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When Are The Patriot Awards On Tv

This is a private event. Schedule is subject to change, attendance is limited, and ticket sales are accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Cost of transportation to and from the event will not be provided. Government-issued photo identification will be required to gain entry to the event. The event is ages 18+. No political shirts or paraphernalia. No weapons allowed. This event will be closed to the press. No recording of the event is permitted. No posters/signs or flags/banners will be permitted.

By attending the event, you grant the organizers, and those acting under their authority, the right to film or photograph your attendance and activities at the event and use such footage or photographs, including your name, voice, likeness or activities as they appear therein, to directly or indirectly publicize and promote the event and/or any other program or project produced by or on behalf of organizers in all media now known or hereafter discovered, worldwide and on the Internet, in perpetuity, without notice, review, approval or compensation.

The organizers and those acting on their behalf have the discretion to refuse admission to this event to any person for any reason. By attending the event, you and your heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns hereby release, waive, discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Fox News Network, LLC, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, officers, directors, equity holders, employees, successors and assigns (collectively, the “organizers”), from any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation for injury, damage(s) or loss to you or your personal property that may be caused by any act, failure to act, omissions, or negligence of the organizers. You knowingly and voluntarily assume any and all risks, agree and acknowledge that participation in the event/program is of your own free will and completely voluntary regardless of anything stated or implied.

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You agree to comply with all directions of organizers, those acting on their behalf, and security personnel. The organizers and those acting on their behalf respectfully reserve the right to refuse admission and to revoke the personal license this registration grants at any time for disorderly/offensive conduct or failure to comply with the recording rules or applicable laws.


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