When Can I Smoke After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Following the wisdom tooth removal, you will be given aftercare instructions, which you should follow closely in order to avoid complications and enjoy a fast recovery process. One of the most important instructions to follow for individuals who smoke or use tobacco is to wait a minimum of 24 hours before smoking, and ideally hold off for 72 hours, as doing so will significantly reduce your risk of developing a dry socket.

Following the removal of a tooth, a blood clot forms over the extraction site. If this blood clot becomes dislodged, a dry socket (alveolar osteitis) can develop. Smoking can damage the natural healing that occurs in the blood clot by damaging tissue cells. The healing process is also impeded by the carbon monoxide from the cigarette smoke, which inhibits oxygen and nutrient supplies to these tissues, which in turn will prolong your healing process and/or cause a dry socket to occur. Studies indicate that dry sockets occur in approximately 3% of patients and are significantly more likely to occur for people who smoke. Indications of a dry socket include an unpleasant taste or smell in the area of extraction and/or throbbing pain. If you are diagnosed with a dry socket, the area will be cleaned and covered with a medical dressing, which will need to be replaced until the area has fully healed.

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In addition to reducing your risk of developing a dry socket, not smoking for 72 hours will also speed up your overall healing process. If you do smoke within this time frame, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater after doing so in order to lessen your risk of developing a dry socket.

Please note: avoiding smoking for 72 hours is the average recommended amount of time. For some patients, it may be necessary to wait longer to avoid developing complications. Talk to your dentist or periodontist to ensure you are following aftercare instructions that are tailored to your unique needs.

Additional Aftercare Instructions

In addition to avoiding smoking, chewing tobacco, and/or using a straw following your wisdom tooth extraction, there are several additional aftercare instructions you should follow to reduce your risk of developing complications and speed up the recovery process. Following the extraction of your wisdom teeth, it is important to stay hydrated and follow a liquid and soft food diet to avoid experiencing pain and/or developing complications. Examples of allowable soft foods and liquids include:

  • apple sauce
  • broths and blended soups
  • mashed potatoes
  • cottage cheese
  • smoothies
  • pudding
  • yogurt
  • smoothies
  • ice cream

Examples of foods you should avoid include:

  • Foods that are spicy and/or acidic
  • Alcohol may have a bad interaction with medication and/or irritate the area
  • Grains (rice and quinoa) can get trapped in the extraction site
  • Chewy foods like nuts or jerky can reopen stitches and delay healing
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As the healing process progresses, you can slowly begin to reintroduce harder foods such as oatmeal, toast, and eggs. You should be able to return to normal eating habits within one week.

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