HomeWHENWhen Is Dean Winchester's Birthday

When Is Dean Winchester’s Birthday

It’s January 24, 2024. This is the fourth January 24th without Supernatural, and you might think that Dean Winchester’s birthday would no longer be important. That maybe it might be a day like any other, without recognition or celebration. That surely the fandom would have moved on by now.

But you’d be wrong. And I am SO grateful!

It’s been a week of the hashtag #HappyBirthdayDeanWeek with fans recalling our favorite Dean moments each day. That means my timeline has been extra awesome, because I still can’t think of anything I’d rather be thinking about (and seeing) than Dean Winchester. It’s really saying something about how complex both the character and the portrayal were that fandom has continued to disagree about his motivations and personality traits, his heroism and his failures, who he loves and what he values and who he wants to be, right on through the end of the show and going on four years later. There’s still brand new fanfic being written with Dean Winchester in a starring (or co-starring) role and there are still fan conventions that draw thousands of people and elicit questions about the show and the character. And again, I’m so grateful.

I’m also thankful that the gifted actor how brought him to life continues to love Dean Winchester too – and to keep him safe, as he said, “right here with me.” Jensen’s insights in the book There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done include what he misses about Dean – his badassery, his humility, his vulnerability.

Jensen: It has been a privilege to play a character like Dean who has inspired so many people, because any excuse to give up is not an excuse that is good enough for the Winchesters. This is who they are. They fought because they believed in what they were fighting for, and that’s a part of the show that people connect with—to keep fighting the good fight, not giving up because the odds are stacked against you. Supernatural embodies that kind of resilience. I think Dean’s legacy is that he never gives up. He keeps fighting no matter what. The show carries the message to always keep fighting for each other, and that has inspired the fandom to keep fighting too, whatever fight they are facing.

He has also said he didn’t think he would ever say goodbye to Dean Winchester – that for him and for Jared Padalecki, the characters are woven into the fabric of their makeup and who they are as individuals.

Over the past year, both Jared and Jensen have talked about how much they’d like to bring back Sam and Dean and Supernatural. A limited series, a movie, a reboot of some kind. Maybe a chance to explore that “sweet spot” between besting Chuck and that fateful day in the barn. Maybe a “we’re needed” hiatus from Heaven. Some fans are concerned that any continuation of the series might mess with the canon that is awesome the way it is, or that the quality might be closer to late seasons inconsistency than early seasons artistry. I share those concerns but I would happily take the risk to have the Winchester brothers back!

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The industry is all over the place right now, so who knows if it will be possible, but it’s a comfort to me knowing that Jensen and Jared want them back too. I’ve loved their other work – I’m about to mail Jensen his contributor copy of the new book, Supes Ain’t Always Heroes, which takes a deep dive into The Boys and Soldier Boy (including Jensen’s insights into that fascinating character). So clearly I love that show and character too!

But I will always miss Dean Winchester. Always.

Here are my favorite moments that I tweeted for this past week’s celebration. Isn’t it obvious why I am quite sure there will never be another character like Dean Winchester??

Day One – Fave young Dean childhood memory

I chose A Very Supernatural Christmas, the moment when Sam gifts Dean the Samulet. I vividly remember watching that episode when it aired and being so emotional. We knew Dean’s amulet well by then – I think I even owned a replica – but we didn’t know its backstory. To find out that it had been special to the brothers since their childhood, that it symbolized how they stuck together and had each other’s backs since they were little, often the two of them against the world – that made the amulet even more special.

Day Two – Fave comedic Dean moment

There are SO many to choose from, but I think the time I’ve laughed the hardest in this entire series is during the “bad acting” scene in The French Mistake. Dean’s FACE! That whole episode is a showcase for the comedic acting chops of Jared, Jensen and Misha – they are all beyond brilliant, including in this scene. Even though I’ve seen it countless times, I STILL cannot watch it without laughing out loud.

Though alot of other hilarious moments come to mind too…

Day Three – Fave action moment

I’ll sound like a broken record if I keep saying “there are so many” but….

For this, I chose one of the earlier Dean moments that made a huge impact. The end of Season 2, when there had been so much build up to the Winchesters trying to kill the Yellow Eyed Demon who destroyed their lives, and so much heartbreak when Sam was killed (and then resurrected), that the final showdown felt amazing. And when Dean aimed his gun and that bullet flew? DAYUM. Talk about Dean Winchester badassery. No wonder Jensen missed that aspect of playing Dean!

