When To Fertilize Evergreens

Like all of your landscape plants, evergreens require nutrients to grow.

Many times, these come from the soil, but most home soils are not as nutritious as the soils in places like the forest floor that are full of rich, organic matter. Unfortunately, you can’t take the forest floor with you when you’re planting evergreens in your yard.

As a result, evergreens require fertilizer. But proper timing is important. You might be wondering when to fertilize evergreens specifically, and that answer is dependent on your region and USDA plant hardiness zone, as well as your tree species and current tree health.

Is winter an appropriate time? Usually not. Early spring is ideal. Let’s learn why.

When To Fertilize Evergreens

Slow-release fertilization is so beneficial for your evergreens.

First, fertilization helps evergreens maintain a consistent color. No one wants browning or yellowing evergreen needles. A lack of consistent foliage color can be a sign of when to fertilize evergreens.

Slower new growth may also be a good sign your evergreen needs fertilization. But remember that newly transplanted or young evergreens could show slower growth until they are reestablished.

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You shouldn’t have to see these signs, though, on healthy evergreen trees that are receiving consistent nutrition from slow-release fertilizer.

When Is The Best Time To Fertilize Evergreens?

The ideal way to determine your fertilizer choice is to conduct a soil test to confirm what nutrients your soil is lacking.

Davey licensed, professional arborists, trust Arbor Green PRO, Arbor Green PRO P-free, and Arbor Green Xtra plus B to fertilize trees. They inject these fertilizers directly into the soil of the tree’s root zone. With these slow-release formulas, you don’t have to stress about the best time to fertilize evergreens.

However, fertilizing during certain seasons can be beneficial.

When To Fertilize Evergreens In Spring

The best time to fertilize evergreens is said to be before new growth expands in early spring.

This may start in April, depending on your region and the specific tree you’re fertilizing.

Be careful when fertilizing later in the summer season once the weather becomes drier. Drought-stressed plants may not respond well to fertilization.

When To Fertilize Evergreens In Fall

Whether you missed the spring fertilization window or are concerned about your evergreens, you might be wondering if there’s an ideal time for when in fall to fertilize evergreens.

For evergreens lacking nutrients, a slow-release fertilizer can be applied in late summer through fall, as long as the soil remains moist. This can help evergreens survive winter and emerge healthier in spring.

To avoid winter burn or winter dryness, you should also remember to water your evergreens regularly through late fall.

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