When Is All Saints Sunday 2023

A Moment for Mission

“And there was a great crowd that no one could number. They were from every nation, tribe, people, and language. They were standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” —Revelation 7:9, CEB

Historically, the church has confessed a belief in the “communion of the saints,” which includes not only all living believers but also all who have gone before us. When we celebrate Holy Communion, we experience the communion of saints, feasting with believers past, present and future. The author of Hebrews 12 (CEB) reminds us that these saints, a “great cloud of witnesses,” surround us and cheer us on.

On All Saints’ Day, United Methodists publicly remember and honor those who have passed away. Celebrated on the first Sunday in November, many congregations light candles, ring bells of remembrance and call the names of those lost in the previous year as a way of honoring the impact their lives have had on us.

Another way to remember the saints who have gone before us is to make a gift in their memory. Select an Advance Project that reflects the person’s passion or interests and 100% of your gift will benefit the mission you designate.

Each Advance project has been vetted and approved by Global Ministries and Advance staff to ensure that projects are aligned with the goals of The United Methodist Church in the local area, help develop partnerships that are mutually advantageous, tell the story of projects and missionaries and report how giving is making an impact. Giving in memory of a loved one is a way to honor their legacy on All Saints’ Sunday.

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Children’s Message

Today is a special day in our church family as we celebrate All Saints’ Sunday. It’s a time when we remember and honor all the people who have gone before us, who have lived faithful lives and are now with God in heaven. In the book of Revelation 7:9, we find a beautiful description of a great crowd gathered before God’s throne.

“And there was a great crowd that no one could number. They were from every nation, tribe, people, and language. They were standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

This verse reminds us of the incredible diversity that God celebrates and embraces on earth and in heaven. All Saints’ Sunday reminds us that we are connected in God’s family, no matter where we come from or what language we speak.

When we live in harmony and love, we honor the saints who have gone before us and prepare the way for those who will come after us.

Who are some of the people you want to name today? (light a candle or ring a bell as names are said).

A Prayer Meditation for All Saints’ Day(Written by Safiyah Fosua)

We give you thanks, O God, for all the saints who ever worshiped you, whether in arbors or cathedrals, wooden churches or cement meeting houses.

We give you thanks, O God, for hands lifted in praise: manicured hands and hands stained with grease or soil, strong hands and hands gnarled with age, holy hands.

We thank you, God, for hardworking saints, whether hard-hatted or aproned, blue-collared or three-piece-suited. They left their mark for you, for us, for our children to come.

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Thank you for the sacrifices made by those who have gone before us. Bless the memories of your saints. May we learn how to walk wisely from their examples of faith, dedication, worship, and love.

Offertory Prayer (Discipleship Ministries)

God of all generations, as we worship today, we offer our whole selves to you, all that we have and all that we are. Like your saints who have gone before us, we pray that you will help us to be bold in our mission and in our witness. May we who have been given so much give freely, ministering in your compassion to the multitudes near and far, so that one day, we may stand amid the multitude that gathers at your heavenly throne. We pray this in the name of our Savior and Redeemer, Christ our Lord. Amen. (Revelation 7:9-17)

Newsletter Nugget

“And there was a great crowd that no one could number. They were from every nation, tribe, people, and language. They were standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” —Revelation 7:9, CEB

On All Saints’ Day, United Methodists publicly remember and honor those who have passed away. Celebrated on the first Sunday in November, many congregations light candles, ring bells of remembrance and call the names of those lost in the previous year as a way of honoring the impact their lives have had on us.

Another way to remember the saints who have gone before us is to make a gift in their memory. Select an Advance Project that reflects the person’s passion or interests and 100% of your gift will benefit the mission you designate, including these:

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in Cambodia through service to women, children and formerly trafficked individuals;

in the Democratic Republic of Congo through agricultural and environmental projects;

in Guatemala through the empowerment of local indigenous churches; and

in Southeast Asia through education initiatives.

The Advance connects the church in mission through evangelism and church revitalization, missionaries, global health and disaster response and recovery. Every contribution makes a difference in this important work. Giving in memory of a loved one is a way to honor their legacy on All Saints’ Sunday while joining in God’s mission of transforming families, communities and societies through the power of the gospel.

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