HomeWHENWhen Do Border Collies Stop Growing

When Do Border Collies Stop Growing

You may be wondering if your Border Collie puppy is growing at a regular rate, which means you care about his overall well-being and you just want him to grow properly. Besides, a canine’s height and weight can indicate early signs of potential health issues.

Keep scrolling and read-up this article to learn the appropriate growth rate or development of the Border Collie size.

Overview: Facts about the Border Collie breed

Whether this is the first time you’ve heard about the Border Collie or not, there is a lot of important information about this awesome purebred.

Border Collies are sheepdogs that originated from the Scottish borders, hence the name. They’re bred initially to work or herd livestock and are known for their obedience and wit. Nowadays, Borders are known to be the most intelligent dog.

Although some of them are still used for their herding or working skills, Border Collies also excel at conformation shows, canine sports, and human-assisting jobs like search and rescue.

For physical characteristics, Borders have a head like a Collie’s with a body that’s a bit longer than they’re taller. Their ears are perked with the tips dropped over. It gives them a cheerful look to balance out their intense crouch and stare when stalking and controlling sheep.

They have a coat that’s either long and coarse or short and smooth. A Border Collie is often found in black and white, but they have a wide range of colors, markings, and patterns.

You can also find them in different combinations of red and white, brown and white, blue merle, gray, tricolor, and many more!

Borders’ hair is not hypoallergenic. They are considered average shedders but sheds heavily when it’s time to get rid of their winter coat.

This breed is suitable for owners or families who are active and loves spending time with their dog, both indoors and outdoors, no matter the season or weather. Border Collies are highly energetic and would be happy if they’re always on the move.

Watch this video of Border Collies running around in their yard, playing chase with each other. Their backyard seems to have enough space and is secure for them to exercise without much supervision.

Border Collies may be prone to specific health issues such as epilepsy, Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA), and hip dysplasia, but it doesn’t happen to all Borders. They’re a generally healthy breed with a lifespan of 10 to 17 years.

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Another thing to consider if you’re planning to buy a Border Collie puppy or if you already have one is their size.

Standard Border Collie size range or classification

Let’s discuss the basics. There are five breed sizes for canines:

  • Toy: up to 12 pounds
  • Small: 12 to 25 pounds
  • Medium: 25 to 50 pounds
  • Large: 50 to 100 pounds
  • Giant: 100 pounds and over

You might have heard or seen a miniature Border Collie, but they’re either bred in an unhealthy manner or mixed with a toy or small breeds.

But there’s a rescue dog named Gulliver who was said to have the title “World’s Largest Border Collie.”

Border Collies fall within the medium-sized range, just like English Springer Spaniels, Whippets, and Corgis. Keep in mind that these are only average numbers and occasionally overlap.

The developmental stages of a Border Collie puppy

Before discussing the typical size of a full-grown Border Collie, we have to consider their growth rate from puppyhood as well. Every milestone is vital as it will be your guide in determining if your Border pup is growing at a healthy pace.

Remember, every puppy or dog, even if they’re the same breed, grows at a different rate. The important thing is they’re gaining weight steadily.

From birth up to 3 weeks of age (AKA Neonatal Period)

A newborn Border Collie has an average birth weight of 7-14 ounces. Within their first 24 hours, puppies may lose water weight. After that, they should immediately put on weight.

Your Border pup should be doubling their weight within their first week until six weeks. At least ½ to 1 ½ ounce a day. Other milestones that you don’t want to miss during this stage are their first crawl, opening their eyes, and getting their primary or baby teeth.

From 3 weeks to 12 weeks (AKA Socialization Period)

By six weeks of age, your Border Collie puppy, who’s about 3 to 6 pounds (1 to 3 kg), should have multiplied its weight four times. Even as a pup, they’re highly active, but they’re supposed to gain 2 to 4 pounds in a week until their 14th week.

You’d notice the puppies are starting to socialize, not just with their mom or siblings, but everything in their surroundings.

It’s an excellent idea to let the pups get used to different sounds and smells at this early age, but the Border Collies should still be with their mom. And yes, even if they are weaned. After all, it’s their mother who’d teach doggy social skills.

From 3 months to 6 months (AKA Juvenile Period)

At 14 weeks old, that rapid and extreme gain weight finally levels off and is probably gaining a pound each week until six months of age. It will be a gradual process compared to puppyhood.

While they’re entering adolescence, teenage Border Collies eat voraciously in order to support their high levels of energy and metabolism.

The milestones during this stage are having all their puppy teeth and transitioning to adult teeth, and their motor skills are way more developed.

From 6 months to 16 months (AKA Sexual Maturity Period)

By this stage, your Border Collie puppy is about to reach his or her sexual maturity.

You’ll see them will complete adult teeth, ears upright with the tips dropping, and they have a stronger bond with their pack. The estrus cycle of a female Border Collie will start at six months, while males reach their sexual maturity once they’re seven months old.

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From 16 months to 36 months (The transition to the period of adulthood)

Moving past that teenage stage, an adult Border Collie should have gained enough weight.

Full-grown Border Collies shouldn’t have trouble maintaining their healthy weight. Even if there are no more significant milestones at this period, they will still continue to grow. They finally reached their full-sized framework.

Female Borders are considered adults by the time they’re 24 months or two years old, and males reach their adulthood until 36 months of age.

