HomeWHENWhen Do Corgis Ears Stand Up

When Do Corgis Ears Stand Up

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corgi ears standing up as a puppy

Typically, a corgi’s ears will stand up anywhere between 2 and 6 months of age.

It is generally believed if they don’t rise up after a certain point in time, they never will.

In rare cases, some dogs don’t build cartilage in their ears or, the cartilage they do build is too thin in proportion to the size and weight of the ears.

However, in most cases, a corgi’s ears should rise eventually.

There is typically always light at the end tunnel if you’re willing to be persistent.

How do you get your corgi’s ears to stand up?

Unless there is a genetic reason why your pup is not forming cartilage in the ear, given enough time, the ears should stand up on their own.

How fast that happens generally depends on their family history – some lines tend to have the ears pop up as early as 7-8 weeks old, while some are late bloomers and it can take a couple of months for the ears to perk up.

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And sometimes, more frequently with Cardigan Welsh Corgis, but also seen in Pembroke Welsh Corgis too, the ears are so big, they need additional support to stay upright while the cartilage is still forming.

Taping Corgi Ears

Taping or gluing the ears of young pups is probably the most common way breeders get their pups’ ears to stand up.

By fixing the ear in an upright position for a period of time, they allow the cartilage to form uninterrupted by the constant movement of the ear, which could create a crease that doesn’t form cartilage that well, leading to a weak point and a floppy ear.

Taping (or gluing) also helps if the ear becomes too heavy for the still-forming cartilage to keep it upright on its own.

There are various ways people tape and glue – from just the base of the ears to the whole ear, crowns taping two ears together, gluing the ear to form sort of a cone shape.

Any way you do it, the idea is the same – keep the ear in a fixed upright position.

As mentioned, cartilage formation tends to be slow so patience should be exercised to achieve results – there is no way to rush it, and the more impatient you are, the higher the chance the cartilage doesn’t form properly and the ears stay floppy.

Floppy Corgi Ear puppy sitting

Joint supplements

If you want to supplement to get your corgi’s ears to perk up, you should focus on joint supplements.

As the cartilage that forms in the ears is the same as the rest of the body, joint supplements are your best bet as they are rich in collagen type II, chondroitin, glucosamine, and MSM (some have even more beneficial ingredients in them).

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Of course, this should also be under the careful guidance of a veterinarian to make sure the timing and dosage are appropriate for the corgi’s growth.

Will Massaging the ears and giving long-lasting chews?

There is no direct blood flow through the connective tissue. Contrary to popular opinion, by gently massaging the ears, you increase the blood flow to the skin, rather than the actual cartilage.

Whether that has any effect or it’s just a placebo is hard to determine as there’s really no viable way to track the potential effect.

As long as those massages are not overdone, there shouldn’t be any long-lasting harm, though, and it could be a useful way of tracking how much cartilage has formed.

Will My Corgi Ear’s Stand Up After 6 Months of Age

If by this time at least one of your Corgi’s ears is standing up, there is a high chance you can achieve that with the stubborn floppy one, but it will take substantially more time.

While some dogs get their second ear up when they are 2 or 3 years old, more often than not, the ear will stay down without intervention.

If you’re absolutely determined to have both ears up and there is proof of cartilage formation in the ears, you would have to be extremely persistent to achieve that.

Even with constant taping and supplementation, it could take well over a year to get a floppy ear permanently up as it will be bigger and heavier in comparison to when your corgi was a tiny pup, and cartilage formation and repair is extremely slow, as mentioned before.

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The ear would need to be constantly taped and retaped for months to allow for proper cartilage formation and you shouldn’t be quick to stop taping at the first sight of it standing up as it most likely won’t be strong enough yet to maintain that upright position on its own.

And even if you dedicate all that time to trying, it might not perk up permanently.

So if you are determined to get two upright ears, your best bet is to start working on that early on to ensure the greatest chance of success.

And even if your corgi ends up with a floppy ear or two, it’s not the end of the world and it adds charm to your lovely pup.


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