When Does Pike Die In The 100

@JACOB: Buckle up: TLDR: Bellamys character and actions do not make sense in the context of the greater whole. His writers fucked up.

Trust a woman he knew and trusted for season 1 and 2, which means he should have given her a little bit more than the average amount of respect in regards to that trust. He knew how she operates when it came to leadership, how she tended to lean towards a more open minded way of approaching issues as opposed to his own violent tendencies. Hell, even bellamy broke down after realizing how monstrous he had become after selfishly slaughtering 300 of his own people on the Ark by cowardly throwing away that radio to protect himself, thus octavia in his mind – becase his poor sister cant protect herself. He put aside his hatred for clarke back in season one to work with clarke and the greater whole against a common enenmy, why couldn’t he rationalize doing that again with clarke and lexa? Leaving the Skaikru to die for the sake of her army, was never a personal one – and anyone who interprets that war time decision as one is a selfish, stubborn, fool that doesnt belong on a battlefield.

Lexa left clarke too, and yet clarke remained at lexa’s side to watch, and make sure lexa didnt betray them again. Something bellamy very likely heard, being within earshot range. Bellamy should have had the intelligence to deduct that clarke was doing what she always does – leading their people. Lexa has become a tool much like he himself became clarkes tool in manipulating the loyalties of a group to follow her by earning their current leaders trust, much like pike did to a very weak and over emotional bellamy. He didnt have reason to trust lexa, but he had reasons to trust clarke and kane and abby – people he’s been developing with for awhile now. Bellamy was raging, hurting. Pike appealed to that. Bellamys common sense disappeared entirely, causing him to betray his friends/family for the sake of some teacher he knew onces hate spewed intolerant agenda that preached massacre over co-existence. Something bellamy learned wasnt very good with both the genocide on mount weather he helped with to protect octavia AND the culling. Something he and clarke bonded over was that “maybe there are no good guys” “You made your choice now you have to live with it” – However, he basically took those lessons of pain he learned back then and tossed them out hte window to commit them again. This time with even more short sighted idiocy. Both kane and abby, lincoln and octavia discussed sense with him, bringing up lessons he has learned with factual morals her personally went through behind them – and what did he do? Betrayed them all and threw common sense and his history to teh wind. Because his precious baby clarke didnt come home to him and take over his job of being a responsible leader – waaaaah. Also gina – who Jroth has confirmed really didnt matter to him, not as much as clarke does, he cant seem to be anything without clarke (which is offensive and retarded). There is no ONE moment to convince a person of an action, he had plenty of people trying to educate him to see “big picture” and how irrevocably moronic he was behaving threatening a beneficial peace treaty. They would not survive risking it, but risk it bellamy continued doing…the short sighted gun toting manchild. GINA, ah yes, he was at the summit when ice nation blew up MW and the ambassador insulted lexa to her face. He was there when she declared war and offered peace and assistance to the offended skaikru, even after they sort of re-possessed mount weather without permission… HE KNOWS Indra, and he KNOWS her army isnt there to attack but to protect. Slaughtering that army would have endangered not only Clarke, but also his precious people aka Arkadia. The armies of the grounders outnumbered skaikru’s GREATLY, and the amount of ammunition that gave arkadia an edge was swiftly running low. Not a good setup when you decided to instigate a war. But instigate he did. As i said, he chose suicide as the onyl option for his people, rather than suck it up and work out a coexistence and trade with clarke and the lexa. THIS resulted in a barricade enveloping their colony, where expansion, or trade for food or ANYTHING would be eliminated – he invited contrition upon them. Not smart when they were suffering to begin with. And to make matters worse, when he clearly confronts pike about how wrong they were killing that army – he goes and attack a helpless village, and slaughters two messengers. The guy makes no sense anymore! HES ALL OVER THE FUCKING MAP in how he operates! He regrets, this is wrong, but…oh hell lets do it again! and again! and again! omg why do i feel like shit! oh kill nonsensically some more? sure! What, you want me to risk the safety of my sister and clarke and all my friends who are turning against me!?…maybe i am wrong in…NO! no… im right! STOP BEHAVING LIKE AN IDIOT OCTAVIA AND FRIENDS! GAHDS! Lexa is going to kill us all!! No… that’s what he did. With his paranoia, his ignorance, his intolerance, his instinctive violent streak, and his over emotional state and lack of common sense that i thought every human being possessed but apparently not… If the army attacked them then they die, it wouldve ended the same way if they attacked the army – both decisions were not beneficial to them. duh. They were in a no win situation, their only option WAS to play ball with lexa’s coalition. They chose suicide instead, with a large helping of unforgivable in motivation betrayal on top of it. NICE! very smart. NOT!

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They took bellamys character, everything good or that made sense in season 1 and 2 and made him take 100 steps back. They made him unforgivable and a disgrace. They took him to an unnecessary extreme, much like killing off lexa was. Its dumb, and it pisses me off people are willing to let this all pass because they can insert absurd amounts of head canon into it. Pro trip: if i need to headcanon more than 70% of your story to repair your characters and plot, you’re not doing a very good job writing – are you?

Over emotion does not excuse war crimes, my friend. “I was just following orders” does not forigve or excuse acts of injustice without provocation. Motivations behind actions vary quite considerably when analyzed in the grande scale of things and measured with subjective moral. Based on the environment we have seen, mass murder isnt something folks really condone – Accidently distruction of ground village in season 1, finns attack on TONDC, Lexas sacrifice of TonDC, Mount Weather, The Culling on the Ark (this can be analyzed by both jaha and bellamy angles – jaha is somewhat forgivable, bellamy not so much), etc etc, were all reacted to rather negatively. Sure some of those slaughters had purpose to some that were committing them (see the sacrifices made covering up the cracking of the enigma codes), while others were simply crazed men acting out on selfishness (see any world dictator that thought he was doing what was right for the cause and people here). When i said read a book, i wasnt referencing you, i thought you knew better. But you seriously believe that lexas mount weather decision is the same as bellamys selfish massacre and war instigating nonsense of a tyrannical racially intolerant madman – you need to re-evaluate how things work. Even most german’s figured out how crazy hitler was by 1944, but by then they were trapped between a rock and a hard place. You want to survive, you dont antagonize the people that hold the tactical high ground that could easily kick your ass via a restriction of your resources, overwhelming forces, and a better understanding of the territory. You dont fight them in an area where they can easily defeat you. Violence was not the answer, and bellamy should’ve had the common sense of previous experience to figure that out. But no. Jroth needed an idiot villain and ruined bellamy in the process. well done, the 100.

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