HomeWHENThe Art of Comebacks: Silencing the "Who Asked" Question

The Art of Comebacks: Silencing the “Who Asked” Question

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re telling a story or expressing your opinion, only to have someone rudely ask, “Who asked you?” It’s a dismissive and frustrating response that can leave you speechless. But fear not, we have compiled a list of witty comebacks to counter this question and keep the conversation going. So the next time someone asks, “Who asked?” you’ll be armed with the perfect response.

Who Asked You Comebacks: How to counter who asked You?

“Who asked you?” is the age-old retort of the unhelpful and uninterested. It can feel like your authority is being disrespected, but there are ways to counter it and keep the conversation flowing. Here are some tips to handle the “who asked” question like a pro:

  1. Be prepared: Anticipate the possibility of encountering a “who asked” attack and have a ready response prepared. For example, you might say, “I’m glad you asked! I was just about to explain.”
  2. Keep your cool: Don’t let the question throw you off course. Maintain your composure and stay focused on your goal.
  3. Be witty: If you can come up with a clever response, you’ll diffuse the situation and perhaps even win over your critic. For example, you might say, “Actually, I think we all did.”
  4. Get specific: When someone asks “who asked,” they’re usually looking for a specific answer. So give them one! Tell them who asked you about the topic or where you read about it.
  5. Change the subject: If all else fails, you can always try changing the subject. Chances are, your critic will be just as happy to move on to something else.
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By following these tips, you’ll be able to handle the “who asked” question effectively and keep the conversation flowing smoothly. But if you want to be more daring, here are some of the best comebacks for “who asked”:

Good Comebacks for Who Asked or Did I Ask?

If someone ever asks you “who asked you,” have one of these good comebacks ready to roll. They’re clean, effective, and will leave the person asking the question wondering what just hit them.

  • “Why are you listening if you don’t know who asked?”
  • “Did I ask if anyone asked?”
  • “Shhhh, the adults are talking, so please keep quiet.”
  • “Not you, so shut the f*ck up.”
  • “You don’t have to.”
  • “Your parents didn’t ask for you, but here we are.”
  • “If you don’t like what I have to say, you are free to walk away or share your own story.”
  • “Who cares if you asked or not?”

The best response to “who asked” is to stay calm and do your best not to overreact. Then, use one of the above witty comebacks to shut them down!

Good Comebacks for Did I Ask?

If you’ve ever been in a situation where someone responds with a flippant “did I ask?” and you’re left searching for a comeback, these witty responses will serve you well.

Here are some witty comebacks to “Did I ask?”:

  • “No, but I wanted to save you the trouble of thinking for yourself.”
  • “Do I care?”
  • “Sometimes it’s good to learn new things.”
  • “You should have.”
  • “Did your parents ask for you? I don’t think so.”
  • “No, but I don’t care.”
  • “No, but I’m telling.”
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The best response to “did I ask” is to remain calm and not overreact. Then, use one of the witty comebacks listed above to silence them!

In any case, a witty comeback will put the other person in their place and let them know that you’re not going to take their crap.

Comebacks for Nobody Asked

When you encounter someone who dismissively says, “nobody asked,” it’s time to shut them down. Here are some comebacks that will do the trick:

  • “Just because you didn’t ask doesn’t mean you didn’t need to be told.”
  • “I’m sorry, were you talking to me?”
  • “Well, nobody loves you.”
  • “Maybe you should.”
  • “Nobody asked you, either, but it seems that we all have to listen.”
  • “Well, someone should have.”
  • “Nobody asked you.”
  • “Oh, I wasn’t talking to you.”
  • “And?”
  • “No, you did not, but everyone makes mistakes.”

Comebacks for Who Cares and Nobody Cares

Dealing with someone who just doesn’t seem to care about anything can be frustrating. Here are some clean comebacks for “who cares” and “nobody cares” to put them in their place:

  • “You cared enough to respond.”
  • “Your mom sure seemed to care last night. wink
  • “Well, I do, and that’s what matters.”
  • “No one is talking to you.”
  • “Who asked you?”
  • “About you.”
  • “Nobody f*cking has to.”
  • “I don’t care that no one cares.”
  • “Is everyone else here a jerk? No? So you’re the only one?”
  • “Ok. (and then continuing usually does the trick)”
  • “I just felt the need to share.”
  • “You cared enough to dismiss it; that counts.”
  • “There is the attention you were looking for. (stare at them for a few seconds and continue with your story)”
  • “I didn’t ask for your opinion either, so why respond?”
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Remember, how you respond to these types of comments is entirely up to you. It’s important to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. While it may be tempting to be rude, it’s unlikely to change the situation for the better. Ignoring the comment and moving on is often the best approach.

In conclusion, armed with these savage comebacks, you can handle the “who asked” question with finesse and silence those who seek to dismiss your voice. So next time someone asks you, “who asked,” or “did I ask,” use one of these clever comebacks and put them in their place.

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