Watch this video of a black and white Border Collie growing up until 12 months:

Border Collie size charts

The average height of Border Collies is 22 to 27 inches (56 to 69 cm) and a weight of 27 to 45 pounds (12 to 20 kg). Their length is about 28 to 34 inches (71 to 86 cm), and a withers height of 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm).

But there are different ways to tell the weight of your Border Collie puppy or dog based on their age or gender.

Border Collie weight chart by age

The table below includes information on how much your Border Collie (or most medium-sized dogs) will weigh at each milestone.

If you’re wondering how to use this table, just look for your Border Collie’s age on the left and find his current weight. For example, If you’re Border pup is six months old with a weight of 16.3 lbs, follow that column to the 12-month row, and he’ll be about 32.5 lbs by the time he turns one year old.

Couldn’t find the age and weight of your puppy on this chart? Don’t worry! There are ways of calculating the weight of a dog within the medium range.

Size calculation method 1

Let’s say your Border Collie’s weight is in between two numbers in the chart. All you have to do is find the average of the two.

If your puppy is 26 lbs at the age of 11 months, then he’s between 24 and 27 lbs on the table above. Get the average of 24 and 27, then divide it by two, which is equal to 25.5 lbs as his weight as an adult.

Size calculation method 2

The second way to find out your Border Collie puppy’s adult weight is by dividing his current weight from his current age in weeks.

For example, your puppy weighs 8 lbs at 13 weeks (8/13=0.61). Multiply the result (0.61) to 52 (the biggest number on our chart), and you’ll get 32 lbs.

Based on that formula, a Border Collie puppy that weighs 8 lbs at 13 weeks would likely weigh 32 lbs as an adult.

Size calculation method 3

Use this if your pup is 14 weeks old or beyond. All you have to do is weigh your puppy while on his 14th week or check his record and see what he weighed during that age. Multiply it by two and add it to half hid weight at 14 weeks.

Let’s say your Border puppy is 10 lbs at 14 weeks. If you multiply that by 2, the result is 20 lbs. Add that to half his weight at 14 weeks, which is 5, and you’ll get 25 lbs.

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Male and female Border Collie growth graph

a line graph showing the growth of male and female Border Collies By gender, a male Border Collie has a standing height of 24 to 27 inches (61 to 69 cm) and withers height of 19 to 22 inches (48 to 56 cm). Males have a length of 29 to 34 inches (74 to 86 cm), and their weight is between 30 to 45 lbs (14 to 20 kg).

You’d often notice that female canines are much smaller, and it goes for all breeds.

A female Border Collie has a height of 22 to 26 inches (56 to 66 cm) when standing, and the withers is between 18 to 21 inches (46 to 53 cm). Females can weigh anywhere from 27 to 42 lbs (12 to 19 kg) and have a length of 28 to 32 inches (71 to 81 cm).

There are also a lot of size calculators for puppies and dogs where you just have to provide your pet’s specific breed (just select Border Collie), age, and current size. But if you’re going to compare the size of Borders with humans, they’re mostly just above the knee.

Is your Border Collie underweight, healthy, or overweight?

Without visiting a vet, you can check if your dog’s maintaining a healthy weight, especially since each canine is unique.

Find out if your Border Collie has an ideal weight by simply looking at him from above and on his side. You’d also have to feel his pelvic bones and ribs to make sure he has a well-proportioned waist size.

Here’s a chart showing the ideal body condition of any dog, and when should you be concerned.

Chart showing the ideal body size and condition of dogs

If you feel like your Border Collie puppy is underweight or overweight, bring him to a veterinarian to make sure there’s no underlying health issue.

For canines who are underweight without any disease that’s causing him to lose weight, you may have to give your dog parasite treatment. Other than that, feeding larger and frequent meals and switching to a different type of dog food may help.

Overweight Border Collies that don’t have any illness, which leads to gaining too much weight, initial solutions should be fewer meals, cutting out treats, and more exercise.

The size of an appropriate home for Border Collies

Borders have a background of being always on the move. With that said, very active dogs like this breed aren’t suitable for a small yard.

They’d be happier to be with an owner who can provide them a home where they can run freely. This will also avoid pent-up energy, which may lead to developing behavioral issues.

A Border Collie is recommended for families who have a ranch or farm. If not, a spacious house with a large yard would suffice.

Having a big backyard is no excuse to leave your dog outside. He should have his own crate that’s about 42 inches (107 cm). This kennel or dog crate size is enough for the height and weight of Borders and gives them extra space to stretch out.

It’s okay if your Border Collie’s size is different

We cannot emphasize enough that each and every puppy are individuals who grow or develop in different paces. Not to mention that some dogs have growth spurts.

All the information, charts, formulas, and calculator that we provided should only serve as guides to help you understand if your dog is on a healthy weight and how big they can get in the future.

Your Border Collie puppy may not have his age or size here, but it can fall anywhere between those numbers.

You don’t have to worry too much about the small variance in your Border Collie and any chart you find online. If your pet is living and eating healthy, and is happy with you and your family, that’s more than enough for your dog.

One of the most essential advice we can give you right now is to take lots of pictures and videos of your Border Collie baby growing up. There’s no better way to remember all those milestones.

Do you have a Border Collie that has a different size? Tell us more about it by commenting on the box below!


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