Poodle’s curly coat.

How big any pup will get depends on a few different factors. Breeding, genetics, health, care, nutrition, and environment will impact how a pet develops and what size they reach. Remember that every dog is unique and will grow to the perfect size for them. While some might be bigger than their parents, some might be smaller, and some might look like exact replicas, there is no real way to tell how big a pup will get other than to watch them grow and keep track of their specific growth.

Puppy Growth Timeline

Mini Goldendoodle
The Mini Goldendoodle looks like a stuffed Teddy Bear.

Puppies grow very rapidly at first, so monitor them closely each month. Keep in mind that this mixed breed will reach about half of their expected adult weight by the time they are about five months old. Around 11 months to just after a year, they will reach their full adult weight but may continue to fill out until they are about two years old. One thing to keep in mind is that even though your pup may reach adult size, they are not mentally fully mature yet. It may take until they are a year and one-half to two years for them to start calming down and be less prone to some of their excitable puppy behavior. This breed is known for being very high in energy, so you can expect that to last for quite some time, even into their early senior years.

On average, one can expect a Mini Goldendoodle to weigh between 10 and 35 pounds when fully grown. They will stand between 8 and 20 inches tall. In comparison, the Standard Goldendoodle reaches 50 to 90 pounds when fully grown, and the Toy Goldendoodle reaches just 10 to 25. So, the Mini Goldendoodle is a small to medium-sized dog. They are one of the newer additions to the teddy bear dog breed list.

In the following sections, we will discuss and go through some of the most important stages of the Mini Goldendoodle puppy stage. Remember that male dogs are generally slightly larger than females and can reach anywhere between 10 and 35 pounds when fully grown. Some can be larger, even up to about 45 pounds depending on the size of their Poodle parent.

Birth To 2 Weeks

These tiny pups start out quite small, at just about one pound at birth. Puppies are born with their ears and eyes sealed, so they will not be able to see or hear yet. These little guys will spend the first few weeks of life nestled close to mom, nursing, and sleeping. At around two weeks old, they will start interacting with their siblings, and their eyes and ears will start to open. They will not do much other than eat and snooze for these first few weeks.

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1 Month

By one month, your Mini Doodle will weigh about a pound and a half. He can see and hear. He will also notice that he has legs and feet and will start standing up for a shaky few moments at a time. Even though he is very new at it and unsure, he may even start taking a step or two. Puppies will start to be able to regulate their own body temperature and may not want to stay curled up next to mom for as long.

Around three weeks of age, you will start to notice those tiny sharp puppy teeth growing in. Puppies will still want to nurse quite a bit with mom but should also be offered water and a very diluted puppy mush. Puppy mush is puppy-formulated dog food that has been soaked in water. At this stage, the mix will be mainly water. Try to find a small-breed puppy formula.

Though it may seem a little early, the weaning process has already begun, as food and water will need to take the place of mom’s milk over the next few weeks. Socialization with other litter mates as well as trusted human family members has already begun. The world will be full of new smells, sights, and sounds, and your pup may get overwhelmed. While he will be excited to see new things, he will still spend quite a good amount of time asleep.

2 Months

At around two months or eight weeks of age, your Mini Doodle puppy will likely weigh about 2 to 4 pounds. You can expect to see about 1/2 a pound of growth per week for the next few weeks. He should be well into the weaning process by now. Any kind of nursing will likely be very occasional, as mom will naturally start wanting to wean him around four to six weeks of age. By two months, he should be eating high-quality puppy kibble, where some occasional wet food is mixed in. By two months old, your pup will be a ball of fluffy energy, steady on his feet, and ready to explore. If you have not already, it is now time to reach out to the vet to set up initial puppy vaccinations.

Between two and three months of age, puppies are getting ready to leave their mom and go to their permanent homes. It is best that they be weaned from mom’s milk, as well as any milk substitutes, and have visited the vet at least once before being sent off to their new homes.

3 Months

A 3-month-old puppy is very eager, full of spunk, and susceptible to learning new things. This is a very important time for training and socialization. This is a great time to introduce potty training if you have not already. Be patient with this and understand that your pup will take several weeks to fully understand and develop the skills necessary to become fully housetrained. Some pups may continue to have accidents for a few more months. By three months old, your Mini Goldendoodle weighs about 4 to 6 pounds. Growth will still be rapid but may start to slow down in the coming weeks. This is also the time when puppy teeth may start to fall out, keep an eye out for any kind of teething or mouthing behavior.

