HomeWHENWhen Do American Bullies Stop Growing

When Do American Bullies Stop Growing

The American Bully is one of the fastest growing dog breeds in the world, with households taken in by the strong Pitbull physique combined with the calm temperament of a Staffordshire Terrier.

Understanding the American Bully size chart is pivotal for adopters of this dog breed as it will allow you to support your dog from early years through to adulthood and keep them on track for a healthy life.

American Bully Size Chart Growth And Weight Chart (MAB)

In this article, we present information on the American Bully breed, the growth stages and factors that can impact puppy growth. The content is designed to give you a helpful guide and tips for monitoring your pup’s growth trajectory.

When Do American Bullies Stop Growing?

American Bullies will stop growing when they are about the age of one year. This is when they attain their adult height and weight, but it doesn’t mean they completely stop growing.

Their bones and muscles are still growing and developing and might still get slightly taller or heavier until they are two years of age.

Specific factors affecting American Bullies’ growth include health, nutrition, exercise, and genetics.

To ensure that your American Bully attain maximum growth, ensure that you feed them a balanced diet with the necessary nutrients for their growth. Ensure you take them to the vet regularly for checkups.

American Bully Weight Chart

American Bully Size Chart Growth

The American Bully weight chart for a specific American Bully depends on their size category.

The best way you can determine the weight of your American Bully at specific stages of their growth is by taking them to the vet for a weight check or doing a weight check for your dog at home.

Monitor your dog’s weight to ensure they are the right weight to prevent health conditions associated with weight changes.

By three months, your American Bully should be between 20 and 35 pounds; by the age of 6 months, they should be about 50 to 70 pounds. Your American Bully should weigh between 55 and 75 pounds in one year.

The weight of a specific American Bully may differ slightly from these numbers because they could be slightly lighter or heavier.

American Bully Size Chart

American Bully SizeWeightHeight MaleHeight Female Pocket11 – 22 lbs14″ – 17″13″ – 16″ Classic45 – 80 lbs17″ – 20″16″ – 19″ Standard60 – 110 lbs17″ – 20″16″ – 19″ Extreme75 – 120 lbs17″ – 20″16″ – 19″ XL80 – 140 lbs20″ – 23″19″ – 22″

Pocket American Bully Weight

Pocket American Bully Weight

This American Bully breed variety can only be recognized by his full adult height. These are the shortest American Bully variation; however, they are not toy or pocket-sized like other breeds. They are the shortest of all Bullies and compact American Bully.

The male pocket American bully breed reaches the heights of about 14 to 17 inches for males, while the females stand between 13- and 16-inches tall pocket.

American Bullies are slightly smaller than other Bully varieties but still with similar proportions.

The Pocket American Bully dogs are widely sought after because caring for them is more straightforward than other large varieties. These pups are also practical with every color.

Classic American Bully Weight

This is another common type of American Bully. As the name suggests, this dog has a classic bulldog body shape. They are incredibly similar to the Standard American Bull but have some distinguishing features.

The height of a Classic bully is about the same size as the Standard American Bully and reaches about 17 to 20 inches. These dogs also weigh the same, about 65 to 85 lbs.

So, what is the difference between the two? Well, the Classic breed variety is more petite and less muscular than the standard size, and they are also built a little less boxy with still massive heads and necks. This is a variation of the standard size.

Standard American Bully Weight And Size

Standard American Bully Weight

This breed was developed in the 1990s as the show version of the American Pit Bull Terrier. The males of this variety are between 17 and 20 inches, while the females grow tall between 16 and 19 inches.

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The Standard American Bully has a life expectancy of about ten to fourteen years. They have a large skull characterized by well-defined jaws, prominent cheeks, broad chests, and muscular and solid body structures.

Their oval eyes sit low in the skull and are pretty far apart.

Extreme American Bully Weight

The extreme Bully is the most significant variation of the standard Bully. They are not as big as the Mastiff dogs, but the Extreme Bullies are considered large breed dogs that are strong and have massive body structures.

The adult Extreme American Bully has lots of muscle mass and is thick with heavy bones. This Extreme American Bully has a muscular and arched neck with broad shoulders, and we can call them bodybuilder dogs.

