HomeWHENWhen Do Dogs Reach Sexual Maturity

When Do Dogs Reach Sexual Maturity

It’s a question that many dog owners have pondered at one point or another: do male dogs go into heat? The answer, as it turns out, is a bit complicated. In this blog post, we’ll explore the topic in greater detail to help you better understand your furry friend.

Male dogs do not go into heat in the same way that female dogs do. However, they can show behavioural signs of wanting to mate if they’re exposed to the pheromones of a female dog in heat. Although they don’t go through the same changes as females, the process is still essential for their reproductive health.

Want to learn more about reproductive cycles in dogs and how desexing a male dog affects their behaviour?

Here’s what you need to know about ‘heat’ behaviour in male dogs.

What Is a Dog’s Heat Cycle?

A dog’s heat cycle is when the female dog’s body is preparing for reproduction. This usually occurs twice per year, although it can vary depending on the dog. For example, small breeds of dogs may go into heat more frequently than large breeds.

You may have noticed your female dog going into heat, or oestrus, every six to twelve months. It’s perfectly normal for female dogs to go into heat, so you might assume that the same is true for males. However, that’s not actually the case.

Do Male Dogs Go Into Heat?

The answer is no; male dogs do not go into heat like female dogs do. In fact, mature dogs are able and ready to mate all year round. Instead, when you see hormonal behavioural changes in a dog, it’s because they’ve picked up the scent of a female in heat.

When a female dog comes into heat, she emits a powerful pheromone that can be detected by male dogs from miles away. This pheromone is so potent that it can actually trigger a physical response in males, causing them to become excited and sometimes even aggressive.

If this happens, you may notice your male dog exhibiting some unusual behaviours. For example, he may become more aggressive than usual or start marking his territory more frequently by urinating on things around your house. Additionally, he may try to escape from your yard more often in an attempt to find a mate.

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Do Male Dogs Go Through Puberty?

Just like human boys, all male puppies go through puberty. This phase usually lasts for two to three weeks and occurs when the dog reaches sexual maturity, which is around six to eighteen months old.

And just like human boys, there are some definite signs that let you know when your pup is going through this exciting (and sometimes challenging) time in his life.

During this time, your dog may experience an increase in hormones, which can affect his behaviour. For example, he may be more aggressive or territorial. He may also mark his territory more frequently by urinating on things.

Here are the top 5 signs to look for:

1. He’s moody. One minute he’s happy as can be, the next minute he’s sulking in the corner. Sound familiar? It’s normal for your pup to be a little moodier than usual during puberty. Don’t take it personally – he’s just trying to figure things out!

2. He’s lifting his leg more often. As your pup’s hormones kick into gear, he’ll start lifting his leg to urinate more often. This is perfectly normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.

3. He wants to roam. If you’ve noticed your pup wanting to wander off more often, it’s likely because he’s curious about the world beyond your yard (and possibly because he’s looking for a mate!). Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t get too far from home.

4. He’s eating less (or more). Appetite changes are common during puppy puberty, so don’t be surprised if your pup isn’t as interested in food as he used to be (or if he suddenly has a heartier appetite). Either way, make sure you’re giving him high-quality food that will meet his changing needs.

5. He’s getting into fights. As your pup enters puberty, he may start squabbling with other dogs more often – even if he’s never shown any interest in fighting before. This is usually just alpha posturing and nothing to worry about, but keep an eye on him and intervene if necessary (i.e., if a fight breaks out).

Just remember that this is a normal part of development and there’s no need to worry – unless, of course, your pup starts exhibiting troubling behaviour or seems unusually distressed. In that case, call your veterinarian for guidance.

What are the Signs That a Male Dog Wants to Mate?

If you own a male dog in Australia, chances are you’ll eventually have to deal with him wanting to mate. While it’s perfectly natural for dogs to want to mate, it can be a nuisance for owners who aren’t prepared.

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Some of the most common symptoms of male dogs ‘in heat’ include increased aggression, restlessness, and mounting behaviour. Your dog may also seem more clingy than usual and could urinate more frequently. However, these behaviours can also have more concerning causes, so it’s important to watch for signs of illness or distress.

