When Can You Drink Coffee After Tooth Extraction

If you need to have a tooth removed, you can expect your mouth to be sore for a few days, so you’ll have to watch what you eat. Your dentist will recommend soft foods until any tenderness subsides, but can you still drink coffee? No. Coffee can increase your risk of complications after a tooth extraction.

Risks of Drinking Coffee After Extraction

If you rely on coffee to jump-start your day, you’re going to have to go without it while your mouth heals. Coffee can trigger various issues during your recovery, including:

  • Accidental Burns: It can take several hours for the effects of any numbing agents or sedatives to dissipate. It’s easy to burn your mouth on hot foods and drinks while your mouth is numb. Cold coffee isn’t any safer because it still has caffeine.
  • Dry Socket: Hot liquids can dislodge the blood clot forming in the extraction site. If the clot is lost too soon, it can lead to a very painful condition called dry socket. Your nerves and underlying bone may be exposed, resulting in severe pain.
  • Pain: Your nerve endings are vulnerable after surgery. The heat from coffee and other hot foods or drinks can trigger pain.
  • Slow Healing: Caffeine can slow the healing process because it raises your blood pressure, which can lead to bleeding at the extraction site.
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Skipping your morning cup of coffee can be difficult, but you’ll want to wait at least 5 days before brewing a pot. Ideally, you shouldn’t drink it for 2 weeks after having a tooth removed.

Drinking After Tooth Extraction

Although you’ll have to sacrifice coffee to ensure a speedy recovery, you can still drink many of your favorite beverages, but you need to know a few things:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.
  • Avoid Carbonation: Don’t drink anything with carbonation because it can disrupt the blood clot, increasing your risk of dry socket.
  • Don’t Use a Straw: Suction can also dislodge the blood clot. It’s best to take small sips of water.
  • Temperature Check: Temperature check your foods and drinks until the effects of any sedatives or numbing medications wear off.
  • Skip Alcohol: Don’t drink alcohol for at least 2 weeks because it can affect your body’s ability to heal and fight infections.

Skipping coffee is a small price to pay to ensure a quick, easy recovery. Your dentist will monitor your healing and let you know when it’s safe to enjoy a cup of coffee again.

About Dr. Rodney L. Allen

For over 20 years, Dr. Allen has provided comprehensive dental services. He earned his dental degree from the Baylor College of Dentistry. He is a lifelong learner and regularly continues his education in many specialties, like general dentistry. If you need to have a tooth taken out, choose an award-winning dentist. Request an appointment through our website or call (720) 744-3698.

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