HomeWHENWhen Mercury Retrograde

When Mercury Retrograde

Sounds lovely, huh?

What to expect when Mercury is next in retrograde in Aries (1 – 24 April)

Mercury retrograde kindly saw us through the holiday season and into January, with the final day of Mercury retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius on 1 January 2024.

And next up, it returns in April.

April’s Mercury retrograde is in Aries, and while each retrograde affects all star signs, it’s the sign which it falls under that sees the deepest effects.

Those who deem themselves impulsive may want to be more considered in how they approach things during this next Mercury retrograde as things you might usually rush through or not pay much mind to are far more likely to be misconstrued and lead to problems down the line.

Take this as an opportunity to set things straight in all key areas of your life, but particularly in your relationships. If you’ve had a falling out recently now is a good time to apologise and hear the other person out.

Events might be cancelled and you may have issues communicating effectively during Mercury retrograde in Aries, so this is a prime time to place accuracy over urgency and strip back to basics.

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See this as an opportunity to take stock, be patient and set yourself up for the rest of the year and by the time post-retrograde shadows ends on 13 May you could be in a much better place.

What else can you do when Mercury is in retrograde?

Mercury retrograde affects everyone differently, and there are ways to make navigating this uncertain time a little easier. Here’s what you can do to set yourself up for Mercury retrograde this year:

It’s important to remember that potential impacts of Mercury retrograde are ultimately theoretical. So even if it does feel like things might be out of their usual rhythm, don’t neglect to acknowledge that this could be due to you being more conscious of potential changes and so paying more mind to these.

Stressing over potential issues ultimately won’t change anything so try and roll with the punches as best you can and avoid dramatising. Remaining calm will not only help with your general outlook but will also ensure that you’re in a far better position to navigate any unexpected changes during this time.

Given that the planet Mercury rules communications in every form, whether it be writing or speaking, make an effort to pay greater mind to what this encompasses, from things like negotiations and work dealings to travel plans and messaging.

Simple things like reviewing your emails to ensure there’s no room for misunderstandings or allowing yourself extra time to look over any new contracts will make all the difference, so bear this in mind and make allowances if people seem to be shorter than usual or are misconstruing your words.

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As above, Mercury retrograde is ripe for misunderstandings, so consider pressing pause on any major conversations that will have a long-term impact on you.


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