When Is Ash Wednesday 2021

Ash Wednesday is a significant day in the Christian calendar, as it denotes the beginning of the Christ observance of Lent, which precedes Easter.

This year, the day falls on Wednesday 14 February 2024. It’s observed by individuals from various sectors of Christianity, including Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists.

The practices of Ash Wednesday, such as the placing of ashes on the foreheads of participants, go back centuries. The holiday is also the solemn day of fasting and reflection that signals the start of Christianity’s most penitent season

Here’s everything you need to know about Ash Wednesday:

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, a 40-day period of abstinence. As a result, most adults Catholics who observe Lent will be fasting on 14 February. As part of lent, they go on to abstain from richer foods, like different meats, until Easter. Some who take part also abstain from everyday habits such as watching excessive amounts of television.

Christians take part in the annual abstinent period of Lent in order to commemorate Jesus Christ, who, according to a biblical narrative, once spent 40 days and nights fasting in the Judaean Desert while being tempted by Satan.

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This year, Ash Wednesday takes place on Wednesday 14 February. Ash Wednesday also occurs exactly 46 days before Easter Sunday, which falls on 31 March 2024.

In addition, Ash Wednesday occurs a day after Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Day. On Pancake Day, as the name suggests, it’s customary to eat pancakes and other rich foods in preparation for Lent.

Meanwhile, Easter Sunday is always held on the first Sunday after a full moon following the Spring Equinox.

This year, Ash Wednesday also falls on another popular holiday: Valetine’s Day. With that in mind, Rhode Island Catholic released a statement from Bishop Richard Henning, urging those who observe Ash Wednesday to have their Valentine’s Day celebrations early.

“Ash Wednesday is the much higher value and deserves the full measure of our devotion,” he said in the statement. “I ask with all respect that we maintain the unique importance of Ash Wednesday. If you would like to wine and dine your Valentine, please do so on the Tuesday before. February 13 is Mardi Gras, ‘Fat Tuesday,’ a perfect day to feast and celebrate!”

While not all Christians observe Ash Wednesday, those who do typically attend a church service where members of the clergy mark crosses on the foreheads of worshippers using ashes, or sprinkle ashes over their heads as a sign of repentance.

The ashes, which are mixed with holy water or olive oil, are made by burning palm leaves on Shrove Tuesday. Usually, these ashes used on Ash Wednesday this year would have also last been used during the church service for Palm Sunday the previous year.

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Palm Sunday occurs on the 24 March this year, one week before Easter Sunday. The holiday commemorates Christ’s entry into Jerusalem days before the Last Supper. As the cross is marked on a person’s forehead by a member of the clergy, they say: “Remember that you are guest, and to dust you shall return.”

Alternatively, the priest may say: “Repent and believe in the gospel.”

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