HomeWHENWhen Is Denim Day 2023

When Is Denim Day 2023

What is Denim Day?

On April 24th, 2024, Someplace Safe, along with thousands of individuals and organizations across the country, will observe Denim Day during Sexual Assault Awareness Month to honor and support victims and survivors of sexual violence.

The campaign was originally triggered af­ter a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court, where a rape conviction was overturned ­due to the belief that since the victim was wearing tight jeans, she must have helped her attacker remove them … thereby implying consent. The following day, the women of the Italian Parliament came to work wearing jeans, in solidarity with the victim. Today, wearing jeans on Denim Day has become a worldwide symbol against the misconceptions about sexual violence.

Participate in Denim Day on April 24th.

AND, the great news is that anyone can participate in Denim Day from ANYWHERE!

Denim Day 2024

Check out the participation options below:

– Make a social statement by wearing your favorite pair of jeans on April 24th as a visible symbol of support for survivors of sexual violence. Get your friends and coworkers involved in sporting denim for the day… or participate from home.

– Spread the word about Denim Day on social media by posting your participation photos on April 24th and using the hashtag #denimday. Show off your denim to friends and followers! Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/spsdenimday

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– Request your Denim Day stickers and flyers, allowing you to raise awareness on April 24th. They will also serve as a great conversation starter for friends, family, colleagues, and classmates. Feel free to place a flyer in your front window, on your bulletin board, in your break room, etc.

Participate in the Dollars for Denim Campaign.

You may also choose to support Someplace Safe and local survivors of sexual violence by either making a Dollars for Denim contribution or coordinating a Dollars for Denim collection within your workplace, campus, or group.

Pledges may be mailed or dropped off at your local Someplace Safe office, or send to: Someplace Safe, P.O. Box 815, Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0815.

No matter how you plan to participate in Denim Day, we thank you for doing your part in putting an end to sexual violence in the community.

To request Denim Day stickers or flyers, please email us at [email protected] or contact your local Someplace Safe office.

Want to print your own Denim Day flyers? Click on the links below:

Denim Day Participant Flyer

Denim Day Campaign Info

Denim Day Pledge Form

Feel free to use the Denim Day graphics below on your social media profiles on April 26th!

Denim Day 2024Denim Day 2024

Learn more about Denim Day at https://www.denimdayinfo.org

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