HomeWHENWhen To Plant A Dogwood Tree

When To Plant A Dogwood Tree

Before Getting to How to Plant a Dogwood Tree, Some General Information!

Knowing how to plant a dogwood tree can help the tree have a good start in its growth. There are many varieties of dogwoods, such as Kousa, Cornelian cherry, and flowering dogwood. In fact the flowering dogwood is the state tree for Missouri and Virginia and blooms with beautiful white, pink, and rose blossoms! So we have created this seven step guide on how to plant these wonderful trees. Below you will also find some more information that will help you pick the right location to plant.

  • Uses: Dogwoods are perfect for landscaping, especially near utility lines, patios, and larger buildings because of their size. Moreover you can use the bark for medicinal purposes. The fruit of the Cornelian cherry dogwood is also very delicious in jams and is greatly underused in America.
  • Size/Shape: With variations depending on the dogwood, the flowering dogwood at maturity has a height of 25′ and a spread of around 25′.
  • Color: In the spring, these trees are known for their white, pink, red flowers. However in the fall, the leaves turn a beautiful red-purple. When the bright red fruits are ripe, songbirds come to enjoy them.
  • Hardiness Zones: 5-9 (flowering dogwood)
  • Bloom Period: blooms in April-May.
  • Cultivation: With partial sun (it prefers dappled shade) and proper pruning, watering, and mulching maintenance these trees can grow 13-24″ per year. You can also add a beneficial fungi to its soil called mycorrhizal fungi which will help grow its roots by 20 times and prevent some root diseases.
  • Soil Preference: The dogwood tree can grow in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well-drained and clay soils. However it does prefer moist conditions.
  • Wildlife Value: Many birds and various animals such as foxes, squirrels, rabbits, and beavers eat the delicious fruit. Deer and rabbits also browse the foliage and twigs.
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How to Plant a Dogwood Tree in 7 Steps

When to Plant Dogwood Trees

For bare root trees in hardiness zones 7 and below, plant when the tree is dormant and when the ground is thawed, hence early spring. If you plant in the fall, you risk having a very harsh winter damage and kill the trees before their roots establish themselves in the soil. In the summer the low moisture and high heat may cause stress and damage. Therefore you can plant once the ground thaws and there is no rain or snow. Depending on your region, this can be anytime between February to May. If you are planting in a container and not bare root, you are more flexible since you’ll be planting with the soil that the roots have established themselves in. However even with a container, be careful during the winters since the ground can’t be frozen and it shouldn’t be too wet.

However for planting in zones 8 and above which don’t have cold winters, you can plant bare root trees in the winter and fall since the tree is dormant and doesn’t risk damage from the harsh winters. Additionally, it is easier to plant containerised trees in the winter for these zones.

How to Plant a Dogwood Tree: Materials Needed

1. Prepare Tree

2. Prepare Soil

3. Dig

4. Place

5. Fill

6. Water

7. Protect

How to Grow a Dogwood Tree After Planting

After you have mastered how to plant a dogwood tree, you will need to take care of it. Fortunately, the dogwood tree is pretty easy to grow. Here are some basic information on watering and pruning a dogwood tree.

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How to Water a Dogwood Tree

How to Prune a Dogwood Tree

Knowing how to plant a dogwood tree is an important step in growing these beautiful trees.

You can read more in our growing guide about not only how to plant, but also how to take care of your tree. If you would like to discover other trees, explore our tree catalog or shop page.


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