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There were a few runners up that I saw on my timeline this week too, with good reason! That Reverse 180? Is it hot in here?

Day Four – Fave emotional moment

Broken record again, but seriously, the emotional moments are what really made me fall in love with this Show.

So I’ll choose one of the emotional moments that did that – that sealed the deal and landed me here, 16 years later, still missing Dean Winchester. It’s the scene at the end of Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things, when Dean pulls the Impala over on a gorgeous mountainside and opens up to Sam about how he’s really feeling. I remember watching it and the papers I was grading (yes, with a pen, it was a long time ago) just sliding right off my lap onto the floor as I stared open mouthed. This show – this character – I realized, was so much more than a little horror show on the CW. Holy shit, it was SO much more! All the kudos to Jensen for showing us just how deeply Dean Winchester feels, and to Eric Kripke for writing him that way.

Runner up was this scene that many others chose – one of the first times that Dean makes himself vulnerable, admitting to Sam that what he longs for, more than anything, is for them to be a family again. Kim Manners talked about how Jensen struggled with that scene, but as always – maybe because of that struggle – it ended up being incredibly moving and powerful.

Day Five – Fave inspirational Dean moment

This was a harder one, because (like Jensen) I find Dean inspiring in many ways, including his refusal to give up, his determination to Always Keep Fighting, his loyalty to his friends, and his unwavering support of his little brother.

There are many moments when Dean proves his love to Sam and the lengths he’s willing to go to in order to protect his family, and they all inspire me. Sure, the Winchesters probably shouldn’t sell their souls for each other or let the world burn to save the other, but that’s what’s so great about fictional characters – they are so damn compelling even when in real life that might not be a great idea. Or, you know, super healthy. But it’s so much of what I love about this show and this character. This is one of my favorite ones, when Dean lays it all out for Sam to save him from finishing the trials – and dying.

Day Six –

Fave moment of chemistry with another person

Call it Sam and Dean or call it Jared and Jensen, but the chemistry they’ve had since day one is what is widely acknowledged as the secret sauce to the show’s success. They have chemistry when they’re teasing each other like every annoying sibling ever, who nevertheless would have your back no matter what.

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They have chemistry when they’re doing what they do (hunting) and they have chemistry when they’ve got each other’s backs. They’re so in sync sometimes they fall into step without even realizing it.

They have chemistry on the show and chemistry on the gag reels and chemistry at conventions.

From the very first season to the very last.

No wonder I miss watching them so much!

The last day is post whatever you want, so I’ll just close with a few Dean moments that make me smile. Sam and Dean belting out Night Moves driving along in Baby, a rare moment of pure fun, the two of them on the road in the car that was always home.

Dean and Cas sharing a drink and a laugh, another rare moment when the universe wasn’t on the verge of falling apart (at that very moment) and Dean could take the time to relax and enjoy Castiel’s company.

Dean mowing the lawn in WIAWSNB, so happy to be doing such a mundane thing. It wasn’t even reality, but somehow that makes it even more poignant. He had so little of “normalcy” and doing that for his mother brought so much joy.

Dean leaping over that fence like it’s nothing… okay, that’s a different kind of smile inspiring. Still, favorite moment, I’m not gonna lie…

Let’s end with this one, another moment of happiness. A morning tradition – an armful of fluffy affectionate Miracle. Sam and Dean having time to actually develop ordinary at-home traditions, what kind of miracle is that? If you can be glad for a fictional character, I’m glad for Dean, that he had all that.

If you’re missing Dean Winchester and Supernatural too, you can read the two books all about why the show and its characters have changed people’s lives, from the perspectives of fans and from the perspectives of the actors who brought them to life so vividly – including Jensen, Jared, Misha and many more. It always makes me happy to read how much they love their characters and the show and the fandom – no coincidence that There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done ends with Jensen’s chapter and the words:

And let’s be clear. Supernatural will never end. The show might, but what it has built? This will never end. Besides, nothing ever stays dead on Supernatural.

Damn right.

Happy birthday, Dean Winchester.

I hope I get to see you again soon.

Gifs peach-coke, Incastielswings, heytheredean, kendaspntwd, samdeans, roadtripwithmybrother, ambrina, mishaa, theminimoose


You can read Jensen’s thoughts on Dean and

Jared’s thoughts on Sam and many other

actors’ insights in There’ll Be Peace When

You Are Done and Family Don’t End With

Blood (and Jensen’s thoughts on

Soldier Boy in Supes Ain’t Always Heroes)

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