When Do Violet And Xander Kiss Fourth Wing

I already wrote a spoiler-free review, using full sentences and properly collecting my thoughts and everything. But because when I first picked up the book I assumed it would turn into a hate-read or a cringe-read or what-have-you, I took notes for every single chapter as I read it.

I’m not sure how valuable this post is going to be as it won’t really help anyone who hasn’t read the book decide on whether it’s for them, but maybe if you have read it, you get some fun out of seeing someone else’s thoughts when certain moments happened, twists were revealed, or rippling muscles described. You can also totally watch me slowly descend into less coherent allcaps exlamation mark territory as teh story progresses. See how I turn from a sceptic into a Xaden fangirl in only 39 chapters. 🙂

So here it is, my chapter by chapter live thoughts on the most hyped book of the year:

Chapter 1

Good god, why is everyone raising their eyebrows all the time?Our heroine is Not Like Other Girls, of course. She has silver ombre hair (but it’s natural) and “light hazel eyes of varying blues and ambers.” WHAT?There’s a super dangerous guy (read: love interest) called Xaden with gold-flecked onyx eyes… Did a 13-year-old write this?

Chapter 2

Okay, this was actually pretty exciting! I don’t know why the villain is so damn overdrawn, but I guess it’s just that kind of book. Beautiful, perfect heroine, absolutely vile bad guy, hottie bad boy romantic interest…But I did like the dangerous task in this chapter. Crossing a wet parapet through wind and rain is exciting. Also, people just straigh tup died already.I don’t get why nobody has normal hair or eyes, though. It’s all “flaming red” and “icy blue. ” Where are all my brown-haired, regular peeps?”Oh, also, suuuuuper cheap exposition here, what with Violet reciting facts about her world to help her concentrate. Very little of that information stuck with me, and it felt a lot like studying for a test. Do better, Rebecca Yarros.

Chapter 3

Now this is interesting. Violet has a condition, it appears, that puts her at even more of a disadvantage. Her body doesn’t heal as quickly as others? I’m not sure what it is, but she definitely won’t have it easy with that knee of hers.Also, the blue dragons are the biggest and baddest, so I guess we all know which dragon will bond with Violet at the end. 🙄

Chapter 4

Oh, so it’s Xaden who is bonded to the blue badass dragon.Also, am I sensing a live triangle? Because please no! Especially not with such tropey guys. The childhood friend and the bad boy enemy of the family? Blergh.

Chapter 5

Is brow-arching really the only way the author can describe a character being surprised?!?And does the bad guy have to be so ridiculously evil.? Kill someone in every damn chapter, why don’t you.But despite all that, I can’t deny I’m hooked.

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Chapter 6

Wait, so the kids of executed separatists are forced into dragon riding training so that – if they survive – they become super powerful and have an easier time, I don’t know, getting revenge, maybe? What idiot came up with that plan?Also, Dain is so fishy he smells. No way is he trying to keep Violet safe by constantly wanting to send her to the Scribes. Something is very off about his lying ass! Great chapter ending!

Chapter 7

Wait, are we the bad guys?? And is Xaden actually secretly protecting Violet because he knows something we don’t?Anyway, interesting info about the separatists’ kids and the past. Mommy Sorrengail is responsible for the separatist parents’ executions. But the info snippet at the beginning of the chapter said she was against it? Did I miss something?

Chapter 8

Dain the creep follows Violet everywhere. Why?Correction of earlier assumption: Vi will bond the black dragon, who’s even more badass than Xaden’s.Dain and Xaden have a rivalry thing going. Was that there before Violet arrived or is it a dick waving contest for her favor?How convenient that nobody puts together something is off with every single one of Violet’s opponents, how they’re getting sick or hallucinating just in time for their match. But okay fine. She’s now going to battle Xaden and I am here for it!

Chapter 9

That was one sexy fight, I have to admit it.Damn, Dain is annoying. Trying to get rid of Violet again and again and she’s not seeing thorugh it. Also, good actor, I guess, what with the flirting and face touching and “save yourself for me” crap… Ugh!

