When Is Tweeks Birthday


Full name: Tweek Tweak

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: March 5th (Pisces)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: American

Religion: Roman Catholic

City or town of birth: South Park

Currently lives: South Park

Languages spoken: English

Relationship Status: None


Height: 168 cm

Weight: 38.6 kg

Figure/build: Underweight

Hair colour: Blonde

Hairstyle: Disorganised mess

Eye colour: Brown/green

Skin/fur/etc colour: Extremely pale

Preferred style of clothing: Casual smart


Addictions: Coffee

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Paranoia, Insomnia, Tourette’s Syndrome, OCD, mild depression.

Any medication regularly taken: (In a morning) Klonopin, Loxapine, Vitamin tablets, Dormonoct (On a night) Restoril, Sonata.


Personality: Very nervous and paranoid. He’s honest and has strong morals but has trouble functioning in society due to his condition. He’s prone to nervoud breakdowns and usually overreacts to the smallest things. He has very destructive habits that are an instictive attempt to calm himself down. He hates that he’s so weak willed but can stand up for himself if he really feels angry. He’s also very intelligent and capable of multi-tasking, but if too many things are going on at once in his head he usually breaks down. He’s very lonely but often takes the chance to enjoy his solitude, he wishes for a good friend who will take care of him. He gets picked on a lot because of how he twitches and dramaticises all the time.

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Likes: Small pets and music

Dislikes: Responsibilities and being made fun of. People pushing him around.

Fears/phobias: Anything remotely dangerous

Favourite colour: Green

Hobbies: Listening to music

Taste in music: Trance and calming music

Verbal tics: ‘Gah’ ‘Nngh’ ‘Argh’ ect.


Talents/skills: Boxing

Current job: Harbucks shopkeep


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore: Omnivore

Favourite food(s): Toast

Favourite drink(s): Coffee

Disliked food: Anything really spicy

Disliked drinks: Tea


Describe the character’s house/home: Filled with the smell of coffee beans and fairly nice and cozy. It’s a three bedroomed house with a large kitchen.

Describe the character’s room: A medium sized room filled with things that calm Tweek down, or that make him feel safe. He has a single bed and a wicker half circle chair. There are tons of different coloured and sized pillows around, on the floor as well. He owns the same chest of drawers he did when he was 8. He has a laptop on his desk and an iPod dock as well. His curtains are a forest green and he has dimmer switch lighting. He has a tall lamp next to his bed and a table lamp on his desk.


Parents names: Richard Tweak and Mrs. Tweak

Is the character still in contact with their parents? Yes

Enemies? Why are they enemies? Eric Cartman. He always teases and manipulates Tweek far worse than the other students.


Describe their childhood (newborn – age 10): Tweek was born a few days earlier than he should’ve and was a very small child. He was always very nervous and shy but it was when he reached the age of 4 that he began to show symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome. His parents passed it off as ADD and continued to give him coffee regularly. When he entered school he started to become more prone to panic attacks and paranoia, as he reached the age of 6 he had developed insomnia and his twitching had grown worse. His parents took him to a therapist and he picked up his love of calming music from his therapy. When he became 10 he developed mild OCD for locking doors and windows before he went to bed, mainly due to the gnomes that he claimed came at 3 am and stole his underwear. His parents refused to believe the claim and took him to a new therapist.

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Describe their teenage years (11 – 17): When he reached 13 he was finally prescribed Restoril and Sonata, for his insomnia. He rarely took them, without telling his parents, and continued to stay up through the night. 2 years after, when he was 15, he was prescribed the rest of his medicine, for his panic attacks and Tourette’s syndrome. However he still twitches and is still very paranoid. Sometimes he gets scared and refuses to take his medicine, usually resulting in high blood pressure and passing out. After a few days of not taking it, his blood pressure returns to normal. He was outcast by his old friends at school and usually eats his lunch on top of his locker. He’s seen as a wierdo and a freak, people often say that there is no place for Tweek Tweak in society. People believe he will never get anywhere in life. Tweek believes this as well. He’s fed up with his situation and wants nothing more to be stable and like all of the other kids but he can’t give up his addiction to coffee and he knows his mental state will never get better. He’s had several therapists by this point and currently doesn’t have one. Although he tries to stop himself, he usually resorts to destructive behaviour to calm himself down. This includes things like, biting his bottom lip until it will bleed and pulling his hair out. He continuously tries to stop himself from doing these things but often cannot help it.

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