4 Months

Your dog’s increase in size and weight will be obvious as they will be growing quite rapidly now. A Mini Goldendoodle can weigh anywhere between 6 to 10 or more pounds at this age. A four-month-old puppy will be quite independent and may seem fearless, but they will still need plenty of care, attention, and constant supervision. Right around now, those extra sharp, permanent teeth start to grow in. This can affect behavior and increase the amount of chewing your pup might start. Investing in some high-quality chew toys is a good idea unless you do not mind your furniture becoming the next target. Your puppy can begin to learn basic commands like sit, stay, and come. Potty training should be well underway.

Your pup will need to be spayed or neutered sometime between six and 12 months, so you will need to have a conversation with your veterinarian soon.

5 Months

Your five-month-old Mini Goldendoodle will weigh anywhere between about 10 and 14 or more pounds. Keep in mind that the size your pup reaches will depend on his parent’s genetics. Though this is not an exact estimate, your pup will likely have reached about 50% of his full size around five months of age.

A 5-month-old puppy is an adorable, fluffy ball of energy and destruction. He should be fully eating puppy chow by now and will likely love to play games and be around people. Hopefully, house training will be mastered, and there will be few accidents. Females will be smaller than males.

6 Months

Around now, you will notice that your puppy’s rapid growth has decreased, though he will continue gaining in size and height. At six months, he may weigh between 16 and 18 plus pounds. House training should be an old habit by now, and though your pup may start acting more like an adult, he should continue to be fed puppy kibble until he reaches at least a year old.

This is essentially your dog’s teenage phase, and he may start acting just like one. He will be full of attitude and energy and will love to play and especially go on walks outside, so leash training if it has not started already, is a necessity. Expect some behavioral changes, as well as him trying to test your limits. This phase will last for the next few months until he is about one year old.

7 Months

At seven months, you will have a pup that can follow simple commands, is used to his routine, and is ready to learn more. Your pup will still be growing but not as rapidly as before. He will weigh between 18 and 22 pounds. Females are smaller, likely between 12 and 15 pounds. This is a fun time, as your pup is still a rolly, poly ball of fluff but is really starting to develop a personality and has already become a huge part of the family.

8 Months

At eight months old, your pup should be reasonably well established with expected behavior and routines. Those on the larger side can weigh anywhere from 22 to 26 pounds or more. Those in the smaller range will likely be between about 17 and 20 pounds. Your puppy will have developed a close bond with you and know what behavior expectations are. Keep in mind that they still are puppies. They may develop separation anxiety or become upset if left home alone for too long. Even on the larger end, the Mini Goldendoodle is an excellent breed to crate train so that they stay safe when you are away. They may be a good breed for a regular professional dog walker or doggy daycare for owners who need to be gone for long periods of time.

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9 Months

Physical growth will continue to slow down, though your dog will continue to fill out and get bigger. They will likely be between 26 and 30 pounds. Your dog may show signs of calming down, though this breed is known for being high energy even well into their senior years. By now, they are more manageable and will know the behavior expectations. Be sure to reinforce obedience training and socialization as much as needed. Your doggo should continue to eat puppy chow for the next couple of months. It is not quite time to introduce adult food or to make the transition to a different diet.

10 Months

A 10-month-old Mini Goldendoodle can weigh between 30 and 32 pounds. Those that have dogs that grow larger may have a Medium Goldendoodle, not a mini. Your pup is very confident now and may start to be a bit bold. He will want to explore more and will likely act more like an adult at times but will still have many puppy-like behaviors.

11 Months

Your pup’s growth will be very minimal from here on out. You may see another pound or so be put on over the next month. At 11 months, your pup will look and act almost like a full-grown dog. For this breed, this means they will continue to be very playful, full of energy, and somewhat demanding of your attention. At 11 months, they can weigh between 32 and 33 pounds. This is an excellent time to start introducing adult food. Be sure to make the transition in stages. Start to mix in just a little bit of adult chow into their puppy kibble so they can start to develop a taste for it.

1 year

Happy Birthday, Bud! Your pup made it one year, and it is time to party. This is a big accomplishment because your pup’s most intense period of growth and development is behind you, and many years of solid companionship lay ahead. Fully grown Miniature Goldendoodles can weigh anywhere from 10 to about 35 pounds. Remember, your dog will grow into the perfect size for them, and many different factors go into it. Because this is a mixed breed, there is a lot of unpredictability. Those that are closer to ten pounds may have had a Toy or very small Mini Poodle as a parent or even a smaller-sized Golden Retriever mother.

