When Do Babies Get Eyelashes

Baby eyelashes keep the eyes clean and moist while making the face look beautiful. While some babies are born with long, dark eyelashes, other babies’ eyelashes take longer to develop.

Even though having or not having eyelashes isn’t a cause for concern, you may wonder when your baby will grow them.

Are babies born with eyelashes? Most babies are born with eyelashes, but they might not be visible on other babies for a few months. Some babies have thin, blonde eyelashes that are barely noticeable, but they’ll get darker and longer in the next few months. Premature babies might not be born with eyelashes at all.

In the following, you’ll learn more about baby eyelashes and what to expect as they grow.

Baby Eyelashes at Birth

Some babies are born with eyelashes, and some aren’t. Here are some interesting facts about baby eyelashes.

Newborn’s Eyelashes: What To Expect

Since every baby has a different genetic makeup, you can’t really expect anything when it comes to newborn eyelashes. Some babies are born with eyelashes, while others take a little longer to get them.

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Whether a baby is born with or without eyelashes, there’s typically no cause for concern.

Be aware that the eyelash color can change over time. Some babies are born with thin, light eyelashes, so you might not notice them until they get darker.

When Do Eyelashes Form?

Eyelashes begin to form at around 22 weeks in pregnancy. During this point in the pregnancy, estrogen levels increase in the mother and encourage hair growth.

The mother may even notice a change in the texture and length of the hair throughout her own body.

Why Do Some Babies Have No Eyelashes?

While some babies have beautiful, dark eyelashes, some take longer to develop them. You might not notice eyelashes on some babies at birth because:

  • They have a different genetic makeup: Genetics can play a role in the presence of eyelashes at birth. All babies have unique hair and eye colors, and sometimes babies take longer to grow their eyelashes. Slow-growing eyelashes are rarely a cause for concern.
  • They need a nutrition boost: Some babies have no eyelashes because of a deficiency of biotin, zinc, iron, vitamin C, or vitamin D in the mother’s diet. Pregnant women should take prenatal vitamins to make sure they get the proper nutrients for their child’s fetal development. When the baby is born, the vitamins in breast milk or formula will encourage hair growth.
  • They were born prematurely: Babies might not have eyelashes at birth if they were born prematurely. The eyelashes might not have had time to develop depending on the baby’s gestational age at birth.
  • They have blonde eyelashes: A baby might have very light eyelashes that are difficult to see, even if the baby has dark hair on his or her head. In time, their eyelashes will get darker and more visible.

Do Babies’ Eyelashes Change Color?

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Yes, sometimes eyelashes get darker based on the genetic makeup of the baby.

If a baby’s eyelashes come in light and thin, after a few months, the strands will fall out and be replaced with darker lashes. The eyelash color is often consistent with the baby’s hair color.

Will a Newborn’s Eyelashes Fall Out?

Yes, a newborn’s eyelashes will fall out after a few months. Just like baby hair and adult hair fall out, eyelashes fall out in a cycle.

Babies grow a new set of eyelashes every four to 11 months. Some babies may also pull their eyelashes out as a way to relieve stress, like sucking their thumbs.

When Do Babies’ Eyelashes Grow to Full Length?

Most babies’ eyelashes grow to full length by the age of two months. However, eyelashes can take longer to develop, depending on the baby’s genetics, health, and gestational age at birth.

Eyelash Growth Cycle

The eyelash growth cycle has three phases: growth, degradation, and resting. After the resting phase, the eyelash sheds, and the growth cycle begins again.

The growth phase lasts around one to two months. The degradation phase lasts about 15 days. Finally, the resting phase lasts for four to nine months. The total cycle is about four to 11 months long.

Eye Care for Newborn Baby

You can care for your child’s eyes and eyelashes by following these tips, especially before their eyelashes have fully developed:

  • Carefully clean the area around the eye with a wet cotton ball.
  • Dust and clean your home frequently.
  • Avoid cleaning while your baby is around so you don’t get dust or debris in their eyes.
  • Put a hat or protective covering on your baby when in direct sunlight.
  • Try not to go outside as much until your baby’s eyelashes have grown.

Baby Body Hair

Babies have different types of body hair. Check out the type of hair you can expect to see on your baby.

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Lanugo Hair

Lanugo hair is the protective coating over the baby’s skin that helps regulate the temperature in the womb. This layer of hair starts forming at around 21 weeks in utero.

Lanugo usually sheds during the third trimester, but sometimes it stays on the baby until after he or she is born.

Hair on Head

The baby’s head develops hair during the 14th week in the womb. The mother’s hormones stimulate hair growth in the womb.

After being born, the baby starts to lose that hair and develop the hair they will have for the rest of their lives. This hair may or may not be the same color or texture as the hair he or she had in the womb.

Even if a child is born with curly dark-brown hair, it could be light and straight when it grows in again.

Eyelashes and Eyebrows

Eyelashes and eyebrows begin to form at around 21 weeks. This hair protects the eyes from dust and sunlight. A baby’s eyelashes and eyebrows usually get darker a few months after the baby is born.

Vellus Hair

Vellus hair, or peach fuzz, is what forms on the baby’s arms, legs, stomach, and face after the lanugo hair sheds off. Like lanugo hair, vellus hair also protects the skin and helps regulate the body’s temperature.

Related Questions:

When Do Babies Grow Eyelashes?

Most babies start growing eyelashes at around 22 weeks in the womb. While some babies are born with eyelashes, others take a few months longer after they’re born.

Factors such as hormones, genetics, and gestational age at birth determine eyelash growth.

What Age Do Babies Get Kneecaps?

Babies are born with kneecaps, but they’re made of cartilage instead of bone. Flexible kneecaps help with the early stages of a baby’s life, from delivery to crawling and toddling.

The process of kneecaps transforming from cartilage to bone, called ossification, usually takes between 2 and 6 years.


Eyelashes protect your baby’s eyes from the sun and harmful particles in the area.

Whether your baby was born with eyelashes or took a little longer to develop them, you can take care of their eyes by keeping them from direct sunlight and cleaning their room often.

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