Chapter 10

It’s American Ninja Warrior, people. That parcours thing may be stupid and obvious but it’s also pretty fun to read about.Aurelie’s death came as a surprise and actually hurt a little, even though we didn’t really know her. Xaden is helping yet again with tips. Also… commanding shadows is hella sexy. I’m just saying.

Chapter 11

Violet cleverly made it up the gauntlet using scribe knowledge to her advantage. I like that a lot but this section went by kind of fast.However, now there be dragons!

Chapter 12

It’s a bit obvious how dragons weed out the assholes, but it’s a cool idea to have the greens smelling Violet’s armor made from dragon scales.Also, that golden Feathertail is going to be hers or at least very important later.

Chapter 13

Good god, why is the evil guy so completely evil? He wants to slaughter the smallest dragon for some idiotic reason that isn’t really a reason. He’s just evil. Violet will protect the golden and obviously become its rider or something.

Chapter 14

Big black dragon, after all! And Violet promptly falls off it.I loved the part where – while protecting the golden as predicted – she reminded the assholes that, unlike them, she’s used to functioning while in pain. Fuck them!

Chapter 15

How to make your special snowflake main character even more special? Don’t just give her the biggest baddest dragon of them all, but throw in a cute golden one as well.

Chapter 16

Yeah, so Dain is obviously a traitor who’s terrified that Violet gets the big bad dragon as well as the extra one. When is she going to finally get it??Also, of course Tairn is mated to Sgaeyl, so Xaden and Vi can have sexy times when their dragons do. Anne McCaffrey much?Anyway, Empyrian meeting done (roll series credits), Vi gets to “keep” both dragons. Ha! Take that, Dain!

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Chapter 17

Yay, Rider privileges are happening. Like your own room. We’re done with raised eyebrows (mostly), now everyone seems to scoff all the time.Dain is just so ugh, I hate him so much!

Chapter 18

Okay, signet gifts are really cool and sometimes deadly – not in the way you’d think. An Inntinsic is a mind reader, of which we get an example in this chapter. Let’s just kill them for “mercy” (or rather convenience of plot).Dain is still a douche, thank god Violet finally ditched him! Crazy almost-murdering-Vi stuff happening here, with Xaden sweeping in just in time. Speaking of time… Andarna’s gift is stopping time!!! Hell yeah, I am into this!

Chapter 19

Alright, it’s starting to get sexy. Xaden and Violet have to work together, and also they can hear each other’s dragons which is, like, super intimate. And someone from 3rd year helped the wannabe murderers in Violet’s room, which should have consequences, I guess. Also, Andarna is adorable. ❤

Chapter 20

Yet another comparison between Xaden and Dain that serves only to make us love Xaden and hate Dain even more. Because Xaden immediately believes Violet when she explains who she saw during the attack in her room, while Dain continues doubting her and generally being Jerky McJerkface.Doesn’t matter what Dain thinks, though, because 3rd year Amber is incinerated for her crime. Justice is quick at Basgiath, huh.

Chapter 21

Oooooh nice, bac kground info on the Tyrrish rebellion!So, Professor Markham is keeping information from them and Vilet knows that now. That begs the question of who else is lying. Aaaaaaand Xaden warded Violet’s room for protection so that only she can enter it. My heart.

Chapter 22

Alright, make out session!As predicted, the dragons are hot for each other, so of course their mentally bound humans also behave like cats in heat. But that scene was pretty nice what with both of them fighting it to some degree but also both really wanting it. Vi can channel now, which is like an added bonus in this really good chapter.

Chapter 23

Girl, Dain touched you, he’s totally sneaking illegal peeks at your memories!!! (Wait, how many times has that happend bevore without Violet – or me – noticing?).Finally the fight with Jack happens. Not that Jack is a good villain because he’s evil just for evil’s sake and that’s, frankly, lazy and boring. But it gave Vi another chance of being clever and giving him the one fruit he’s allergic to was pretty smart. Jackass survives, though.

