When Do Bernedoodles Calm Down

People call dogs “man’s best friend” due to their loyal nature. People have always kept dogs as pets, and there are hundreds of dog breeds out there to choose from. But do you know there is a chance your dogs may not be as happy as you think they are?

Human and dog lives are quite different considering that the latter have a shorter life span. Dogs live 10-13 years on average but can differ for each breed. This means your pet becomes an adult dog before you even realize it.

It may surprise you, but your dog may deal with stress and anxiety much like humans. Let’s begin our discussion, after which we will talk about the Bernedoodle puppy in specific.

Stress and Anxiety in Dogs

Stress and anxiety affect almost every breed of dog. However, the effect of the emotion may be a bit different for every breed. While most dogs experience anxiety and stress in their lifetime, it can cause other health conditions, as well.

Thus, you must keep a close eye on your dog’s mental health and behavior, and address the issues immediately if things seem off.

However, simple elements like fear, change, and other inconsistencies can cause stress in these animals. We are also going to talk about the dog’s behavior and how you can ensure a healthy life for a mixed breed or pure dog breed pet. Let us have a look at the signs of your dog feeling stressed and what you can do about it.

Black and white bernadoodle puppy sitting in the grass

Signs Your Dog is Stressed and How to Relieve It

You should start by identifying your pet’s stress levels if you want to solve them. However, it is not easy to determine stress in an anxious dog immediately. Once you understand these signs, you can apply positive reinforcement in steps. Following are some of the potential signs of stress:

Barking and Whining

The easiest way to detect stress in your pet is to pay attention to the dog’s barks. If your dog keeps barking and whining, they most likely have stress. The American Kennel Club and their related posts indicate that barking due to anxiety is a common issue in dogs.

Drooling, Licking, Drowsiness

Dogs can yawn when they feel stressed. Most dog owners mistake this trait as a sign of tiredness. However, the chances may increase if the parent breed has the same characteristic. Similarly, your dog may lick itself constantly when feeling stressed.

Dilated Pupils

Stressed dogs have dilated pupils and tend to blink rapidly, much like humans.

The American Kennel Club considers dilated pupils a major sign for stress in your dog. Make sure you pay close attention to this to determine whether your dog is stressed.

Top Reasons Why Dogs Experience Anxiety

The following could be some of the reasons behind your dog’s anxiety.

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You have probably seen your dog whine, whimper, or shake several times. It is something common, but it is a way of your dog displaying its fear. Smaller puppies like a standard poodle may exhibit higher fear levels than other breeds.

At the same time, a Bernedoodle puppy may exhibit similar behavior. Dogs have various phobias depending on their breed and mental stimulation.


Separation anxiety is a leading reason why your pet may feel stressed. Dogs do not like their owners leaving in general. For example, a standard Bernedoodle may show extreme signs of discomfort because of separation anxiety. In some cases, dogs may exhibit situational fears and fear of strangers, which can contribute to their stress levels.

bernedoodle sitting in flower field


Dogs have a shorter lifespan than humans. Dog anxiety seems to increase drastically as they age. This is the same for purebred dogs and other dog breeds. Dogs become weaker and lose their physical prime as they age. For example, an anxious dog with a curly coat may lose hair much faster compared to other dog species.

They do not do well with their owners leaving, which can cause health issues later in life. You need to remember that older dogs require more attention and care. It is not just limited to a few treats, and you need to take care of them every day.

Facts about Bernedoodles

The Bernedoodle is a crossbreed between the Bernese mountain dog and a poodle. These dogs aren’t very popular in the US, but people are starting to like them.

You may be wondering why you might want to become a Bernedoodle owner? Well, let’s begin by learning about the Bernedoodle.

Available in Different Sizes

Most people think that Bernedoodles are not smaller than 17 inches. However, there is also a possibility that these dogs may have a poodle’s size. A miniature Bernedoodle ranges between 18 to 22 inches, but in some cases, a medium Bernedoodle may be slightly larger than this. Similarly, a standard Bernedoodle’s size ranges between 23 to 29 inches.

