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When God Closes A Door

Have you ever been disappointed when it seems like God closes a door? It’s hard to trust God and wonder what He’s up to at the same time, isn’t it?

A few years ago, my family received disheartening news. My son had dared to apply to a highly competitive university, number one in the nation for his field of study. He worked hard to fill out the application, take extra tests, write multiple essays, and even go to an interview. We knew only 8% of the top students in the nation could be accepted, yet we were still crushed when he received notification that they’d be unable to offer him admission.

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Usually optimistic and positive, my son grieved the loss of his dream, and my mom’s heart was bruised at seeing him so disappointed. He’d worked hard, seemingly for nothing. It seemed so unfair that I couldn’t help but ask God, “What are you doing?”

The next day I told my sob story to a friend over coffee. Her response surprised me:

“If God didn’t close doors, we wouldn’t know which ones to go through.”

Her common sense wisdom shifted my attitude. My friend was right. We always want to see God open doors for us, and sometimes He does. We’re excited when we start a new position at work, or when God provides the money for a new car. If we get accepted into a master’s program or an exclusive professional group, we thank Him for opening doors. But sometimes God closes a door, and that closed door is part of His leading, too.

Scripture tells us God not only opens doors, but He also closes them.

When God closes doors, it

He opens the right doors and closes the wrong ones to lead us down the path He has for us. Maybe you’re facing a closed door that disappointed you: you got laid off from work, or the sale on your house didn’t close. Maybe your child didn’t make the swim team.

Rest assured that God will open another door for you

The day after my son got his devastating news, he received acceptance and a generous scholarship to a university honors program in our home state. He has had access to excellent education and opportunities. Last fall he studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, and this spring he represented his school at a conference in New York City. Remembering his initial disappointment, we marvel now at God’s goodness, and we suspect he’s happier than he would have been at the elite school on the East Coast.

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Friend, if you’re looking at a closed door today, take heart.

1. Wait on God

When God closes a door, I tend to keep banging on it and try to make things happen myself. Maybe a better approach is to step back and wait on the Lord. Psalm 25:4 encourages us to pray, “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me.”

When God closes doors, it

2. Keep Trusting Him.

You may have to wait for an open door longer than my son did, but even when things don’t go like you hope, Psalm 25:10 encourages you to remember God’s goodness. “All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful.”

God is in control. He has a plan, and he’ll lead you through it. Sooner or later, He’ll open the right door for you. And when you go through that open door, you’ll give thanks for the ones He closed.

Now it’s your turn: Has God opened or closed a door in your life lately?

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Are you facing the challenges of life on an empty tank? Need help renewing your relationship with God?

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Photo Credit: Melika


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