When To Plant Peonies In Nc

Mulch peonies each spring with a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic matter to control weeds, conserve moisture and to keep the soil cool. In the fall, remove and destroy the old mulch to aid disease control. Leave the plants unmulched during the winter. Maintain adequate phosphorus levels in the soil for healthy, vigorous root development and growth. Soil test every 3 years to monitor for essential nutrients.

Apply a low nitrogen fertilizer such as 5-10-10 at the rate of 2 to 3 lb per 100 ft2 (2 Tbsp per ft2; 1/2 cup per plant) in the spring when the stems are about 2 or 3 inches high. Over-fertilization, especially with nitrogen, usually results in weak stems and reduced flowering.

To produce larger flowers, a practice known as disbudding is recommended. The terminal bud on each stem tip is left and all side buds are removed. This should be done as soon as the buds are visible. To prevent the large flowers from breaking or bending over during a strong wind or rain, plants should be staked. Sink the stake behind the plant and use stakes that are 6 to 12 inches shorter than the plants so they will not be visible. Loosely tie the stems to the stake using plastic covered wire or a soft cloth. Tie the stems, making a double loop, with one loop around the plant and the other around the stake.

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Remove flowers as soon as they fade to prevent seed development, which can use up needed food reserves. The faded flower should be removed just below the flower, leaving as much foliage as possible. Cutting flowers for enjoyment in the home can also reduce the flowering in future years. Do not cut more than one-third to one-half of the flowers for cut flowers and leave as much foliage as possible on the plant.

In the fall, after a heavy frost, remove and destroy the stems of garden peonies down to 3 inches from the soil surface to eliminate the possibility of the fungal diseases overwintering. Tree peonies should not be cut back in the fall.

Peonies do not respond well to transplanting and reestablish slowly. Divide and replant only after they become crowded — usually after 10 to 15 years. Fall is the best time to divide when swollen, red buds are clearly visible. Carefully dig around and under the plant to avoid cutting off roots. Cut tubers with a sharp knife that has been sterilized with a flame or in alcohol. Each section should contain 3 to 5 eyes. Dust cut surfaces with fungicide to discourage disease infection and rot.

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