They Do Not Shed Much

Bernedoodles have a thick coat of fur on their bodies, but surprisingly, they do not shed a lot. This is because of their parent breed. However, that still does not mean you will stay free from sneezes and allergies. Once you learn about this hybrid dog’s low shedding pattern, caring for them will become quite straightforward and hassle-free.

Usually Relaxed

Most of the Bernedoodles can adopt the characteristics of either parent. Even a tiny Bernedoodle will stay calm if it is alone. This makes them great to keep as a pet at your home, even without supervision. However, they can become playful at times because they also take after the Bernese mountain dog.

Bernadoodle puppy relaxing on its back outside in the grass

Stubborn At Times

While it is difficult to say for sure if your Bernedoodle is stubborn the first time you meet it, you will most likely get a clearer idea soon enough. A miniature Bernedoodle will exhibit stubbornness, even from a young age. However, this is not something you should worry about since you can fix their attitude with the right training. We suggest you start the training when your Bernedoodle is a puppy, so it will be easier on you and your pup.

They Have Different Colors

What makes these dog breeds more likable is they have different coats on their bodies. This goes for both color options and coat types. For example, some of these dogs have a curly coat, whereas others may have a simpler, more streamlined covering. It is one of the most unique traits for this poodle mix that makes keeping this species a treat for pet owners.

Outgoing Breed

Another thing that makes this hybrid dog a lovely option for pet owners is it does not mind staying outside. Most dogs become stressed when they see thunder, rain, or other climatic changes. However, this breed takes these changes in stride and does not overreact.

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Fewer Health Problems

As we already mentioned, the Bernedoodle is a mixed breed, which means it has fewer health problems. For example, a poodle has a high chance of developing epilepsy. Similarly, the Bernese mountain dog tends to develop mast cell tumors. Your mixed breed Bernedoodle has a smaller chance of both conditions. There is still a chance your pet may develop issues like dysplasia.

Loyal To the Core

Loyalty is a trait almost every dog shares, but this is a big strength of the Bernedoodle breed. However, this loyalty also means your dog will depend on you a lot. It will be harder for you to keep your dog calm as a dog owner if they grow attached to you.

All of this means that this doodle breed would want you beside it if it does not have its parent around. In addition to this, your Bernedoodle can experience anxiety.

White bernadoodle relaxing outside on the grass.

Bernedoodles’ Anxiety Explained

You probably have a clear idea that the Bernedoodle breed depends on their owners greatly. This means they do not do well when they do not have the necessary support. It doesn’t matter if you have a medium Bernedoodle or an adult; they will both want you to stay around all the time.

One of the biggest reasons why the Bernedoodle breed deals with anxiety is because they want to stay close to the owner. These pets are highly social and do not do well with sudden changes or isolation. They also have high intelligence and training abilities, which makes it easier for them to detect the absence of their owner.

At Calming Dog our team has studied anxiety in our canine friends for years, after many hours of research we developed a line of vet-approved products that calm anxiety and ease stress.

Do Bernedoodles Have Separation Anxiety?

Yes, Bernedoodles have a high chance of developing separation anxiety because they become attached to their owners. Even a mini Bernedoodle can exhibit these actions and sometimes even dog trainers find it hard to handle this situation once it goes overboard.

Signs Your Bernedoodle Has Anxiety

Besides dilated pupils, licking, and panting, Bernedoodles can show several other signs of anxiety and stress. We are sure you can manage your Bernedoodle’s stress and anxiety better once you learn to recognize these subtle signs.

Chewing on Furniture

We have all seen our pets chew on our furniture, upholsteries, and other house essentials. While most dog owners deem it as normal dog behavior, there is a chance that it is your dog showing its anxiety. When your dog tries to take out its aggression and fear on the furniture, you should pay attention to these little details and handle your dog’s mental stimulation before it gets out of hand. Older dogs have a higher chance of developing this issue out of frustration.