At one year old, your pup should be fully potty trained, be primarily on adult dog food, or at least have started the transition, be fully trained, and well established in his routines. He will still be quite playful and, of course, want to be the center of attention all the time. While some larger breeds may switch to eating two meals a day when they are adults, for smaller breeds like this, it is actually better for them to have a few smaller offerings throughout the day. Make sure to keep up with regular veterinary care, especially if your pup still needs to go through the spay and neuter process. Regular veterinary care is critical to keep your doggo healthy throughout his life. This is where many preventative procedures happen that will keep your pup healthier and happier for many years to come.

What Happens Next

A mini goldendoodle puppy resting in a chair
It is important to make sure your pup is eating a healthy diet and getting enough food.

Once the Mini Doodle reaches one year old, he is considered fully grown. However, this does not mean that your dog is completely mature, nor that no more growth will happen. Mentally they will continue to mature for many years. Physically they will continue to fill out in girth, though they will not likely grow much larger. You do not want them to be overweight or underweight. Both are concerns that can lead to long-term health issues.

Full Grown Mini Goldendoodle

Your fully grown Mini Goldendoodle is an adorable, agreeable, almost perfect canine companion. Even though they are very fuzzy, due to their poodle roots and genetics, they will not shed much at all. This breed is often referred to as hypoallergenic as well due to their poodle genetics. It is likely that your dog may be about 35 pounds or so. They will stand between 8 and 20 inches tall. Males are usually slightly larger than females. This breed has a very long lifespan of 14 to 18 years on average, so you can expect them to be a steadfast companion for a long time ahead.

What Happens Next?

Once your dog reaches a year old, he will be considered fully grown but will still need your guidance and support. Behavior, obedience, and socialization training may need to be repeated. Your dog will start to slow down in energy as he ages, but this dog will always need a lot of daily exercises and physical interaction. Along with that, they will need mental stimulation and are always looking for something to do. This breed loves people, so they make wonderful companion dogs. You will need to keep up with your pet’s regular veterinary care throughout their lives.

As long as your dog is fed properly, receives regular veterinary care, and has a regular amount of exercise, they should be very healthy and right on track for their size. With mixed breeds, there is always an unpredictability of size, and there is no way to tell exactly how big a dog is until they are fully grown. This is something owners must keep in mind when considering adopting the Miniature Goldendoodle or any other mixed breed. Keep in mind that size charts and growth guidelines like this one are for informational purposes only. Anytime you are concerned about your dog’s growth, health, or nutrition, it is best to talk to your veterinarian. You should develop a good quality and trusting relationship with your pet’s medical team, as you are all working together to give them the best life possible.

Weight Growth Chart

Factors To Consider

The question of how big a dog will grow is never easy to answer because all dogs are different. Especially when it comes to a mixed breed like the Miniature Goldendoodle, size is very unpredictable. Genes are one of the most significant factors, along with nutrition and lifestyle. Growth charts and puppy guidelines are wonderful tools that allow owners to monitor milestones, but these are not expected to be an exact prediction or measure of how big any individual dog may get.


Genetics is one of the most significant factors in how large a dog, regardless of breed, will grow. Goldendoodles are designer dogs and are likely to be adopted from Doodle-specific breeders. Owners can ask to look at previous litters to get a determination of how big these dogs may be. Asking to look at the parent dogs is also one way to get an estimation. However, because the Golden Retriever and the Miniature Poodle vary so greatly in size, even that may not be very helpful. With any mixed breed, it is important that owners be ready for the unpredictable, some dogs are on the larger end, and some will be much smaller than expected. Miniature Goldendoodles have quite a wide range of estimated weights. They can be as little as 10 pounds or as large as 50 pounds.

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Nutrition is particularly important when it comes to a dog’s size. A dog must be fed a well-balanced diet that supports their needs. Not all dog foods are created equally, and not all dogs have the same nutritional needs. Puppies have higher energy and are growing very rapidly, so they will need food that is higher in calories and fat than older dogs. Smaller dogs like the Miniature Doodle need more calories per pound than larger breeds like Great Danes or even their parent breeds of the Golden Retriever and standard-size Poodle, which can reach up to 90 pounds.

Dogs should be fed a diet that is full of healthy ingredients, including animal proteins, vitamins, and nutrients, to support their growth at every phase of life. Foods should always list their protein source first. Look for those that include beef, chicken, lamb, salmon, turkey, whitefish, venison, and rabbit. Avoid foods that use a lot of filler ingredients or unnamed meat byproduct meals as protein sources. Nutrition matters from day one and is not an area to try to cut costs or go with the budget brand. You can add occasional fresh, canned, and even raw meals to give your dog a boost of flavor and nutrition. Steer clear of low-quality and low-budget foods that use a lot of fillers, as well as added colors and flavors.