Chapter 24

Xaden is training her himself now, which is fine by me, yes sir! He gave her gorgeous daggers with Tyrrish symbols that I’m sure will be important later. Also… I am on the Xaden train now. Sue me.

Chapter 25

Next challenge: they have to steal the most useful thing for the enemy. Like pretend you’re the enemy and need to steal one item that will help you the most in the war, which is a pretty cool challenge. Violet’s family ties prove useful for once.Also she’s got it bad and it’s getting less lusty (well, no, not really) but more romantic in nature. I feel you, girl, I feel you.

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Chapter 26

That fairy tale book will totally be significant. Like the tales somehow know the truth abut dragons and gryphons or something, and Violet’s dad was the one to figure it out.

Chapter 27

Maybe Dain’s signet is something else and he lied about that. He is fishy as always.Xaden can telepathically talk to Violet and it is hot! And that kiss… be still, my heart.

Chapter 28

Violet has a signet power – she is a lightning weaver! I’ll admit that is damn cool. I like Liam a lot, give me more Liam.And now it’s all out in the open how Xaden and Violet want each other (well, out in the open between them). Mmmh!And Jack is finally dead, hooray! Sorry, if you want me to be more compassionate, you have to write better villains.

Chapter 29

Violet is mad because she has now killed someone, Xaden is hot, Dain is a dick.High emotions lead to Xaden and Violet kissing in her room because, come ooooooon, we finally need some sexy times!

Chapter 30

Finally! Those are indeed some sexy times!They break half the room in the process and it’s just exquisite. Lightning apparently works best when emotional, so Xaden shows Vi herself during sex and his need and feelings to get her all worked up. Holy shit, the mental connection and sexual need between them works really well. Guess tha’s where the author’s history in romance gets to shine. I am shipping these two hard, even if they’re only about sex right now, no romantic love, because of course. [insert gigantic eyeroll here]

Chapter 31

Oh look, they fucked the book to pieces and a cryptic note from Violet’s dad is conveniently found thusly. And of course it turns out they are all being lied to about their own history.WTF, Vi turns into a jealous, petty, clingy idiot for some reason. But also Xaden is suffering – given the celebration of his life shattering into pieces and all that – and we want to comfort him. Meaning me. I want to comfort him.Liam continues to be an absolute delight and my cinnamon roll of choice.

Chapter 32

More sexy times (whew), a love confession from Sorrengail and, whoosh, we’re under attack. Coitus interruptus by battle announcement is very unsexy but quite thrilling.

Chapter 33

Ah, it’s just the final challenge. Fucking war games…Xaden is sent to Athebyne where he has secretly gone before, so that’s significant. There are probably rebels stationed there or something. Violet, Imogen, and Liam are coming along because roders. And love.

Chapter 34

Oh dear, what an unexpected plot twist. Xaden and his peeps are friendly with the enemy. Gryphon riders are here and I guess we’ll learn the truth now of how dragon riders are the baddies, suppressing gryphons, keeping them out of the promised land or whatever.

Chapter 35

They were unsurprisingly set up and are all supposed to die here (thus Dain’s pseudo-sadness at seeing Violet go). And I knew he was secretly reading her thoughts without consent, that absolute turd!

Chapter 36

Fuck this! Liam is dead. 😦Xaden and Violet have to save the day. I’m sure Andarna’s gift will have to help, most likely to save Xaden. Who still hasn’t said I love you.

Chapter 37

Yay for winning. Andanra is the est. Her intervention made me tear up a bit.

Chapter 38

Violet has been poisoned and they’re flying her home asap. Seh has no connection to Xaden or Tairn. Things look bad.

Chapter 39

IT’S FROM XADEN’S POINT OF VIEW!!!!!And of course he’s wanted her since forever but it’s still nice reading it in his own words.Okay, so he’ll now have to worship her and win her back in the next book(s)Holy smokes, Brennan is alive!!!!! I want book 2 right now!

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