Excessive Self Grooming

Dogs love to self groom, i.e. licking themselves to keep themselves clean. However, you will see a significant increase in this habit once your dog develops anxiety. A dog trainer may also second this notion because pets often do this to calm themselves down.

close up of brown bernedoodle

Bowel and Urine Issues

Our digestive systems and minds are connected deeply. A Bernedoodle owner may suspect that their dog experiences issues with their digestion when they feel anxious or scared. Irregular bowel or urine movements coupled with digestive issues could be a major red flag for your Bernedoodle’s health.

Yawning and Drooling

Bernedoodles may yawn and drool when they feel stressed. It is because the dogs cannot stay still and need to show their anxiety in one way or another. These dogs may also feel a loss of energy during anxiety.

Some of these dogs may even feel constipated due to inflammation in their digestive tract. So, it is time to pay attention to your dog’s stomach health before it is further aggravated.

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Hair Raised On the Back of the Neck

While most of the signs of anxiety and stress in these dogs seem behavior-related, there are physical signs, too. Dogs that feel scared have raised hair on the back of their neck. It is a way for them to show their discomfort and fear.

Cowering and hiding

The Bernedoodle species is not very aggressive, which is why it does not have the temperament to deal with threats. Most of these dogs experience discomfort in such situations because they have poodles as a parent breed.

You will see an anxious dog running and cowering in the corner trying to cover itself. Comforting your pet during these times is the best thing you can do as a dog owner.

Chronic barking

Barking is more than just a means to communicate for dogs. They try to show their discomfort and lack of liking towards something by barking. In addition, dogs may also show these traits when they want to scare the other threat away.

So, if your dog keeps barking repeatedly, with no probable cause, chances are they experience anxiety. It is important to calm your dog down in a situation like this or they could end up with serious health issues.

Brown bernadoodle playfully running outside.

How to Help a Bernedoodle with Anxiety

By now, you most likely understand how dangerous anxiety and stress are for your Bernedoodle. Therefore, it is important to keep your pets as calm as possible. The question is how do you do it? Well, you can start by trying to counter the symptoms your Bernedoodle might suffer from anxiety to help them. You can also invest in quality beds or blankets that provide a safe place for your dog to manage their stress or anxiety.


The easiest way to calm your pet down is to give them regular massages. Everything from a simple back scratch to a full body massage will help relieve stress and anxiety for your pet. Make sure that you keep a gentle grip because of the breed’s small size.

Music Therapy

Dogs in general and Bernedoodles particularly love music. Even a mini Bernedoodle understands music, and it can help it relax against stressful and unwanted situations or when your dog is scared. Some dog owners also add calming scent inserts by Calming Dog to their anti-anxiety bed or blanket during music therapy, to lower their anxiety and make pets feel calmer. This will help your dog feel incredibly relaxed.

Physical Contact

Dog trainers suggest that physical contact is one of the most effective ways to calm your dog. You should try to keep your Bernedoodle close to yourself when they feel stressed or anxious. A tiny Bernedoodle also feels great to hold close. So, physical contact not only helps the pet but the owner as well.


Exercising and physical activity have almost the same effects on the dog’s body as humans. It means they feel better when they exercise regularly. So we suggest you go out for a walk or play a nice game of catch with your Bernedoodle when they feel stressed. You will see a significant change in their health, anxiety levels, and mood.


You are not the only one who needs some time by yourself. If your Bernedoodle feels extremely anxious, maybe it is time to let them relax and leave them be. You should try to give your pet some space and they will return to their normal mood eventually. Providing a safe and secure place for your Bernedoodle to work through their anxiety or stress helps them feel comfortable throughout the process. Shop Calming Dog products proven to help ease anxiety.

Can Bernedoodles Be Left Alone?

A big question that most dog owners ask is if they should leave their dogs alone. Well, it depends. If you have tried everything to calm your dog down, but it still didn’t work, try leaving them alone for a bit. However, it is important you ensure they have enough food, drink, and something fun to do on their own.

In addition, adding a premium quality, comfortable bed by Calming Dog for them to relax on will also make your dog calm down and get rest. This way, you will see a significant change in their mood. All you have to do is focus on fulfilling your pet’s basic needs, and your dog will stay fine on its own.

You can get close to your pet again once they calm down. All you have to do is be wary of the signs your Bernedoodle might suffer from and address them accordingly.

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