Besides their muscular build, you can easily recognize the Extreme American Bully because they have loose lips and a higher rear.

Extreme American Bully Weight

XL American Bully Weight

Like they are named, the XL Buy is heavier and taller than the standard American Bully dogs.

The males of this breed variety stand between 20 and 23 inches, while the females reach between 19 and 22 inches. This breed is the largest of all the American Bully types.

The Extra-large American Bully has the same solid build as the Standard bullies, with big heads and large and deep chests but with more massive bodies. Their necks are also slightly arched, and they have thicker shoulders.

Will Neutering/Spaying My American Bully Affect His Growth?

Neutering or spaying does not have much effect on the overall growth of the puppy. But this doesn’t mean it can be performed at any stage of the puppy’s life.

For example, it can’t be possible to perform the procedure when the puppy is just two months. Let the puppy grow up a little before performing the procedure is suitable.

Will Neutering Spaying My American Bully Affect His Growth

It is unnecessary to get the dog spayed or neutered too early; the most recommended stage is four to nine months of age.

But at this age, the female puppies will be at the first heat cycle and hence need to be spayed if you have no plan of breeding your American Bully female.

Neutering, on the other hand, prevents testicular cancer. Neutering primarily affects the dog’s behavior because neutered dogs don’t wander like unneutered males and are less likely to develop aggressive behavior.

How Big Do American Bullies Get?

There is a high chance that you will find the Standard American Bully because they are the most common breed.

American Bullies grow to a height of 16 to 20 inches and a weight of about 50 to 70 pounds. However, all dogs are different; hence no guarantee as to how big the dog will get.

Finding out how your American Bully will get is essential because you may not enjoy the luxury of living in a big apartment or owning a house that a large dog needs.

There are many ways to know how big the American Bully puppy will get, but the best way is to look at the parent dogs and talk to their breeders about the size of the puppy’s grandparents. Females using look like their moms, while male puppies usually look like their fathers.

There is also DNA testing that can be used to determine the future size of a puppy. You can tell your vet to perform the test if you are curious about your puppy’s size, which will help you estimate your puppy’s size when they grow.

The other way is by looking at the paws of the puppy. If the puppy has large paws, then it can be a sign that it will grow into a big dog.

Using our American Bully size chart, you can also predict how your puppy will grow. This is done by keeping track of your puppy’s growth and determining the dog’s weight at every stage.

How Much To Feed Your American Bully Puppy?

American Bully Size Chart Growth And Weight Chart

If your American Bully puppy is younger than four months it should be given three meals per day.

This increases to five meals per day from four to 10 months as they grow rapidly. Once growth stabilizes after 10 months you can reduce the meals back down to three to four meals per day.

Combining these meals with a healthy active lifestyle which includes brisk walking, running and games will ensure your American Bully has a long and healthy life.

Due to the active nature of the breed, avoid giving your American Bully puppy one large meal, it should be spread out over the day. Loading the food into one meal can cause low blood sugar which can in turn lead to health issues.

Likewise, if meal intervals are too long your puppy may also suffer from issues such as bloat which should be avoided.

What Is The Average American Bully’s Neck Size?

What Is The Average American Bully’s Neck Size

Knowing the neck size of your American Bully is helpful as it allows you to buy appropriate attire such as a collar, harness and jersey.

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The average American Bully will have a neck size that ranges from 14 to 18 inches in circumference. This can easily be measured with a tape measure.

If you’re purchasing items for a puppy be aware that they will grow rapidly so consider adjustable attire otherwise the items will quickly fall out of use.

American Bully Vs American Bulldog Size Comparison

American Bully vs American Bulldog Size Comparison

The American Bulldog and American Bully are commonly mistaken. Both breeds have large types and some similarly muscular builds. Typically, American Bulldogs stand larger than American Bullies.

A male American Bulldog measures 20 to 28 inches in height, reducing to 20 to 24 inches for females. Male American Bullies range from 17 to 20 inches in height and 16 to 19 inches for females.

American Bulldogs will also generally weigh heavier than Bullies, with males reaching 120 pounds, compared to 110 for American Bulldogs.

