HomeWHENWhen Does Apple Tree Blossom

When Does Apple Tree Blossom

Stages of Apple Tree Blooms

Dormant Buds

Snow-covered dormant apple tree buds in winter.

Dormant buds are the first stage of growth for apple tree blooms.

During this stage, there is no green flesh showing from the buds, and there is a waxy coating on the outside. This coating protects the dormant bud from the elements, especially in cold weather, while the bud develops.

Silver Tip Buds

Apple tree blooms in silver tip bud stage.

Silver-tipped buds are the second stage of growth for apple tree blooms.

This stage has also been called the ‘mouse ear’ stage because the tips resemble a mouse’s ear.

During this stage, a small ‘silver-tip’ bud is present. This bud is covered in fuzzy hairs to protect it as it begins to open up and sprout leaves. The buds are covered in ‘scales’ that are gray at the tips, hence their name.

Green Tip Buds

Apple tree in green tip bud stage for blooms.

Green-tipped buds are the next stage in the development of apple tree blooms.

This stage is easy to identify because you can see the tips of the bright green leaves bursting from the ends of the buds.

During this stage, about 1-2 mm of greenery can be seen through the tightly formed buds, where they begin to open and expand.

Half-Inch Green

Apple tree blooms in half inch green stage.

Half an inch of visible green signifies the fifth stage of development for the apple tree blooms.

This stage usually happens around springtime when the weather starts to warm up, and is signified by 1 cm long bright green leaves unfurling from the tight buds. Flecks of copper can be seen mixed in with vibrant green leaves.

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Tight Clusters

Apple tree blooms in tight cluster stage.

Tight clusters of furry silver adorn the apple tree blooms at this stage of growth.

The leaves have unfurled at this point, revealing tight silver clusters that will eventually spread outward and develop into pink buds.

You will be able to see tiny green flower buds on the blooms at this stage. It is the first stage of actual blossom production from the loosened buds.

Late Pink Clusters

Closeup of apple blooms in late pink clusters stage.

During this stage of development, the leaves begin losing their fuzzy protective coat and are starting to branch out. Late pink clusters appear at this stage in the lifecycle of an apple tree bloom.

At this point, you will be able to see delicate pink buds poking from the green foliage, although the buds will still be tightly closed.

These beautiful pink flower buds signify the start of the apple tree blooms’ mature stage.

King Blooms

Closeup of the first apple bloom in a cluster of blooms.

A king bloom is the first flower to open on an apple tree.

This bloom is usually responsible for yielding the largest fruit on the tree and it resembles a crown, hence the name.

The king bloom is sometimes referred to as an open bloom.


An apple tree covered with open blooms.

After the king bloom has shown itself, the rest of the apple tree blooms begin to open.

During this stage, you can see the blooms unfurl one by one until your apple tree is covered in beautiful pink and white blossoms!

Once your apple tree blooms have reached this stage and 80% of the blooms are open, you know you will begin to see fruit within the next few weeks.

Petal Fall

Closeup of apple blooms after petal fall.

After the blossoms have opened and been pollinated, around 5 to 10 days, they begin to fall from the tree.

During this stage pale pink and white petals will coat the ground beneath your apple tree. Nearly 75% of the petals will fall from the blooms.

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This is the last stage of blossom development. From this point, the apple tree blooms will begin to transform into fruit.

Early Fruit Set

A cluster of newly formed apple tree fruit.

During the early fruit stage, you will find out how many of the apple tree blooms were pollinated.

You will be able to see very small fruits forming on the tree at this point. This is when you can see the fruits of all your labors!

You can count the blooms that were successfully pollinated to get an idea of how many apples your tree will produce!

Identifying Apple Tree Blooms

Bloom and leaf buds on an apple tree.

There are two different types of flower buds found on apple trees – fruit buds and leaf buds.

Fruit buds are the ones we have discussed, as they are the ones that will be pollinated and produce fruit.

Leaf buds may not produce fruit during that particular season, but they often transform into shoots for the next season’s fruiting buds.

Once temperatures begin to warm up in the spring, an apple tree will determine which buds become fruiting buds and which ones become growth buds for the next season. This is the time to begin looking for signs of opening apple tree blooms.

It will be easier to identify the types of buds once they begin to mature! Fruit buds are large and dense, while growth buds are small, lay close to the tree branches, and are pointed.

How to Induce Blooming in Apple Trees

Blossoms on an apple tree.

Are you trying to encourage blossoms on your apple trees? We are here to help!

There are a few things you need to know about the development of apple tree blooms and how to encourage healthy growth that leads to abundant blooms on your tree.

First, it is important to consider the fact that many varieties of apple trees require a pollinator at bloom set to produce fruit, which would just be a different apple tree variety nearby.

Since these apple tree varieties must bloom at the same time for pollination, it is vital to research varieties and choose varieties with similar development times.

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Even self-pollinating apple trees perform better when there are other apple trees nearby.

Apple trees that are vegetatively vigorous are more likely to have a delayed flowering stage, and when they do flower, they will not be as successful. This issue can be caused by pruning too heavily or applying excessive fertilizer.

Limb training and proper pruning can prevent vigorous vegetation and encourage flowering in apple trees.

Pruning and Shaping to Encourage Blooms

Pruning a young apple tree in winter.

Shaping the limbs on your apple trees reduces vegetative growth and encourages blossom production. To shape the limbs, simply bend any vertical branches horizontally in the spring, which encourages flower bed formation.

The timing is important when it comes to pruning apple trees to encourage bloom set. Since apple trees bloom in early May, the best time to start pruning your tree is in the winter while they are in the dormancy stage.

Apple trees draw energy from the leaves in the fall and direct this energy to the root systems, saving it for protection during winter. The trees are dormant during this time, which is why it is the best time to prune.

Pruning during the dormancy stage helps induce blooming in apple trees because the best branches are kept while removing any bad branches that may hinder blooming.

In other words, the best branches won’t have to compete with the lower-quality branches for nutrients, saving energy for the growth of apple tree blooms in the spring.

You should avoid pruning your apple trees during blossom set, because doing so may spread fireblight, a common disease in fruit trees.

Other ways to encourage your apple tree to bloom include feeding it regularly and making sure it has at least six hours of sunlight per day.

You’ll Never See Apple Tree Blooms the Same Way!

Closeup of buds in an apple tree.

From dormant buds to petal fall, apple tree blooms have many beautiful stages of development. One thing is for sure through this process – you get to enjoy the ‘fruits’ of your labor once your blooms begin to produce apples!

Are you interested in learning more about apple trees, including the best varieties for your climate, and how to grow them yourself? Check out the Apple Trees page on our website for more guides and blog posts.


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