HomeWHENWhen To Plant Strawberries In Alabama

When To Plant Strawberries In Alabama

Before you start planting strawberry plants, it’s important to check their hardiness zone. Strawberries are a perennial plant that can be grown year round in zones 5-9. For zones 4 & 10, strawberries are considered an annual plant which means they must be replanted each year. Check out this list of states with their corresponding strawberry hardiness zone! Alabama is Zone 7.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the strawberry planting zone and how to successfully plant strawberries. We will also discuss what causes frost and why it is important to protect your plants from frost.

What type of soil should I use when planting my berries?

Strawberries grow best in deep, well-drained soil with lots of extra organic matter mixed in. When planting them, stagger the plants so there is equal ground between plants for better air circulation around the berries themselves. They also work well with trellising for increased sunlight and ventilation. If you need to keep them inside over the winter months, choose pots with at least 10 inches of depth (with plenty of drainage holes) and fill them about two thirds full; then stop watering when it gets cold outside around October or November.

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How to Plant Strawberry Plants?

Depending on the variety, strawberries need to be planted 6-12 inches apart; however, they should still be pruned back when they get too leggy. Cut them back by 30% of their overall size for best results. The runners (branch that grow outwards) can also be trimmed at this time.

When and how should I water my strawberries?

Water strawberries regularly, especially if they’re planted in spring or summer. During periods of heavy rain, you may need to stop watering every day, but after a few weeks it should be back to normal. Too much water can lessen the berry flavor and cause the berries to burst.

The most obvious way to protect strawberry plants from frost is to choose varieties that are able to withstand these frosty conditions. Some exceptions include “Chandler” (zone 5-9), “Midnight” (zone 4-7) and “Arctic Choice” (5). Planting strawberries in raised beds or containers helps with aeration of roots which aids their systems, like circulation, that work together with colder weather protection. Growing strawberries in organic mulch also helps with this because it protects the soil from temperatures that are too low, thus creating a warmer microclimate for the roots. This is especially helpful during winter or hard freezes when temperatures can drop quickly.


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