American Bully Growth Stages

American Bully Growth Stages

Birth – 2 Weeks

The neonatal stage is crucial in the early development of an American Bully puppy.

During this phase, the puppy is dependent on its mother for sustenance through the milk and also warmth as they’re unable to generate body heat. The puppy will sleep most of the time in the initial weeks.

The mother’s milk contains all the essential nutrients required for growth. Newborn pups are vulnerable to worms so should be dewormed as soon as possible.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

In this period you will observe significant growth. From three weeks, your pup will start to open its eyes and start hearing. The milk teeth will start appearing and by 12 weeks can start to eat solid foods.

At the two-month stage, the puppy needs to be vaccinated and ready to find it a forever home. By this stage they would be familiar with socializing with humans so should be comfortable when rehoused.

At 12 weeks all senses are developed and the rate of development slows as they reach 12 weeks and enter adolescence.

American Bully Puppy Growth Stages

4 Months – 9 Months

At the age of four months, your American Bully becomes a teenager. You will notice them showing domineering traits so they should be trained to promote positive behaviors.

Mental and physical stimulation is very important during this period as this encourages healthy brain development and prevents destructive behavior patterns.

By six months, an American Bully reaches sexual maturity however as they are still puppies they are not mentally ready to mate. Speak to your vet about spaying or neutering.

10 Months – 18 Months

At 10 months, your American Bully puppy should reach their maximum height. The switch from puppy food to adult should occur as well as a regular exercise routine. Obesity and diabetes can easily occur if a poor lifestyle takes shape.

Some padding out may occur until 18 months but expect most growth to be complete by 10 months as the growth plates harden.

American Bully Puppies Growth Stages


By adulthood, an American Bully will be fully formed in terms of height and weight. Weight can fluctuate based on lifestyle so maintain a healthy feeding schedule and exercise routine.

They should also be spayed or neutered so their hormone levels are balanced. Regular visits to the vet are recommended to ensure your pup is on track and can catch any health concerns in the early stages.

American Bully Appearance

American Bully Appearance Head


The American Bully breed has a distinctive head shape that is well-known. The head is broad and large but is rarely disproportionate to the overall body size.

The cheek muscles are fairly prominent in the overall character of the face while most Bullies are also free of wrinkles.

The flight is clean and deep, while the stop is also well-defined and fairly deep.


The American Bully next is moderate in size and fairly muscular. The neck shape has a slightly arched crest and it widens from the point at which it joins the skull and blends into the laid-back shoulders.

The neck skin does not have any excess dewlap.

Sometimes the neck can be weak and have excessive dewlap which can interfere with overall function.


American Bully Appearance Body

The American Bully’s body shape is close-coupled, characterized by a deep, broad chest and define ribs. The chest may visually appear wider than deep but it is not overly exaggerated.

The forechest shape does not go further than the shoulder point. Bullies are also defined by a firm, wide back which gives them a muscular appearance. The topline level is flat, while the crop has a downward slope down to the tail base.

American Bullies should have an equal distance from withers to elbow and elbow to the bottom of feet to give extra stability and balance.


American Bully shoulder blades are typically muscular in tone with significant length and width. The upper arm and shoulder blade have equal length and join at a right angle.

The position of the foreleg is at a slight turn into the forearm and also has a muscular complexion. The forelegs are set apart and sit perpendicular to the ground. Bullies also have powerful and flexible pasters which are set at a marginal angle.

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The American Bully’s back is broad, muscular and strong, with a deep, filled rump.

Looking from a side-on angle, the Bullies have a strong bend in the hock joint with rear pasterns that are perpendicular to the ground. Look from the back, the rear pasterns are parallel and straight.

The thighs are very well developed and with strong thick muscles.


American Bully Appearance Tail

The American Bully has a distinctive tail which is often called a pump handle or crank tail. When observing the dog, the tail appears as an extension of the topline and tapers off.

When a Bully is moving state the tail carries level with the topline. When they become excited, the tail carries slightly higher but never so high that it extends over the back. When the dog is calm, the tail naturally carries low, extending to the hock.

Different Factors That Affect American Bully Puppy Growth

Bully Genetics

The genetics of an American Bully is a significant factor in determining the growth trajectory.

