When Does Mudbray Evolve

General Location Attacks Stats Egg Moves Gen IX Dex Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex This Pokédex entry is for Generation VII Pokémon games. For Generation IX Pokémon games. Check out Mudbray Pokémon Scarlet & Violet data Picture Name Other Names No. Gender Ratio Type Mudbray Japan: Dorobankoドロバンコ French: Tiboudet German: Pampuli Korean: 머드나기 National: #749 Alola: #165 Melemele: #- Akala: #066 Ula’ula: #064 Poni: #071 Male ♂:50%Female ♀:50% Classification Height Weight Capture Rate Base Egg Steps Donkey Pokémon 3’03” 1m 242.5lbs 110kg1905,120 Abilities: Own TempoStaminaInner Focus (Hidden Ability) Own Tempo: The Pokémon cannot be Confused while having this ability. Stamina: Boosts the Defense stat when hit by an attack. Hidden Ability (Available): Inner Focus: This Pokémon will not flinch. Does not prevent flinching with Focus Punch. Experience Growth Base Happiness Effort Values Earned S.O.S. Calling 1,000,000 PointsMedium Fast 70 1 Attack Point(s) Likely


*1 *1 *2 *0 *2 *2 *1 *0.5 *1 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 Wild Hold Item Egg Groups Light Clay – 5% FieldRattataRaticateEkansArbokPikachuRaichuSandshrewSandslashNidoran♀Nidoran♂NidorinoNidokingVulpixNinetalesDiglettDugtrioMeowthPersianPsyduckGolduckMankeyPrimeapeGrowlitheArcaninePonytaRapidashFarfetch’dSeelDewgongRhyhornRhydonTaurosEeveeVaporeonJolteonFlareonCyndaquilQuilavaTyphlosionSentretFurretMareepFlaaffyAmpharosAipomWooperQuagsireEspeonUmbreonGirafarigDunsparceSnubbullGranbullSneaselTeddiursaUrsaringSwinubPiloswineDelibirdHoundourHoundoomPhanpyDonphanStantlerSmeargleMiltankTorchicCombuskenBlazikenPoochyenaMightyenaZigzagoonLinooneSeedotNuzleafShiftrySlakothVigorothSlakingWhismurLoudredExploudSkittyDelcattyMawileElectrikeManectricWailmerWailordNumelCameruptTorkoalSpoinkGrumpigSpindaZangooseSeviperKecleonAbsolSphealSealeoWalreinChimcharMonfernoInfernapePiplupPrinplupEmpoleonBidoofBibarelShinxLuxioLuxrayPachirisuBuizelFloatzelAmbipomBunearyLopunnyGlameowPuruglyStunkySkuntankLucarioHippopotasHippowdonWeavileRhyperiorLeafeonGlaceonMamoswineSnivyServineSerperiorTepigPigniteEmboarOshawottDewottSamurottPatratWatchogLillipupHerdierStoutlandPurrloinLiepardPansageSimisagePansearSimisearPanpourSimipourMunnaMusharnaBlitzleZebstrikaWoobatSwoobatDrilburExcadrillSandileKrokorokKrookodileDarumakaDarmanitanScraggyScraftyZoruaZoroarkMinccinoCinccinoDeerlingSawsbuckEmolgaCubchooBearticMienfooMienshaoBouffalantHeatmorChespinQuilladinChesnaughtFennekinBraixenDelphoxBunnelbyDiggersbyLitleoPyroarSkiddoGogoatPanchamPangoroFurfrouEspurrMeowsticSylveonDedenneLittenTorracatIncineroarPopplioBrionnePrimarinaYungoosGumshoosRockruffLycanrocMudbrayMudsdaleStuffulBewearOranguruPassimianKomalaTogedemaruDittoField Evolutionary Chain


In-Depth Details Sun Route 4, Route 6, Route 12, Blush Mountain, Paniola RanchDetails Moon Route 4, Route 6, Route 12, Blush Mountain, Paniola RanchDetails Ultra Sun Route 4, Route 6, Route 12, Blush Mountain, Paniola RanchDetails Ultra Moon Route 4, Route 6, Route 12, Blush Mountain, Paniola RanchDetails Trainer Locations Details

Flavor Text

Sun The mud stuck to Mudbray’s hooves enhances its grip and its powerful running gait. Moon It has a stubborn, individualistic disposition. Eating dirt, making mud, and playing in the mire all form part of its daily routine. Ultra Sun It loves playing in the mud. If it isn’t showered with mud on a daily basis, it gets stressed out and stops listening to its Trainer. Ultra Moon Possessing mighty power, Mudbray can be loaded with 50 times its own body weight and will be totally fine.