Learn more about the signs below:

Body Language Signs

One of the most obvious signs that your dog is ready to mate is a change in his body language.

If your normally calm and relaxed dog suddenly starts acting restless, pacing back and forth, and trying to escape your home or yard, it’s a good indication that he’s looking for a mate. Additionally, if your dog starts mounting other dogs, people, or objects, this is another sign that he’s ready to mate.

Hormonal Changes

Another sign that your dog is ready to mate is hormonal changes. If you notice that your dog’s behaviour has changed dramatically in recent weeks or months—for example, he’s become more aggressive or territorial—it could be due to an increase in hormones.

These changes are most pronounced in intact (not neutered) male dogs between the ages of 6 and 18 months, but can also occur in older dogs. If you’re not sure whether hormone changes are affecting your dog’s behaviour, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.

Increased Libido

A third sign that your male dog wants to mate is an increased libido. If you notice that your dog is trying to hump anything and everything—including people, other animals, and even inanimate objects—it’s a good indicator that his sex drive is in overdrive.

This is especially true if your dog seems fixated on a particular female dog and is following her around constantly.

Any pet owner knows that animals can be unpredictable, and this is especially true when it comes to mating. If you have a male dog and a female dog who are not fixed, it’s important to be aware of the potential for problems.

One such problem is that males will often try to mount and mate with females who are in heat. While this may seem like harmless fun, it can actually be dangerous for both dogs. If the male is too rough, he could injure the female. In addition, mating can lead to unwanted pregnancies.

For that reason, desexing puppies once they’re old enough is the best solution. Complications after desexing a male dog are rare, and any adverse effects are typically very manageable, especially if the signs of infection after neutering a dog are detected early.

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If you have a male dog in Australia, it’s important to be aware of the signs that he wants to mate. By being on the lookout for changes in body language, increased aggression or territoriality, and excessive humping behaviour, you can be prepared to deal with your dog’s mating urges in a responsible way.

By being on the lookout for these signs, you can be prepared to deal with your dog’s mating urges in a responsible way. Remember, if you’re ever unsure about whether your dog is wanting to mate or may have a medical issue, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.

Related Questions

When Do Male Dogs Reach Sexual Maturity?

Male puppies typically reach sexual maturity between 6 and 12 months of age. However, there can be variation depending on the specific breed.

For example, smaller breeds tend to mature sooner than larger breeds. Additionally, individual puppies may mature at different rates even within the same litter. Some signs that a puppy has reached sexual maturity include an interest in females, lifting his leg to urinate, and mounting other dogs.

Although puppies can begin reproducing at this age, it is generally advisable to wait until they are at least 1 year old before breeding them. This gives them time to physically and emotionally mature, which can help reduce the risk of complications during mating and childbirth.

How Far Can a Male Dog Smell a Female Dog in Heat?

While the exact range varies depending on the individual dog, most experts agree that male dogs can detect a female in heat from at least 1.5km away. In some cases, they may even be able to smell her from 3km or more.

So, if you have a female dog who is in heat, be prepared for some extra unwanted attention from any males in the area! If your male dog is reacting to the scent of a female from outside the home, keeping windows closed can help.

How Can I Stop a Male Dog From Smelling a Female Dog in Heat?

The best way to prevent these problems is to keep intact dogs separated when the female is in heat. This may mean crating the female or keeping her in a separate room. Having your dogs desexed is always the most reliable solution.

You may also want to consider using a canine chastity belt. Chastity belts are devices that prevent dogs from mounting or mating. Though they may seem extreme, they can be a helpful way to keep your dogs safe and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Of course, at Paws and More, we always recommend having your dog – male or female – desexed.


This article is published in good faith, for general informational and educational purposes only. Paws and More Vet Centre does not make any warranties about the ongoing completeness and reliability of this information. This article should not be used as a substitute for veterinary advice, including for diagnosis or treatment of a pet’s medical condition. Always consult a veterinary professional before making decisions on your pet’s health.


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