When Does Croconaw Evolve

#159 Croconaw General Location Attacks Stats Egg Moves Gen IX Dex Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex Gen IV Dex Gen III Dex Gen II Dex This Pokédex entry is for Generation VII Pokémon games. For Generation IX Pokémon games. Check out Croconaw Pokémon Scarlet & Violet data Picture Name Other Names No. Gender Ratio Type Croconaw Japan: Alligatesアリゲイツ French: Crocrodil German: Tyracroc Korean: 엘리게이 National: #159 Central: #- Coastal: #- Mountain: #- Hoenn: #- Male ♂:87.5%Female ♀:12.5% Classification Height Weight Capture Rate Base Egg Steps Big Jaw Pokémon 3’07” 1.1m 55.1lbs 25.0kg455,120 Abilities: TorrentSheer Force (Hidden Ability) Torrent: When HP is below 1/3rd its maximum, power of Water-type moves is increased by 50%. Hidden Ability (Available): Sheer Force: Moves with a secondary effect are increased in power by 33% but lose their secondary effect Experience Growth Base Happiness Effort Values Earned Eligible for Sky Battle? 1,059,860 PointsMedium Slow 70 1 Attack Point(s)1 Defense Point(s) Not Eligible/Known Damage Taken *1 *0.5 *0.5 *2 *2 *0.5 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *1 Wild Hold Item Egg Groups MonsterBulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurCharmanderCharmeleonCharizardSquirtleWartortleBlastoiseNidoran♀Nidoran♂NidorinoNidokingSlowpokeSlowbroCuboneMarowakLickitungRhyhornRhydonKangaskhanLaprasSnorlaxChikoritaBayleefMeganiumTotodileCroconawFeraligatrMareepFlaaffyAmpharosSlowkingLarvitarPupitarTyranitarTreeckoGrovyleSceptileMudkipMarshtompSwampertWhismurLoudredExploudAronLaironAggronTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraCranidosRampardosShieldonBastiodonGibleGabiteGarchompSnoverAbomasnowLickilickyRhyperiorAxewFraxureHaxorusDruddigonHelioptileHelioliskTyruntTyrantrumAmauraAurorusBergmiteAvaluggDittoMonster Water 1SquirtleWartortleBlastoisePsyduckGolduckPoliwagPoliwhirlPoliwrathSlowpokeSlowbroSeelDewgongHorseaSeadraLaprasOmanyteOmastarKabutoKabutopsDratiniDragonairDragoniteTotodileCroconawFeraligatrMarillAzumarillPolitoedWooperQuagsireSlowkingCorsolaRemoraidOctilleryDelibirdMantineKingdraMudkipMarshtompSwampertLotadLombreLudicoloWingullPelipperSurskitMasquerainCorphishCrawdauntFeebasMiloticSphealSealeoWalreinClamperlHuntailGorebyssRelicanthPiplupPrinplupEmpoleonBidoofBibarelBuizelFloatzelShellosGastrodonPhioneManaphyTympolePalpitoadSeismitoadTirtougaCarracostaDucklettSwannaAlomomolaStunfiskFroakieFrogadierGreninjaInkayMalamarSkrelpDragalgeClauncherClawitzerDittoWater 1 Evolutionary Chain Locations X Transfer required Y Transfer required Omega Ruby Evolve Totodile Alpha Sapphire Evolve Totodile Flavor Text X If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth. Y Once it bites down, it won’t let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place. Omega Ruby Once Croconaw has clamped its jaws on its foe, it will absolutely not let go. Because the tips of its fangs are forked back like barbed fishhooks, they become impossible to remove when they have sunk in. Alpha Sapphire Generation VI Level UpLevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % — Scratch 40 100 35 – Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage. — Leer – 100 30 100 The opposing team gains an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The opposing team’s Defense stats are reduced. — Water Gun 40 100 25 – The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water. 6 Water Gun 40 100 25 – The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water. 8 Rage 20 100 20 – As long as this move is in use, the power of rage raises the Attack stat each time the user is hit in battle. 13 Bite 60 100 25 30 The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch. 15 Scary Face – 100 10 – The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat. 21 Ice Fang 65 95 15 10 The user bites with cold-infused fangs. It may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen. 24 Flail ?? 100 15 – The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has. 30 Crunch 80 100 15 20 The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target’s Defense stat. 33 Chip Away 70 100 20 – Looking for an opening, the user strikes continually. The target’s stat changes don’t affect this attack’s damage. 39 Slash 70 100 20 – The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily. 42 Screech – 85 40 – An earsplitting screech harshly reduces the target’s Defense stat. 48 Thrash 120 100 10 – The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however. 51 Aqua Tail 90 90 10 – The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm. 57 Superpower 120 100 5 100 The user attacks the target with great power. However, it also lowers the user’s Attack and Defense. 