Generation VII Level Up

LevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % — Mud-Slap 20 100 10 100 The user hurls mud in the target’s face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy. 3 Mud Sport – – 15 – The user kicks up mud on the battlefield. This weakens Electric-type moves for five turns. 8 Rototiller – – 10 100 Tilling the soil, the user makes it easier for plants to grow. This raises the Attack and Sp. Atk stats of Grass-type Pokémon. 10 Bulldoze 60 100 20 100 The user strikes everything around it by stomping down on the ground. This lowers the Speed stat of those hit. 15 Double Kick 30 100 30 – The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet. 17 Stomp 65 100 20 30 The target is stomped with a big foot. This may also make the target flinch. 22 Bide ?? – 10 – The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken. 24 High Horsepower 95 95 10 – The user fiercely attacks the target using its entire body. 29 Iron Defense – – 15 – The user hardens its body’s surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat. 31 Heavy Slam ?? 100 10 – The user slams into the target with its heavy body. The more the user outweighs the target, the greater the move’s power. 36 Counter ?? 100 20 – A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken. 38 Earthquake 100 100 10 – The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it. 43 Mega Kick 120 75 5 – The target is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power. 45 Superpower 120 100 5 100 The user attacks the target with great power. However, this also lowers the user’s Attack and Defense stats.

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TM & HM Attacks

TM/HM #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %TM05 Roar – – 20 – The target is scared off, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon.TM06 Toxic – 90 10 – A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.TM10 Hidden Power 60 100 15 – A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.TM17 Protect – – 10 – Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.TM21 Frustration ?? 100 20 – This full-power attack grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.TM26 Earthquake 100 100 10 – The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.TM27 Return ?? 100 20 – This full-power attack grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer.TM32 Double Team – – 15 – By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.TM37 Sandstorm – – 10 – A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types. It raises the Sp. Def stat of Rock types.TM39 Rock Tomb 60 95 15 100 Boulders are hurled at the target. This also lowers the target’s Speed stat by preventing its movement.TM42 Facade 70 100 20 – This attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.TM44 Rest – – 10 – The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user’s HP and heals any status conditions.TM45 Attract – 100 15 – If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.TM47 Low Sweep 65 100 20 100 The user makes a swift attack on the target’s legs, which lowers the target’s Speed stat.TM48 Round 60 100 15 – The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round to increase the power of the attack.TM66 Payback 50 100 10 – The user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.TM78 Bulldoze 60 100 20 100 The user strikes everything around it by stomping down on the ground. This lowers the Speed stat of those hit.TM80 Rock Slide 75 90 10 30 Large boulders are hurled at the opposing Pokémon to inflict damage. This may also make the opposing Pokémon flinch.TM87 Swagger – 85 15 – The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target’s Attack stat.TM88 Sleep Talk – – 10 – While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.TM90 Substitute – – 10 – The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user’s decoy.TM100 Confide – – 20 100 The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.

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Egg Moves (Details)

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % Body Slam 85 100 15 30 Details The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.Double-Edge 120 100 15 – Details A reckless, life-risking tackle. This also damages the user quite a lot.Magnitude ?? 100 30 – Details The user attacks everything around it with a ground-shaking quake. Its power varies.Close Combat 120 100 5 100 Details The user fights the target up close without guarding itself. This also lowers the user’s Defense and Sp. Def stats.Mud Bomb 65 85 10 30 Details The user launches a hard-packed mud ball to attack. This may also lower the target’s accuracy.

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Move Tutor Attacks

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Iron Head801001530The user slams the target with its steel-hard head. This may also make the target flinch.Low Kick??10020-A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. The heavier the target, the greater the move’s power.Earth Power901001010The user makes the ground under the target erupt with power. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def stat.Iron Defense-15-The user hardens its body’s surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.Superpower1201005100The user attacks the target with great power. However, this also lowers the user’s Attack and Defense stats.Snore501001530This attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.Endeavor??1005-This attack move cuts down the target’s HP to equal the user’s HP.Stealth Rock-20-The user lays a trap of levitating stones around the opposing team. The trap hurts opposing Pokémon that switch into battle.Stomping Tantrum7510010-Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user’s previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles.

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Usable Z Moves

Attack NameTypeCat.Max Att.Acc.PPEffect % Breakneck Blitz 190(Phy)/120(Spe) – 1 – The user builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and crashes into the target at full speed. The power varies, depending on the original move. All-Out Pummeling 190 – 1 – The user rams an energy orb created by its Z-Power into the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move. Tectonic Rage 180(Phy)/175(Spe) – 1 – The user burrows deep into the ground and slams into the target with the full force of its Z-Power. The power varies, depending on the original move. Continental Crush 140 – 1 – The user summons a huge rock mountain using its Z-Power and drops it onto the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move. Corkscrew Crash 160 – 1 – The user spins very fast and rams into the target with the full force of its Z-Power. The power varies, depending on the original move. Black Hole Eclipse 100 – 1 – The user gathers dark energy using its Z-Power and sucks the target into it. The power varies, depending on the original move.


HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Base Stats – Total: 385 70 100 70 45 55 45 Max StatsHindering Nature Lv. 50 130 – 177 94 – 136 67 – 109 45 – 87 54 – 96 45 – 87 Lv. 100 250 – 344 184 – 269 130 – 215 85 – 170 103 – 188 85 – 170 Max StatsNeutral Nature Lv. 50 130 – 177 105 – 152 75 – 122 50 – 97 60 – 107 50 – 97 Lv. 100 250 – 344 205 – 299 145 – 239 95 – 189 115 – 209 95 – 189 Max StatsBeneficial Nature Lv. 50 130 – 177 115 – 167 82 – 134 55 – 106 66 – 117 55 – 106 Lv. 100 250 – 344 225 – 328 159 – 262 104 – 207 126 – 229 104 – 207 <- #748Toxapex #750Mudsdale ->

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