When purchasing from a reputable breeder, they should be able to provide information on the ancestry of your pup, including the health records of the parents.

The genetic information will provide insights into the height and weight of the parents which indicates the adult size of your pup. It will also highlight health issues that your Bully may be prone to.

Food & Nutrition

Food and nutrition can be controlled by the adopters of an American Bully and are crucial in ensuring a long and healthy life. Poor-quality food can cause health issues and stunt your dog’s growth.

Factors That Affect American Bully Puppy Growth

You must take time to research good quality foods which have a range of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the diet. Establish a regular feeding routine to ensure your dog has sustenance throughout the day.

Physical Activity & Health

The key to healthy growth is physical activity. Exercise burns calories and allows your Bully to develop its muscles as they grow. During adulthood, exercise is key in preventing excessive weight gain.

Daily, American Bullies need at least 60 minutes of fairly intense exercise and cover a distance of around 16 miles per week. This level of exercise should also keep adopters fit and healthy.

How Much Does An American Bully Puppy Cost?

American Bullies are not the cheapest breed to purchase with the average price of the breed ranging from $2,000 to $10,000. Some pups from prestigious Bully bloodlines can cost up to $20,000.

Of the size varieties, the Standard is the most affordable costing between $2,000 to $5,000. Pocket Bullies will range from $3,000 to $8,000 while the larger XL Bullies can cost between $5,000 and $10,000.

American Bullies with broad chests, muscular builds and strong blockheads will cost the most.

What To Do If My American Bully Is Underweight Or Overweight?

If you suspect your American Bully is significantly under or overweight, you should consider visiting a vet for a check-up. While it is normal for dogs to slightly deviate from the American Bully weight chart, anything beyond 15% deviation could be cause for greater examination.

Likewise, if you have noticed a sudden weight drop or gain in the space of a week, there is a likely health issue which is behind it and your dog should be checked up immediately.

An underweight Bully has visible ribs and a visible waist. They will likely lack an appetite and have low energy.

American Bully Weight

An overweight dog will have no distinction between the waist and the stomach. Overweight dogs will also be lethargic and pant a lot.

If your dog is mildly under or overweight, then you can simply make some adjustments to the feeding or exercise routine. You may consider increasing or reducing the daily portion size and frequency of meals while amending the amount of daily exercise.

American Bully Body Condition Score (BCS) Explained

The Body Condition Score is a system used to measure dog weight that can be compared across breeds. The formula calculates the recommended weight of your dog, similar to BMI for humans.

The BCS scale ranges from 1 to 9. 1 represents underweight dogs while 9 represents overweight dogs. The ideal score for your Bully is 5.

The 5 mark ensures that your Bully is at the ideal weight according to the breed standard. Features of this mark include dogs with a visible weight when looking from above and a rib cage that is not too covered by fat.

Common Health Issues In American Bullies

Common Health Issues In American Bullies

Common health conditions in American Bullies are found below.

  • Hip dysplasia – a condition detectable during adolescence. This is where abnormal growth of the hip joint leads to deformed mobility.
  • Patellar luxation – refers to abnormal kneecap growth which can also cause dislocation. This is noticeable if your dog is limping or in severe pain.
  • Cleft palate/lip – a condition affecting the top lip and mouth. While it won’t lead to serious health complications it can impinge on the quality of life for your dog. Cosmetic surgery can easily solve the issue and promote a better lifestyle.
  • Demodectic mange – a skin condition that causes hair loss and scabbing. As the American Bully does not have a thick coat this condition is very easy to spot.
  • Congenital heart failure is also referred to as an enlarged heart which causes extra fluid to penetrate the body. American Bullies have large hearts so are susceptible to this condition.

Final Word

Hopefully, this article has shed light on the essential details of the American Bully growth chart, giving you confidence in knowing how to support your American Bully.

American Bullies are increasingly popular due to the incredibly loyal companionship and energy they provide households.

Monitoring their growth throughout their life is an essential activity that adopters should do to ensure they are on track to living a long and healthy life.

If you suspect they are under or overweight or have experienced changes in behavior, you should visit the vet as soon as possible as the changes may be caused by an underlying health issue.


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