When Is Furina Banner

New Genshin Impact 4.2 leaks have unveiled who the featured 4-star characters will be on Furina’s upcoming banner. They point to Charlotte, Beidou, and Collei being the three featured 4-star units for the next patch’s first phase. For those who don’t know, the upcoming Wish is expected to launch on November 8, 2023, though it hasn’t been confirmed by miHoYo yet.

This article will include a countdown to Furina’s banner date, as many players are eager to finally have the opportunity to play as the Hydro Archon. Related information, such as other reruns on that banner, will also be provided for the reader’s convenience.

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Genshin Impact 4.2 Furina banner leaks

The leak, credited to Full Stop Chan, was posted on Reddit by u/Far-Papaya6215. Genshin Impact 4.2’s banners will apparently feature the following two 5-star characters:

  • Baizhu
  • Furina

The leak also reveals the featured 4-stars for that version, which include:

  • Charlotte
  • Beidou
  • Collei

Furina and Charlotte will be brand-new characters in Version 4.2. The former is a 5-star Hydro Sword unit, while the latter is a 4-star Cryo Catalyst. Both their Wishes will feature the same featured 4-star units. Just know that Furina won’t be on Baizhu’s rerun, so players who plan to get her should specifically roll on her banner.

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Countdown to Furina’s banner

Any new character who is playable in the first half of an update will have the same release date and time as when that patch launched. Travelers can estimate that Genshin Impact 4.2 will launch on November 8, 2023, at 11 am (UTC+8). Note that all recent patches went live around 11 am (UTC+8).

As for the specific date, Version Updates tend to last for 42 days. If Version 4.1 launched on September 27, 2023, then it would be logical for Genshin Impact 4.2 to debut on November 8, 2023. Ergo, the Hydro Archon will be playable around 11 am (UTC+8) on November 8, 2023.

When is Furina’s release date?

Old leaks suggested that the Hydro Archon would be playable in the first phase of Genshin Impact 4.2. New rumors indicate the same, which is why the aforementioned November 8, 2023, date is likely Furina’s release date. It is vital to mention that people in the western side of the world will get her around late November 7, 2023, due to time zone differences.

Her signature Sword will also be summonable on the same day, except on Epitome Invocation.

Genshin Impact 4.2 reruns

Based on currently available leaks, the following characters are having reruns in the upcoming Version Update:

  • Baizhu (1st Phase)
  • Cyno (2nd Phase)
  • Ayato (2nd Phase)

Here are the last times these units were summonable:

  • Baizhu: May 2, 2023 – May 23, 2023
  • Cyno: March 1, 2023 – March 21, 2023
  • Ayato: December 27, 2022 – January 17, 2023
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If this rerun rumor is true, then that inevitably means Jadefall’s Splendor, Staff of the Scarlet Sands, and Haran Geppaku Futsu will all be summonable in their respective Epitome Invocations.

Remember, all content discussed in leaks is subject to change. Travelers must wait until the eventual Genshin Impact 4.2 livestream to see if this rerun rumor is true and if Charlotte will be on Furina’s banner.

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