HomeWHENWhen Do Yorkies Ears Stand Up

When Do Yorkies Ears Stand Up

When Do Yorkie Ears Stand Up?

If you’re wondering when do Yorkie ears stand up, then this guide has everything covered. Have you ever noticed Yorkie puppy ears are floppy, while older Yorkies typically have pointed ears?

Most Yorkshire Terrier ears do stand up naturally by a certain age. However, after that age, your dog’s ears may never stand up on their own. This may leave you wondering, when do Yorkie ears stand up? Most Yorkies’ ears stand up between three to six months of age.

However, there are some simple ways to help your dog’s ears stand on their own. Just remember, some Yorkies have naturally floppy ears, and there is nothing wrong with that. Your Yorkie will be a cutie regardless of the way its ears sit.

Before scrolling down this guide, “When Do Yorkie Ears Stand Up,” check out these dog-related questions: When Do Corgi Ears Stand Up and Why Does My Chihuahua Have Floppy Ears?

Do All Yorkie Ears Stand Up?

Do All Yorkie Ears Stand Up

Have you ever noticed some Yorkie’s ears do not stand up in the typical pointed fashion? Well, some Yorkies have floppy ears forever. Therefore, if you see your dog’s ears are not standing up on their own, it does not mean there is anything wrong. This can only pose a problem if your dog is prone to ear infections or other ear issues.

In these cases, your vet may recommend ways to get your dog’s ears to stand up to alleviate these problems. That being said, if your dog does not have frequent ear problems, it can go its entire life with floppy ears without any detrimental effects at all.

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When Will a Yorkie’s Ear Stand Up?

When Will a Yorkie

When Yorkies are born, their ears are naturally floppy. This is because they have not developed the muscle strength to hold their ears up yet. As puppies grow, the muscles at the base of their ears develop this strength, which causes their ears to stand up.

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This initial strengthening typically happens between three and six months of age. However, this strengthening is often interrupted when Yorkies begin teething. For this breed, teething happens between four and eight months.

During teething, the muscles used to hold up the ears are not getting as many nutrients, as these nutrients are being used for the growing teeth. Additionally, your Yorkie’s strength may be depleted as they deal with the pain of the teething.

Therefore, just as you think your Yorkie has the perfect pointed ears, they may begin to flop because of teething. Once they have exited their teething stage, however, their ears are likely to stand back up.

During these changing times, you may even find your Yorkie’s ears become uneven, with one ear standing up while the other remains floppy. If this is the case, do not worry. This is a common phenomenon that typically works out naturally as the muscles strengthen.

Related: How to Put Ear Drops in an Uncooperative Dog.

What Do You Do If a Yorkie’s Ear Don’t Stand Up?

What Do You Do If a Yorkie

As we mentioned before, some Yorkies have naturally floppy ears that will not stand up without some help. If you want your Yorkie’s ears to stand up, there are some strategies you can follow to help with the process.

That being said, these strategies do not work for all dogs. Some dogs are destined to have adorably floppy ears for their whole lives. Below you will find the most common ways to help your Yorkie’s ears stand up.

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These different strategies range in simplicity, with some requiring an easy fix, while others are more invasive. It is highly suggested that you try the least invasive approach first.

1. Shaving

Sometimes Yorkie years remain floppy simply because they are too heavy. This is because your dog may not have developed enough muscle strength at the base of the ears to hold up the weight properly.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to cut your dog’s hair. The hair can be the reason for the weight of keeping your dog’s ears down. If a simple haircut does not seem to be working, you may consider shaving your dog’s ears thoroughly.

If you don’t like the look of shaved ears and your dog does not suffer from medical ear problems, then feel free to let your dog keep its long locks and floppy ears.

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2. Taping

If your dog is still having trouble keeping its ears up after a haircut, you may want to tape them. Taping your dog’s ears strengthens the muscles responsible for holding the ears up and trains the ears to stay upright.

There are many different taping methods that you can implement to keep your Yorkies’ ears up. However, you should consult a professional veterinarian before attempting this method. This allows you to get professional tips and tricks for taping your dog’s ears, resulting in the best results.

3. Notes on Ear Cropping

You may have heard of ear cropping when researching how to make your Yorkies ears stand up. Ear cropping involves cutting part of the ear to prevent it from flopping down. This practice is not recommended in standard cases.

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In some rare cases, professional veterinarians will recommend this procedure. This is usually in cases where the dog suffers from severe ear problems. However, this should never be done for aesthetic reasons and must always be done by a vet.

Maintaining Floppy Yorkie Ears

Maintaining Floppy Yorkie Ears

There are some common ear problems found among Yorkshire Terriers. These problems are often worse in dogs with floppy ears. However, there is some easy maintenance that you can do to ensure your dog’s ears are clean and healthy.

  • Inspect: Before actively cleaning your dog’s ears, you should inspect them for infections or debris. If you find redness or dirt in your dog’s ears, you should visit a veterinarian who can diagnose and treat the problem.
  • Trim: If you have inspected the ear and look healthy and clean, you may want to trim any excess hair. This will prevent dirt and debris from getting caught in and around the ear.
  • Clean: After trimming, you should wash your Yorkie’s ears with a dog-specific cleaning solution. Ask your vet about the best solution for your puppy and apply this solution using a cotton ball.

If you’re here for knowledge and don’t have a Yorkie puppy yet, here are some breeder recommendations for you: Best Yorkie Breeders in the United States.

Conclusion For “When Do Yorkie Ears Stand Up”

Conclusion For When Do Yorkie Ears Stand Up

So, if you have a Yorkie puppy with floppy ears, remember that those ears are not likely to stand up until three to six months of age. After these ages, you may find your dog’s ears remain floppy. There is nothing to fear if this is the case; floppy ears are no problem. After all, they make your dog unique.

If this guide, “When Do Yorkie Ears Stand Up,” helped you, then check out these other articles from We Love Doodles:

  • Why is My Yorkie Shaking?
  • Best Dog Food For Yorkie Puppies
  • Yorkie vs. Yorkie Poo

You can learn more about a Yorkie’s ear by watching “How to Get Your Yorkie’s Ears to Stand Up” down below:


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