When Does Summer School End

Summer school allows students to attend classes in the summer months outside of the academic year. Many students take summer classes to boost grades, learn new skills or prepare for college. Every program is a little different in length and style. Summer school may happen online or in person, and various summer programs are available to students across the country.

Millions of students attend summer school classes in the United States each year. In the past few years, this number has increased as students want to spend more time with friends and pick up on things they may have missed via virtual learning.

Choosing whether to attend summer school is not always easy. It takes away extra time that could be used for relaxation, vacation, internships or work. However, learning what summer school is and how it works will make this decision easier. When students understand the program options and the summer school process, they’ll make a more informed choice.

What is Summer School?

Summer school is when a student attends courses in the summer months. This happens outside of the regular academic school year.

Summer school is an excellent option for students that need extra time to complete required or preferred coursework.

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Particularly at higher schooling levels, like high school or college, students might decide to take a summer school course for a more holistic education experience. However, summer school is available to anyone at the following levels:

  • Elementary school
  • Middle school
  • High school
  • College/university

How Does Summer School Work?

Summer school courses are available to all students, no matter how well they perform during the academic year.

These programs are each slightly different in how the facilitators organize and run them, so students can choose from numerous course offerings to find the right fit. While there are summer schools geared toward college prep for high school students, there are also programs for students with remedial needs so that they don’t fall behind.

Additionally, many summer school programs offer different courses based on what the students want or need and how many teachers are available. Still, not all schools offer summer school, and if they do, then they may not have the exact program options students want. But even in these cases, students can usually enroll in programs offered on other campuses.

How Long is Summer School?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, summer school usually lasts about four hours per day. Additionally, more involved courses may take longer to complete.

Are Summer Classes Every Day?

Summer school is usually between one to five days per week and rarely in session on Saturdays or Sundays. Again, however, this will depend on the program and the type of coursework. Some short-term programs may have classes more often within a week, but students would have the remainder of their summer open for other activities.

Does Summer School Last the Whole Summer?

Typically, summer school lasts between one to four weeks. Some summer programs last for the whole summer, while others last for only part of the summer. This depends on the program’s location, curriculum and type.

Benefits of Summer School for Students

Many students don’t love the idea of taking summer school courses because of the stigma surrounding this type of learning, but these classes have some unique benefits. A few of the main advantages that students may experience include:

  • Recovered school credits.
  • Higher grades on completed courses.
  • Opportunities for specialized lessons.
  • Better schedules for student-athletes.
  • Preventing loss of learning in the summer.
  • Maintaining an everyday schedule and routine.
  • Completing credits to graduate early.
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Recovering Credits

Unfortunately, failing a course can significantly impact a student’s academic careerl. If a student has too much stress during the regular school year or has a busy schedule, summer school course offerings may help them make up that grade and receive full credit.

Improving Grades

Students may retake courses they completed in the school year to obtain better grades. For students who may fall behind or struggle with particular subjects, summer school is an excellent way to receive more attention and teacher assistance in these areas.

Taking Specialized Courses

Advanced students may take courses that offer unique academic challenges during the summer. This may be a huge benefit for students preparing for college, but it also benefits students who might be in gifted programs during the regular academic year.

Lightening Course Load for Student-Athletes

Student-athletes have involved schedules, so summer learning presents a simple way to spread their academic education throughout the entire year. Since summer courses are shorter, student-athletes can still show up and perform at games or practices.

Preventing Summer Learning Loss

Also called “the summer slide,” summer learning loss is when students forget what they’ve learned during the school year over the summer months. Summer programs to prevent learning loss can be long-term or short-term.

Maintaining a Routine

Some students may struggle with falling back into the regular school year after having months off in the summer. While the typical school year has much more structure, students will also benefit from this type of routine in the summer.

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Graduating Early

Students who complete summer school courses could finish their required credits early. For most high schools, graduating earlier than planned is a viable option when a student completes these requirements.

Tips for Succeeding in Summer School

Summer school is a different experience from the regular school year, so students need to prepare themselves for this transition. Anyone that wants to succeed in summer school should:

  • Avoid overloading their schedules with too many courses.
  • Create a study schedule that promotes time management.
  • Ask for help as soon as they need it.
  • Practice self-care and find ways to relax outside of classes.
  • Set goals for what they hope to obtain from each course.

Pros and Cons of Online Summer School

An online summer school is a popular option, especially since it allows students to take courses from anywhere. However, online summer school has pros and cons that need consideration.

The pros of online summer classes include:

  • Increased self-discipline.
  • More learning opportunities.
  • Increased schedule flexibility.

The cons of an online summer school include:

  • Increased sense of isolation.
  • Potential technical issues.
  • Increased screen usage.

Is Summer School Right for You?

Every student is different, so summer school programs may or may not be the right fit. There are other ways that students may build skills and knowledge in the summer, including part-time jobs or internships. Students are more likely to succeed in summer school if they want to attend and believe they will benefit from it.

Always consider the student’s needs, personality and interests when making plans for summer school. Some students may profit from specialized courses related to their interests, such as an art or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) course. Alternatively, students with academic needs related to their traditional courses, like mathematics, can receive extra help during the summer to boost their performance in the following school year.

Students and families may begin to determine if summer school is a good idea by:

  • Having discussions about existing summer plans and schedules.
  • Exploring available summer programs.
  • Considering the student’s future goals.

Top Takeaways

How long is summer school, and how does it work?

  • Summer school refers to courses students may take during the summer to expand on their academic year.
  • A student may attend summer school for many reasons, including retaking a course or learning specialized skills.
  • Every summer school program differs based on location, curriculum and course type.
  • Students may attend summer school online or in person for short-term or long-term sessions.

(Reporting by NPD)

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