Growth Spurts And Plateaus

All dogs will experience periods of rapid growth as well as times when they slow down and do not seem to grow at all. These growth spurts and plateaus are perfectly normal and are also very unpredictable. Some dogs may experience them frequently, while others will not seem to have any at all. You cannot judge your dog’s progress based on the progress of someone else, especially not if they are experiencing a period of extended growth or slow down.

Growing is a lot of work, and it takes a huge amount of energy. Dogs who are experiencing growth spurts and plateaus may start to seem Moody or experience behavior issues. It is important that owners support their dogs as best they can in these times. Make sure they are provided with plenty of tasty and healthy options in their diet, options for exercise, as well as interactive play. Owners should also keep in mind that when dogs are puppies, they grow quite rapidly and use a ton of energy. They can be drained or seem to be hungry all the time as a result. If you are concerned about your pup’s rate of growth, then you should check in with your veterinarian to make sure they are developing and growing at normal levels.

Neutering And Spaying

Most pet owners will choose to spay and neuter their animals. Not every canine breed or size should be put through this procedure at the same time. Doing so too early can interrupt their development and sometimes cause behavioral issues. Going through the spay-neuter procedure too early has not been shown in research to impact a dog’s overall size, but it may cause some long-term health issues. Weakened joints and slow development are among these. Male dogs are often doored earlier than females because they sexually mature faster. In a smaller breed like the Mini Goldendoodle, this procedure is often put off until a dog is between six months and a year old. Some veterinarians will choose to do it a little later. This is a decision that will be based on what your veterinarian believes is best, as well as the health, size, and age of your dog.

Physical Health & Activity

Your dog’s physical health and activity level also impact how large he will grow. Physical health is important from puppyhood all the way into senior years. Proper health also depends on nutrition and regular veterinary care. Fortunately, the Goldendoodle is a very healthy dog breed. There are some health conditions they may be predisposed to, like hip dysplasia and Patella luxation, something that poodles are prone to develop. This breed may also suffer from eye disease and conditions, including Progressive Retinal Atrophy.

Poor health at any age, but especially in puppyhood, will impact a dog’s development and growth. Along with that, your dog’s physical activity also affects how healthy they will be and how strong their muscles will develop, and it can play a role in how large or small they may end up being as adults.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mini Goldendoodle
Here are some common questions about this breed’s growth and Mini Goldendoodles in general.

Are Miniature Goldendoodles expensive?

These dogs range in price from about $1,500 to over $2,000. They may be found at shelters or Doodle rescue groups, but most are bred as designer dogs from higher-priced breeders.

Mini Doodles are hypoallergenic right?

Yes, the Mini Goldendoodle is considered a “hypoallergenic dog,” but no dog is completely free of allergens. This breed does not shed much hair and dander due to their Poodle genes. Many Poodle mixes are thought to be better for those who suffer from canine allergies due to their low shedding and dander.

Can a Miniature Doodle get bigger than 35 pounds?

Yes, a Mini Poodle can get larger, and some places will categorize any Doodle between 10 and 50 pounds as a Mini. However, most minis are about 35 pounds. Medium Doodles reach between 15 and 50 pounds.

Is this the same breed as the full-size Goldendoodle?

Yes, these are the same breed. The Goldendoodle can be a Standard, Mini, or Toy, depending on the size of the parents. A teacup and medium size variety can also be found. All doodles are a mix of Poodle and Golden Retriever parents. Mini Goldendoodles will always have a Golden mother and a Miniature or Toy Poodle father, as this is the only way possible for the breed to be created.

At what age are Mini Goldendoodles fully grown?

They reach full growth around a year to 13 or 14 months. Their bodies will fill out for a few months until they are 18 months to 2 years old.

Are Mini Goldendoodles small or medium dogs?

These dogs are considered both small and medium. Those that are under 25 pounds fit the small breed profile. Pups that are larger than 25 pounds but smaller than 57 pounds are considered to be medium. So, this breed has dogs that will fit in both ranges.

Final Thoughts

Mini Goldendoodles are a fun, adorable breed of spirited pup. They make wonderful family pets and are small enough to live in apartments or tiny homes. These pups reach between 10 and 35 pounds when fully grown. The medium size can reach about 15 to 50 pounds and are sometimes grouped in the same category. Hopefully, our Mini Goldendoodle size chart and growth guidelines will help you track your new fur baby’s growth journey. Best of luck, and happy growing up with your sweet pup.


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