When To Call Animal Control

Animals can bring joy and beauty to our lives, whether as the pets who occupy space in our homes or the birds at the birdfeeder outside. However, not all animals are welcome everywhere, and if you have encountered an animal that you believe is somewhere that it should not be, you may be at a loss for what to do next. The good news is that companies and organizations exist that can help you by removing unwanted animals humanely. However, who you should call depends upon what type of problem you are having.

Animal Control vs. Pest Control

While many people use the terms “animal control” and “pest control” interchangeably, they are actually two different things. The government does provide its own animal control unit, though you may find private companies that perform this service as well. Animal control focuses primarily on domesticated animals or large animals, whereas pest control is more about removing unwanted visitors such as termites. However, there is some overlap in these areas, and so to understand exactly who you should reach out to, it is important to learn more about how animals are commonly differentiated when it comes to removal.

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Domesticated Animals

Perhaps some of the most common animals you will encounter day to day are domesticated animals. These creatures are pets—animals that are owned and cared for by someone. When you locate a domesticated animal on your property, it is probably a stray that has gotten away from home. Whether it is a dog, cat, snake or even a chicken, if you can tell that it is owned by someone (it has a collar or harness, as an example), animal control is likely your best call. They can remove the animal and attempt to find its original owner.

Even if an animal appears domesticated and friendly, it is important to remember that pets can cause injury. A frightened pet may lash out, or it may have contracted rabies while it was away from home. Never approach an animal that you do not recognize. Leave this problem to animal control.

Wild Pest Animals

If you have spotted non-pet animals such as opossums or skunks nearby, animal control is not likely to help. This is more of a call for wildlife control or pest control. The good news is that some companies, like Spartan Animal and Pest Control, overlap their experience to deal with problems like this and can help you to humanely remove problem animals like squirrels and skunks from your property.

Particularly large or dangerous animals like deer or coyotes may be the domain of professional wildlife control experts, but most smaller animals can be tackled by a pest control service with experience outside of insects. Of course, insects are also the purview of pest control, whether they are ants, bees or spiders. Never approach a wild pest animal trying to scare it away from your property; they may carry illnesses that are harmful to humans.

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Non-Pest Visitors

If you have unwanted visitors at your home that you would not necessarily consider “pests” but would like to remove, such as songbirds that are making nests in inconvenient places, a pest control or animal control service can help with this too. For bird’s nests, in particular, it is important to leave this project to the experts so that the mother can still return to the nest rather than abandoning it because it has been moved incorrectly.

Calling a pest control service does not mean that the animals in question will be killed; reputable services will do everything in their power to humanely remove the animals from your property and prevent the problem from recurring. This means sealing up gaps, removing opportune food sources and making your home a less appealing habitat in the future.

Trust The Experts To Remove A Problematic Animal, No Matter The Type

Whether you are faced with an influx of wild animals onto your property or you have rodents or pests that are infiltrating your home, it is best to leave contact with animals to the experts. The professionals at Spartan Animal and Pest Control are happy to serve as your first line of defense against wildlife of all types.

We can advise you when the right time is to call a wildlife control officer or when we are able to humanely remove the issue from your property. We specialize in comprehensive treatment, meaning that we will not simply remove the problem—we will work with you to stop it from happening again. Reach out over the phone at (508) 504- 9164 or online to learn more about the right strategy to deal with the animal(s) on your property.

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