60 Hydro Pump 110 80 5 – The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.TM & HM AttacksTM/HM #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %TM01 Hone Claws – – 15 – The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy.TM02 Dragon Claw 80 100 15 – The user slashes the target with huge, sharp claws.TM05 Roar – – 20 – The target is scared off and replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.TM06 Toxic – 90 10 – A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.TM07 Hail – – 10 – The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.TM10 Hidden Power 60 100 15 – A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.TM13 Ice Beam 90 100 10 10 The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.TM14 Blizzard 110 70 5 10 A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team. It may also freeze them solid.TM17 Protect – – 10 – It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.TM18 Rain Dance – – 5 – The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.TM21 Frustration ?? 100 20 – A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.TM27 Return ?? 100 20 – A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer.TM28 Dig 80 100 10 – The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.TM31 Brick Break 75 100 15 – The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break any barrier such as Light Screen and Reflect.TM32 Double Team – – 15 – By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.TM39 Rock Tomb 60 95 15 100 Boulders are hurled at the target. It also lowers the target’s Speed by preventing its movement.TM40 Aerial Ace 60 – 20 – The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. The attack lands without fail.TM42 Facade 70 100 20 – An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or has paralysis.TM44 Rest – – 10 – The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the user’s HP and heals any status problem.TM45 Attract – 100 15 – If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.TM48 Round 60 100 15 – The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round and make the attack do greater damage.TM55 Scald 80 100 15 30 The user shoots boiling hot water at its target. It may also leave the target with a burn.TM56 Fling ?? 100 10 – The user flings its held item at the target to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.TM65 Shadow Claw 70 100 15 – The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical hits land more easily.TM75 Swords Dance – – 20 – A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the user’s Attack stat.TM80 Rock Slide 75 90 10 30 Large boulders are hurled at the opposing team to inflict damage. It may also make the targets flinch.TM87 Swagger – 90 15 – The user enrages and confuses the target. However, it also sharply raises the target’s Attack stat.TM88 Sleep Talk – – 10 – While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.TM90 Substitute – – 10 – The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user’s decoy.TM94 (XY)HM06 (ORAS) Rock Smash 40 100 15 50 The user attacks with a punch that can shatter a rock. It may also lower the target’s Defense stat.TM94 (ORAS) Secret Power 70 100 20 30 The user attacks the target with a secret power. Its added effects vary depending on the user’s environment.TM98 Power-Up Punch 40 100 20 100 Striking opponents over and over makes the user’s fists harder. Hitting a target raises the Attack stat.TM100 Confide – – 20 100 The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.HM01 Cut 50 95 30 – The target is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.HM03 Surf 90 100 15 – It swamps the area around the user with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.HM04 Strength 80 100 15 – The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It can also be used to move heavy boulders.HM05 Waterfall 80 100 15 20 The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.HM07 (ORAS) Dive 80 100 10 – Diving on the first turn, the user floats up and attacks on the second turn. It can be used to dive deep in the ocean.Egg Moves (Details)Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % Ancient Power 60 100 5 10 Details The user attacks with a prehistoric power. It may also raise all the user’s stats at once.Aqua Jet 40 100 20 – Details The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.Block – – 5 – Details The user blocks the target’s way with arms spread wide to prevent escape.Crunch 80 100 15 20 Details The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target’s Defense stat.Dragon Dance – – 20 – Details The user vigorously performs a mystic, powerful dance that boosts its Attack and Speed stats.Fake Tears – 100 20 – Details The user feigns crying to fluster the target, harshly lowering its Sp. Def stat.Flatter – 100 15 – Details Flattery is used to confuse the target. However, it also raises the target’s Sp. Atk stat.Hydro Pump 110 80 5 – Details The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.Ice Punch 75 100 15 10 Details The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.Metal Claw 50 95 35 10 Details The target is raked with steel claws. It may also raise the user’s Attack stat.Mud Sport – – 15 – Details The user covers itself with mud. It weakens Electric-type moves for five turns.Thrash 120 100 10 – Details The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.Water Pulse 60 100 20 20 Details The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. It may also confuse the target.Water Sport – – 15 – Details The user soaks itself with water. The move weakens Fire-type moves for five turns.Move Tutor AttacksAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Water Pledge8010010-A column of water strikes the target. When combined with its fire equivalent, the damage increases and a rainbow appears.Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Move Tutor AttacksAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Aqua Tail909010-The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.Block-5-The user blocks the target’s way with arms spread wide to prevent escape.Focus Punch15010020-The user focuses its mind before launching a punch. It will fail if the user is hit before it is used.Ice Punch751001510The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.Icy Wind559515100The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also reduces the targets’ Speed stat.Iron Tail100751530The target is slammed with a steel-hard tail. It may also lower the target’s Defense stat.Low Kick??10020-A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier targets.Snore501001530An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.Spite-10010-The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.Superpower1201005100The user attacks the target with great power. However, it also lowers the user’s Attack and Defense.Uproar9010010-The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. Over that time, no one can fall asleep.Water Pulse601002020The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. It may also confuse the target.Transfer Only Moves (Details)Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %MethodDive 80 100 10 – Gen V HM06 Diving on the first turn, the user floats up and attacks on the second turn. It can be used to dive deep in the ocean.Water Pledge 80 100 10 – Move Tutor – B2W2 A column of water strikes the target. When combined with its fire equivalent, the damage increases and a rainbow appears.Endure – – 10 – Gen IV TM58 The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.Captivate – 100 20 – Gen IV TM78 If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target is charmed into harshly lowering its Sp. Atk stat.Natural Gift ?? 100 15 – Gen IV TM83 The user draws power to attack by using its held Berry. The Berry determines its type and power.Whirlpool 35 85 15 100 Gen IV HM05 HGSS Traps foes in a violent swirling whirlpool for four to five turns.Fury Cutter 40 95 20 – Move Tutor – PtHGSS The target is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.Mud-slap 20 100 10 100 Move Tutor – PtHGSS The user hurls mud in the target’s face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.Headbutt 70 100 15 30 Move Tutor – HGSS The user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target. It may also make the target flinch.Mega Punch 80 85 20 – Move Tutor – FRLG The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.Mega Kick 120 75 5 – Move Tutor – FRLG The target is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.Body Slam 85 100 15 30 Move Tutor – FRLG The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. It may also leave the target with paralysis.Double-edge 120 100 15 – Move Tutor – FRLG A reckless, life-risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.Counter ?? 100 20 – Move Tutor – FRLG A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.Seismic Toss ?? 100 20 – Move Tutor – FRLG The target is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the user’s level.Mimic – – 10 – Move Tutor – FRLG The user copies the target’s last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.Dynamic Punch 100 50 5 100 Move Tutor – Emerald The user punches the target with full, concentrated power. It confuses the target if it hits.Endure – – 10 – Move Tutor – Emerald The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Stats HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Base Stats – Total: 405 65 80 80 59 63 58 Max StatsHindering Nature Lv. 50 125 – 172 76 – 118 76 – 118 57 – 99 61 – 103 56 – 99 Lv. 100 240 – 334 148 – 233 148 – 233 110 – 195 117 – 202 108 – 193 Max StatsNeutral Nature Lv. 50 125 – 172 85 – 132 85 – 132 64 – 111 68 – 115 63 – 110 Lv. 100 240 – 334 165 – 259 165 – 259 123 – 217 131 – 225 121 – 215 Max StatsBeneficial Nature Lv. 50 125 – 172 93 – 145 93 – 145 70 – 122 74 – 126 69 – 121 Lv. 100 240 – 334 181 – 284 181 – 284 135 – 238 144 – 247 133 – 236 <- #158Totodile #160Feraligatr ->

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